The 30 Year's War in Europe

Yeah, I enjoyed this before. (Not another shameless bump). But is this compatable with the latest version of EE3? And also is there a vanilla compatible version? Much thanks!


How would you mod the game beyond 40 years?
You need the EE3 Mod (it can be found here:
Make a copy of the EE3 folder and name it 30 years war. Then replace the files in your new folder with the ones in this file: 30 years war scenario

I'm sorry, and I feel like an idiot, but I just don't understand what you mean by this. If I'm going to write over all the EE3 files, what is the point of using EE3 in the first place? Everyone else seems to get it, my mind just doesn't seem to be working properly at the moment, so could someone simplify this for me please? I would really like to try this scenario. Thanks.
Zygmunt: The scenario should be working with EE3.1, (i.e the latest version). But I am afraid there is only one version of this scenario, so about vanilla compatibility I am a bit unsure.
And if you want to play beyond 40 uears you can open the worldbuilderfile (Mods/30 years war/public maps/30 years war) in notepad or wordpad and change the number of turns there. Just rightclick on the file and select "open with" and then notepad/wordpad or another similar text program. On top of the document you´ll find the basic game settings, and you can change the number of turns you want to play

Jeff: You have understood it correctly. You should make a copy of your EE3 folder and then unzip the 30 years war files into it. The thing here is that it saves a lot of uploading and downloading, as not all the files will be replaced. There are only a few of the files from the original EE3 game which will be modified. So you will not write over all the EE3 files, that´s the point of using EE3...
Oh, thank you. I understand now, I was saving the zip file into the copy of EE3 and extracting, so the files weren't replacing themselves. Thank you for the clarification.
SO where is the Kingdom Of Morroco
I guess I could have included marocco, but as you se, there are already quite a few civs to choose from. There are quite a few others as well which I have been forced to merge with other countries. And as this is the 30 years war in Europe, I felt that I had to include the major european civs first. Alas marocco was no longer the strong nation it used to be when then the 30 years war came along. Which is why there are only a few cities in Nothern africa, and they are devided between spain, portugal and the ottomans. Spian did controll melilla at the time, and portugal controlled Ceuta. Which is why marocco is not a part of this scenario...
I like this scenario-thingie, I can clarify that from the beginning.
I do however have a few things to nag about;
Why are the buttons all blurry? Is it just for me maybe? It's extremly annoying and looks bad, even if you get used to it.
The brits are really not parting in the war. I play as Sweden and have taken the parts of Poland and Russia that were worth caring about. When I went to mess with the habsburgians, I was thankful for the second front that mostly the german city states but sometimes also France provided. The brittish don't do anything. They may be sending troops to Spain but what good do they do there. The war was fought in central Europe, and the brittish should help there instead.
The AI is acting strangely towards the civic "anti-clericalism". I can imagine this is a problem for the EE3-mod, but I like this stuff better. =) I manage to persuade the wallachians to convert to protestantism, yet they think having a civic that gives them lots of angry citizens due to this is wise. Same thing for Charles I and Prussia.
And, ah, the barbarians. It's funny. You placed a barbarian city on the southern needle-edge of Greece, yes? On my save, Prussia controls it. PRUSSIA. They must have taken an army past the whole Gibraltar-thing and went to Greece to capture a little city.
When a mortally stabbed Russia, the SWISS and Wallachians came out and took those small barbarian cities on the northern coast of the Black Sea. The Swiss! I think this is due to the "no-city-raze" rule. That large chunk of land north of the black sea could perhaps, if slightly fertalized, make a fine place for a civ? The scythians? They might have dissapeared by this time, but anything is better than having the swiss placing a colony next to the ottomans...

Very enjoyable scenario OVERALL though, it is nice that you have named all the cities their indengenous names, Wien instead of Vienna, Goteburg (should be Göteborg ;)) instead of Gothenburg.
Yeah, this thing is nice with all the settlements. Maybe you should consider making a 1618 world scenario. Just a thought.
I tried downloading this scenario but am having dificulties installing it. Can someone post an idiots guide to installing it.
A very enjoyable Mod. Have you ever thought about creating an alternate scenario based on Eric Flint's Ring of Fire (1632) anthology. It would be an interesting game to throw an American Empire (United States of Europe) into this great scenario. You make them small, but advanced. Supports all religgions and representation. Surrounded by enemies, allied with Gustav II Adolf. Rifles vs. muskets, US cavalry vs. knights, 1 iron clad vs. flet of galleons, throw in a couple of biplanes. Now that's a war!
I tried downloading this scenario but am having dificulties installing it. Can someone post an idiots guide to installing it.

I am having the same problem? Anyone care to help us out?
And, is this for the Vanilla Civ? Warlords? BTS?
I think this is just for regular Civ IV. This scenario is at least 2 and a half years old.
yes it is for regular civ IV. and if u got problems to install it keep in mind that u should copy the map from the 30 years war folder to the public map folder. then it should work.
in general it is a very nice scenario. i played with switzerland and i won :-D but on an easy dificult level.
and i have to mention a historical fault! calvinism was founded in geneva (switzerland) and not london, as it is the "holy city" in the scenario. so the holy city should be geneva. and besides the capitol from switzerland is not zurich, it s bern ;-)
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