Team Saber Embassy

SABER continues to pound away. This time they take their frustrations out on The Chamber. I hope this isn't a prelude to an invasion aimed at wrecking our spaceship. Battle log:
Spoiler :
Tile W of The Chamber – road, fortress destroyed; cratered.
Tile SW of The Chamber – road, fortress destroyed; cratered.
Tile S-W of The Chamber – fortress destroyed; cratered.
Tile NE of The Chamber – rails, road, fortress destroyed; cratered.
Tile N-NE of The Chamber – fortress destroyed; cratered.
Tile N-E of The Chamber – barricade, road, fortress destroyed; cratered.

The Chamber:

7 citizens killed.

Tile SE of The Treasury – road, irrigation destroyed.
Tile E of The Treasury – rails, road, irrigation, fortress destroyed; cratered.

8 misses.
So, we lose some units and the time till we complete the engine recedes into the unknown future...
Spoiler :
SE-SE of The Silo:

Modern Armor: 4/4->3/4->1/4->destroyed.
Railroad, road, irrigation destroyed; cratered.

S-SE of The Silo:

Modern Armor: 4/4->3/4->2/4->1/4->destroyed.
Railroad, road, irrigation destroyed; cratered.

NW of The Silo:

Modern Armor: 4/4->3/4->destroyed.
Modern Armor: 3/3->destroyed.
Railroad, road, irrigation destroyed; cratered.

S of The Silo:

Mech: 4/4->1/4->destroyed.
Modern Armor: 3/3->destroyed.
Railroad, road, mine, destroyed; cratered.

N-W of The Silo:

Mech: 4/4->3/4->1/4->destroyed.
Mech: 2/2->destroyed.
Not too bad. They left The Silo alone and didn't seem to crater any new tiles.
SABER said:
The Gulag:

Units injured x19.
Miss x7.
Citizen killed x4.

Chamsuri’s Cove:

Marketplace destroyed.
Good thing we didn't abandon Chamsuri's Cove then, to give them something to shoot at. ;)
ha ha - that's the best news we've had in a while! (my, what a low standard we have these days!)

Maybe Saber really is shifting into position to give FREE a pounding?
It's been 24 hours since SABER player their turn and we don't have a battle log from them. Interesting.
It's possible it's an oversight, or more likely there was no battle log to send.

Does this mean that we could have an engine done in 6 turns from now?? :shifty:
There's still sabotage to be worried about. But our chances sure are improving. :shifty:
It's wonderful (non-)news!

Let's not spoil the moment with pessimism! ;)
I hate to spoil the moment with pessimism....

But you all should have a read at Saber's Story.

If they've actually completed Manhattan Project, it might be wise to broadcast the treaty we signed with them regarding nukes. For that matter, perhaps that should be the only thing that any Councillor posts in that thread? :dunno:

I'll try to dig up a copy of the agreement....
Found it. It's in the ExODAT treaty:
"ExODAT" (Exchange On Demand Alliance of Technology)

Article 1: Nuclear Non Aggression
Saber and The Council both agree to never ever use a nuclear weapon on each other no matter what, as long as there are other teams existing on the map.

Spoiler the rest of the treaty :
Article 2: Tech Plan
Any technology that either team acquires will be available to the other team upon demand in exchange for either of the following:
1) Any other Modern Age tech plus 25% of the difference in beaker cost. (paid by the team offering the cheaper tech)
2) 60% of the Monopoly Price in gold
Article 3: Exclusivity
* No modern era techs may be traded/sold/gifted outside of the alliance for any reason without express permission of the other team.
* This restriction continues to apply after the deal ends to any tech researched by the other team while the deal was in effect.
* No technology, from any era, will be traded/sold/gifted outside of the alliance to any team that is at war with either Saber or The Council
Article 4: Cancellation
* If either team wishes to withdraw from this "Exchange On Demand" trading scheme, they must provide 10 turns of notice to the other team. During the ensuing 10 turns, technologies may still be demanded for exchange as outlined in Article 2.
* Cancellation of the trading arrangement is a separate matter from the peace/war status of the teams.

We're looking forward to hearing back from you!

We also probably need to talk about what to do with FREE – now that they've wiped out GONG and effectively doubled their landmass. How goes the war with BABE? Any chance of changing targets?
Let us know!

All the best,

Your favorite Allies
General_W, speaking with the voice of The Council

And their response:

Dear Councillors,

Thanks for sending your latest counter proposal.

Basically we would agree to that. We just want to clarify one thing:

The team that offers a technology may choose the kind of payment, like
"We want this or that technology", or "We want the money".

If you agree to this, we can finalize our ExODAT treaty quickly.

What do you think of this?

With kind regards,
Calis of the SABERs
I am quite certain SABER knows exactly what the treaty says. They had reason to pore over the details when they asked us for Space Flight after all. Sure we could tell them again, but I'm not sure what the purpose would be. They know, and if they've decided to nuke us after all then there's nothing we can do about them breaking it. Other than b****ing about it afterwards, of course. ;)
Of course they are well aware of what the treaty says, but I see this as an opportunity to publicly shame remind them. Clearly they won't be too worried about what Team Free thinks of all this, but the individual players will all remember the treachery more acutely if we wind up being nuked.

If Free had a similar agreement with Saber, I don't think we'd have seen a response like this one from Commando Bob:
Good story, except now I see crosshairs and laser pointers everywhere!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not convinced publishing the Treaty won't do some amount of good, and really can't do any harm.
Well, if FREE doesn't know about our no-nuke agreement with SABER we might want to keep it that way.
True. Did we get no battle log this turn either?
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