That God Damned UN


Nov 8, 2001
Its a pain in the ass. For those of us who are often "Less than diplomatic" (come on, tell me some of you have never wish in the counterproposal screen when they ask for tributes or payments etc one of the choices included some four letter words and !!! marks ;))

Is there any way to "disable" or prevent the UN from being built? Im usually way ahead in tech but if I built it theyd pour in the doors and talk it up and vote and end the game
Short of nuking whatever city builds it can I stop this from happening?

Edit: BTW, I know I can turn the option off at the start. But for a game in progress those diplomats are getting threatening but I dont know which city the un is in and have few ICBMs
Yup. For some reason, to be a succesful militaristic civ in the modern age you have to have the UN before any of the peaceniks can get their hands on it...

I hate the way the vote is final. You should have the option of repudiating it, but in that case all the other civs ally and declare war on you.
Yeah, it works for me too. Apparently the builder controls the use of the UN, so just save a leader to rush the UN and that door (to your defeat, of course) is closed. If you like to fight then you probably have a few leaders by the time you get fission.
Just turn off the diplomatic victory condition in the startup screens!

That will certainly work, but sometimes building the U.N. might be YOUR
only way to win especailly at high levels.;)
UN is most important wonder and its vital that you obtain it. I can't think of anything a leader is better suited to than rushing this wonder. Get it just to do what the others here are suggesting; filibustering on the vote ad infinitum. Especially if you're a war monger and have few friends.

You can turn off the Diplo win option if you like, but I like the challenge of getting the UN or at least making sure you're in the running for election by having plenty of allies that will vote for you. It adds a whole other layer to the game when you have to build support for yourself.

I wish they would have the vote system based on world population or something. A voting system similar to MOO would have been much better (you get x number of votes based on how many civilians you have). while not true to the UN model (1 nation, 1 voice), it prevents players from getting shafted. At the very least, allow a player to contest teh decision and take on teh entire world or something.

Seriously, losing just because someone beat you to the UN by 1 turn is not fun.
yeah, that's exactly what was happening to me. i disco'd fission like in 1844 and the AI wasn't quite there yet. i chose not to build UN right away... like a dumbass... cuz i thot once i did, the votes would begin and i didn't want to end that soon. my foot hurts from kicking myself so much now.

france ended up getting fission about 40 yrs later and immediately sold it to every life form on the planet. i quickly switched one of my improvements to UN as soon as everyone started building. figured i would be ahead cuz i'm really cool and it's just a stupid computer and there's no way the AI civs could have HALF the shields coming in to one city that i have.

near the end of the building phase, i started getting kinda nervous. i had a nice stockpile of cash, so i decided to do some snooping and see how far along the AI was in building. I had 3 turns left. i know other threads have blasted embassies and spies, but they saved me this time. found out russia was only 2 turns away from finishing UN in Kiev. let's just say i did a beastie boys number on that one.

whew. i'm smarter now. poorer. much much poorer. but smarter. and if ya just keeping saying no to the vote, yer good to go.

Originally posted by Fossa
Edit: BTW, I know I can turn the option off at the start. But for a game in progress those diplomats are getting threatening but I dont know which city the un is in and have few ICBMs

You can use the wonder listing page to see what city to send those nice ICBMs to. It's F7 I think...

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