Term 2 - Domestic: "Claiming the Continent"


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
Term 1

This is the thread for term 2 of the Domestic Office.

Domestic Leader: Chieftess
Domestic Deputy: Almightyjosh
I would like all members of the Domestic Department to partisipate in the discussion on Planning our victory for the future

Victory Path - Discussion

Please submit an authoritative poll regarding our provincial borders so that I may appoint a new governor. Until this is done, I must demand that Governor eyrei resume command of all our cities' build queues.
I would like to Ask for funds to upgrade at least 1 more Legion the next t/c so that Vet warrior in Aureus will not be wasted for the war effort.

After that we can wait for our funds to go up a bit more then provide a floor to base future military funding during this war. Since, at least until we get a more advanced government, upgrades is the primary drain on the coffers.
Holy Cow! We're already up to post #6 after 7 days. This thread is scorchin'. :)

With the changes I've suggested to the President, I don't believe we'll run into any funding problems for upgrades. We can probably keep the Science rate at ten percent for a good while, but then cranking it up to like 40% will get us on our way to a better government.
*Knock, Knock*

Anyone home? If there is someone in the Domestic desk at this time. I would like to get Concreate Proof that we can have a balance of Creating a Mix of Legonares and Settlers.
OK, I've moved into my new office and put a plaque on the door, but thats about it at the moment.

Hi! I'm AJ, your friendly neighbourhood, national Domestic Leader. I'm a tad frazzled at the moment, but give me a day and I'll have this place back in order.

OK, first directive:
All drain and sewer cleaners are to be given BLUNT cleaning instruments, like feather-dusters or batons for the unionised germs.
@AJ - I was wondering if I can fill in the Domestic Deputy's Possition :). Since I would like to Apply for that possition.
Civ Gen, I believe that Fionn is now DD using the same mechanism that elevated you to VP. :)
Originally posted by Peri
Civ Gen, I believe that Fionn is now DD using the same mechanism that elevated you to VP. :)

Ahh, then I would hold my application, Incase Fionn does not show up :).
Originally posted by CivGeneral

Ahh, then I would hold my application, Incase Fionn does not show up :).

Actually, the judiciary ruled that no elected position can be filled by appointment, and deputy positions are now considered to be 'elected' in the sense that the next highest vote getter moves up with absenses. Take heart though, with all the retirements, resignations, and new governors, the next election cycle is sure to be a free-for-all... ;) You'll probably find you way back on the council somewhere. :)
I request that Memphis Be Starved and when the rioting has ended rush a temple to quicken the approach to size 1.

I appologize for the short notice of my request.
I know it's late in the term, but I'm afraid I must resign due to continued access problems (the internet as a whole, not CFC). Please accept my apology for my non-existance as domestic leader during my short tenure, the circumstances were beyond my control.
*steps onto soapbox*
For the record as i am now Domestic Leader of the Empire of Fanatica. Had i of been notified in a timely fashion i couldve posted something for the turnchat on the 27th. When CT stepped down as Domestic Leader and AJ took her place i wasnt notified via pm that i was domestic deputy. I was studying for finals for the next week when i popped into the forum to see what was up with the game, only to find out im the deputy, now after reading the jusdicial thread i find i am now the domestic leader. I think i shouldve been notified of the changes in the game. Maybe if i had been notified then the situation wouldnt have gotten so out of hand
*steps off of soapbox*
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