Test of Time: Extended Centauri Bug?


Jun 1, 2005
Texas, USA
I was playing on Emperor Difficulty on Test of Time - Extended version so that I could get my spaceship up before retiring time in 2020 and I arrived at Centauri. So I thought when I arrived I was supposed to get a settler there or something but I haven't gottten any units on Centauri and it has been a few turns since I arrived. A computer did beat me there by a year. Is there a delay to getting units on Centauri or is there some way to transport them over without a city on Centauri after your spaceship lands or is this some kind of not mentioned previously bug in Test of Time - Extended version? I did pick preset maps for both Centauri and the main map (the huge world map and a version of it modified for a Centauri map).

I am hoping some units just appear soon as it would be disappointing to not get a chance to conquer those aliens. At least the techs unlocked for landing are researchable now. I only had an 18-4-4-1-1-1 spaceship.
You should have 1 environeer somewhere. If you went with the full ship, you should get 4 environeers. Hopefully they landed somewhere, you could build a teleporting tile, that will allow you to bring up more units. If not then you have to build a city to "rebuild" what you need to survive. There may be a slight "bug"/"chance" that you just "made" it, with no environeer.

If the computer builds the teleporting device, you may be able to take it over, and use it yourself to transport units.

I think that you can build a teleporter on earth, if you can build the environeer unit, and if you can find a suitable place that matches up with a spot on Centauri. If you save and reload the game, building these devices also seem to "go away". Going back to before you (or the computer) launched a ship, may re-trigger the ability. It is buggy at best.
I scrolled around and didn't see one. It's also not coming up on the unit que. I can use a teleporter to go directly not needing a city on the other side? I haven't seen any cities from either of the computers that have supposedly also landed. I am still going up the new research tree in hopes of finding some kind of solution. I do have a save from before launching but its quite a few years back so I am hoping I don't have to go back to it. Ah well, if anyone else has experience with this problem/a solution let me know.

EDIT: I managed to make colonists on the main world and construct a teleporter and then get units over to start colonizing the new world. I also got transendence and won the game in 1936 though I plan to keep playing for fun with the new high tech units that are completely owning all the comp units with ease--to get a better feel for the units. Anyway I think maybe only the first civilization to arrive gets colonists on Alpha Centauri as the English who beat me are the only ones I saw colonize it so far besides me and the aliens.

Also I have two starports but can't teleport between them as it says that I don't have two of them in any of my cities. Are starports just broken in general or what--anyone know?
Possibly a silly question, but have you patched the game? From the 1.1 patch readme file:
We believe we have fixed the problem in the Extended Game in which arriving at Centaurus did not result in any Colonist units or the ability to research Ultrastring Theory.
Although, 'we believe' doesn't sound terribly convincing.

Also I have two starports but can't teleport between them as it says that I don't have two of them in any of my cities. Are starports just broken in general or what--anyone know?
Not that I'm aware of.
Well I was definitely able to research Ultrastring Theory after arriving at Centarus. And I made a few more starports and none of them can airlift units still so it does appear they are all broken/bugged.... however all of my starports have been on the Earth so far I haven't tried making one on Centarus yet. So maybe they can transport only between worlds instead of anywhere with one as advertised.
Yes, they only work between worlds. The airport is the way to do it on the same world. They should also not take up a turn point. It should be possible if railroads connect cities on both worlds that you could move via starport from earth to centarus then move to the second starport and then back to another city on earth. You can only use a sartport once, but having two connected by rail on centarus or earth should do what you are trying to do.
Ah ok thanks for the clarification. The library wasn't clear that they only worked between worlds. I should be able to setup that situation easily enough... or just use airlift instead :D.
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