The Ancient Mediterranean MOD (TAM)

Thamis, congrats on all the great work you've done. This mod has rekindled my interest in CivIII. I do have a few website's linking to Roman Army information:

The support troops don't really seem like a good unique unti for the Romans, perhaps Cataphractii or Pretorean Guard's would be more interesting? I also noted that the cost for Legions is the same as Elephant divisions...I would think the more powerful unit's would cost more to create? Also the Romans used a wide variety of infantry, artillary, cavalry, and arhers in their armies. They were refered to as Auxilliaries and often consisted of elite cavalry from conqured peoples, the lords and whatnot.

Just my 2 cents.
Ok, here is the Beta version of the compatibility fix for those who have installed Firaxis patch 1.29f.

Don't install this unless you are running version 1.29f

There might still be bugs, but only playing the game will show, so please report them if you find any.

Please just email me if you have any questions or comments or anything.

Unless you plan to change the Techs in the near future, I might just try and see if I can figure out how to set up the tech-tree screens (or is someone already working on that).


    27.8 KB · Views: 339

I wish I was an artist or I would jump at the opportunity to help you. Perhaps allow the legion unit more diversity? Legions were basically armies with combined arms and advanced engineering capabilities. They built cities, forts, roads and waged war's including sieges. They employed calvarly, artillary, heavily armed and armoured infantry (Legionaries) as well as light infantry, scouts and archers. All this was supported with a large contingient of slaves and servants to carry extra equipment. Make the Legion a do all multi unit...builds forts, roads and can form armies. Don't know if it's possible but it would be more realistic.
If you would like help creating a scenario, I would like to use your mod to create a scenario of ancient mediterrean around the time of 200 BC when Rome had unified italy and use Carthage, Gauls, selucids, ptolmeys egypt, Macedonia, greek city states, pergmantum(greeks in asia minor) and perhaps celto-iberians in spain, a tribe to represent barbarians in Germany and further east.
I would be happy to take care of cities and relative size, impovements and any civs that need to be added. I would need help with new units and improvements and their graphics.

One improvement that would need to be modified is the city walls thus making them far more effective. The tech tree that you use(if i remember right) is excellent.

Tell me what you think Thamis
I would love it if you would make a scenario for this mod. If you think city walls should be changed, we won't change it for your scenario but for the mod. And if you want to add units and improvements, we'll add them to the MOD. Of course! That's what the mod is for, for anyone being able to create scenarios with it.

I'm not sure if I have included this batch file to launch the editor with the mod in the last update, but here it is. Copy this batch file into your civ3/Ancient Mediterranean directory and execute it there and you'll get the editor for the MOD.

I won't be home for this week, so just go ahead and we'll discuss it next week!


    1.1 KB · Views: 239
OK, guess Im going through the same problems you discussed before - crashing a.s.
One question though: when you're discussing the tech tree, do you mean the one that appears in the game or just the layout, for my science advisor screen looks a bit messy, with several advances stacked in the upper left corner.
I must say, till it crashes, the mod is great!!!
By the way, when I didnt have a separate 'ancient mediterranean' folder, the new icons for resources appeared in the game, but now everything is in the folder, the icons are replaced by the regular civ3 ones :(
Hi Thamis,

I posted a message a few weeks ago saying that I didn't understand how to install your MOD and you were kind enough to go through it with me. Well I finally got round to trying it and the game refused to launch.

I don't think it's a compatibility thing as I've used Korn 469's MOD quite happily for months now I just don't understand what it is I'm supposed to do with the files in the Ancient Mediterrenean folder.

Could you do me a favour and talk me through it again?


Update on my scenario of hellenistic times...
Problems and issues galore, scenario creation on even the most basic level is not like the civ 2 days.
Having sorted out all cities units improvements, wonders I confidently expect to move on to playtestin my scenario....bollocks it simply crashes fatal exception red message. So mabye its a problem with civ mod.bic so i reinstall we go the scenario file is no longer usable, not a valid civ3 file. Nobody warned me my scenario would become unusable. So I think the crash it had was to do with the fact most civs had culture borders with other civs but as far as the game was concerned it had never met any civ and it was 4000 BC. Ughh so how can i send you this file Thamis or even just meet in a chatroom to get some advice. Id hate to start again but i can if need be. Perhaps scenarios are not going to be possible on the Expected scale with 1.29
I download and install the 0.35 version, 0.36 update and the version 1,29 patch and the game bombs to the desktop. And then, pending a reinstall of the game, Civ 3 doesn't work.


