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Tech Acquisition Prevention.


Overlord of Eternity.
Jun 14, 2005
Im currently in the process of a mod and its going pretty well so far. It revolves around the basic rules with a load of extra techs added. The big difference is that one of the Ancient Techs is Magic Theory, the drawback in this as it is very powerful is that it takes ages to research. Wonders become a very important factor to anyone who has Magic Theory as they all get additional abilities if you have Magic Theory. The only problem i have is with any wonder that can give free techs (such as the theory of evolotion) as it can allow someone to get the tech for free. On a side note the Great librarey could allow someone to get the tech if two others have it. So the problem is, is there a way that a tech can be tinkered with in such a way that it could not be aquired through the Great librarey or be got for free via the Theory of Evolution as a chosen tech. At the end of the day i can just change what those wonders do but i would rather not hav to do that. Basically i want this to be a tech that you must research normally if you want it, so any suggestions ?
Well unfortunately I don't think this is possible. If it bugs you that much though you could consider removing wonders such as the Great Library.
Nothing to special behind that. All i did was add a building type and you must have a certain wonder to be able to build it in that city. As well as Magic Theory of course. These buildings give the bonus functions and can only be built in the city with the wonder in. The cost of these buildings can be minimal in some cases as the Magic Theory was ment to be the key factor so it can cost an extar turn. But with an odd combination of buildings and tech combinations you can have some odd effects on the game and get stuff for seemingly free once the combination comes in. It can tak som fine tuning but onc you got it figured its simple enough. I still have plenty of graphics to work on tho. Certainly not my strong area but never mind. This mod is just a boit of fun i was speaking with some friends and we said wouldnt it be cool if you could develope magic. So we added it.
I *think* that if a tech is labeled untradeable you can't get it from the Great Library. Also by the time ToE comes around, a lot wonders are obsolete anyway, and I can't imagine somebody waiting 2 eras and risking losing the wonder race to avoid taking time to research a single tech, no matter how expensive.
Sadly then making techs untradeable doesn't prevent them being obtained through GL. The only techs that cannot be gained through GL are non-era techs or techs that a nation cannot research, but since you need it to be researchable those probably aren't viable options.

You could make your Magic Theory tech be preceded by a few other useless techs (not required for age advancement) and use flavors to make AI have little interrest in researching them.
O well never mind. Thanks for the info anyway. Theres bound to be some way its just figureing it out.
Himalia said:
Nothing to special behind that. All i did was add a building type and you must have a certain wonder to be able to build it in that city. As well as Magic Theory of course. These buildings give the bonus functions and can only be built in the city with the wonder in.

That's pretty clever, I think. Adds a whole new dimension to it.
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