territory score formula

Originally posted by SirPleb
I just went back to check my GOTM#5, to see how close I was to the Domination threshold.

The results are not exact but are strongly consistent with the 2/3 of (land+coastal) theory.

Before stopping my expansion I decided to do some counting. I intended to count all sea+ocean tiles on the map, to determine its land+coastal. I didn't finish the count :) My eyes got too blurry and I hated the task. But I counted about 20% and felt it was enough to make a very good guess - distribution on this map is uniform enough to treat a part of it as representative.

Cool stuff. But I think you're counting too much. I think the easiest way to count land is to use Gramphos' C3MultiTool. Taking your save game & exporting to a .bic, you can use his .bic editor to give you the land vs. water stat for your map (I'd love to know how that works & if we can get a tile type counter!). I used the Civ3SavEdit (under the TGC editor thread) tool to switch civs & get their land area count too.

We know ocean doesn't count for anything. All you gotta do is count the sea everyone owns & subtract that from everyone's Land Area totals to get their Land+Coasts. Then you just have to get a count of the free land & free coast to make a total (or count the total coast sqaures, if you want). I think this method would usually be shorter and much more accurate.

The end of the counting would be a tile type counter & could solve the mystery of the domination calc.

I haven't done any investigation myself for a while. Been playing the GOTM#5, not counting it - but it doesn't look like a domination victory is coming or I have a ton of work to do...
I was reading through the some of the other threads about the domination equation. I was quite intrigued by the problem and tried my own experiments. I know no-one has posted on this thread in a while but, I couldn't see that anyone came to a definitive answer.

I set up an area the size of a 100+ culture city of coastal with 8 tiles of land. And 5 tiles away a 1 tile island surrounded by 11 tiles of coastal.

While playing this game, after my 100+ cultural expansion i controlled 37 of the 49 non ocean tiles on the map. Which is close to 75% without triggering domination until i got to 132 cultural points and bingo DOMINATION but without any change in landownership.

I've attached a copy of the autosave about 5 turns before the domination, I've saved it as a multi save only because i didn't have ships at the time so i couldn't see the other civs borders. So the multi cheat had nothing to do with it.

My goal of the setup was to decide if sea squares inside a city 21 tile radius are counted in the calculation, if they are this setup should've given domination as soon as i hit 100 cultural points, if it did then i'd change the 9 ocean tile to coastal and see then.

Anyway heres the setup, the save game will be in the next post
take a look at the save and see if you can see why the domination hasn't been trigger already here
It triggered on the next turn when I loaded it up. It looked like it should've. Does it do something different on yours?

Here's the thread for the domination test I did last week. It contains the most work I've done to prove the theory.


BTW, if anyone disputes the scoring or domination theory, please, speak up! I'm after the truth, not being right. Good to hear you're doing investigation, Trash. :)
Yeah i did that test, at work :) and i just have the original game installed there.

I just tried it here at home with the patches installed, and yeah i get a domination on the next turn :blush: false alarm i guess hehe. I sure at me stumped :). But you can see that the turn before that save the city still had over 100 points of culture, so it must've been a bug they fixed already.

Thanks for checking it out for me, and showing me where the new thread is for the discussion.

and keep up the good work. I triggered another accidental domination in the GOTM again this month, so this study will definately help me out :)
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