1) What files do I need to download for a COMPLETELY UNMODDED version of Civ 3 1.29?

2) Exactly where do I install them.

3) Exactly what file do I use to start the game and exactly how do I get back to an unmodded Civ 3 without backing up or reinstalling anything?

thanks for answering these questions if possible.


For an unmodded CIV3 you basically have to install CIV3 and 1.29f. If you installed the MOD wrongly (you don't have an "Ancient Mediterranean" subfolder in your CIV3 folder), you gotta deinstall CIV3, reinstall and then install the official 1.29f patch.

How to install the MOD:
Unzip it into your CIV3 folder. Important: Do not overwrite any files! If it asks you, your ZIP program is not creating the "Ancient Mediterranean" subfolder. Then you have to create that subfolder yourself and unzip the downloaded file(s) into that folder.

How to install Ancient Mediterranean Updates/Patches:
Unzip them into the "Ancient Mediterranean" subfolder. If you are asked to overwrite files here, say YES.
I did install it exactly as you've outline. And then I went to run it using play.bat (correct?). Howq to get back to my defaulty Civ 3 install?

It did not work though; just crashed to the desktop.



(ps, assuming that I get this up and running, I bet I would be able to make a nice Punic War scenario with your mod)
1) Completely uninstalled Civ3 and deleted any remaining files.
2) Did a full install of the game
3) Applied 1.29 patch
4) Applied your 0.3.5 version mod, and it created the appropriate folder within the Civ 3 folder.
5) Applied the 0.3.6 upgrade to the ancient med folder
6) Applied the version 1.29 patch fix

Then, using the play.bat file, the game starts and works. However, the science advisor screens are comepletely messed up, so I can't see what I am researching, what to research, etc. So I decide to quit the game, and it crashes to the desktop.

Running on Win XP Pro with the most recent drivers for everything.

*NO* other mods or changes to Civ 3 at all.

When the batch file get's restoring files...., it says file not found and lists the following: cities.anc, eraspash.anc, resources.anc, then when I start the scenario, it doesn't list the ancient civs. Using windows Me, says it copied 376 files etc...when i try to load a save file it says Load Error, Error reading file, missing entry in "text\pediaicons.txt" ICON_ then bombs to windows.

Any ideas?

The Science Advisor messed up is "correct". It's not done yet. You can see the tech tree in this thread (there's a link to it on the first post).

The crash to the desktop is definately not related to the MOD.


The missing entry in Pediaicons.txt is the 1.29f problem. Install Isak's patch, works fine.

The batch file errors have something to do with your directory structure. I can't see it from here, so I can only tell you what's needed. The Ancient Mediterranean directory that contains the play.bat has to be in the folder civ3\Ancient Mediterranean. Nothing else, or it won't run correctly.

What it does:
It goes back into the civ3 directory, then goes into the art directory, renames the cities directory to cities.anc, erasplash to erasplash.anc (etc) and then copies its own files over there. Then, after quitting civ3, it deletes the ancient med files and renames all .anc files to the original names.

If you right-click it and say "Edit", you can see what it does (it's plain text). Since I don't know what's wrong in your directory structure, that's all I can tell you. All works fine on my civ3, which is freshly installed with 1.29f and all AncMed updates installed.
When I say 'messed up' I guess I should have been more specific. Several of the techs seem to be placed on top of one another, or have portions of the graphic missing.

Thanks for all your help. It is appreciated. Just in case I've screwed somethign up (which is entirely possible), what is the correct order for installing 0.3.5, applying the patch and then the 1.29 'fix'?

Yes, I know what you mean by "messed up". The science advisor is not usable yet. Sorry about that. Just print out the tech tree on page 3 of this thread and don't use the advisor screen. Soneone (I think it was Isak?) wanted to do correct the advisor screen.

The correct order is exactly what you wrote:
- 0.3.5
- 0.3.6 patch
- 1.29f fix
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