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The Ancient Mediterranean MOD

thamis said:
Thanks for the post, SV!

Dacia = Getae.

I'm preparing a document more better, I waste a lot of time in this document, it have images,civilopedia, important things for modeling, capacities of units...

Have not I still had left very clear the units promotion, at the moment I have done this division ¿ It is well?

Caetratii ( Iberian name, Basic Infantery)
Light Lancer-- Promotion to-- Heavy Lancer
Peltastas.---Promotion to-- Iberian guerrilla
Scutatii ( Heavy Infantery)---Promotion to ---Devout(elit infantery)
Turdetan Cavalry (A archer-javalineer cavalry)--- Promotion to--- Cantabrian Cavalry ( Heavy Cavalry)
Slingers--- Unique Unit---

In Iberian civilization like all the occidental civs, the archer doesn't exist, the war of guerrilas was very bad for the archers because in the mountains ravines etc ... to operate an arch was difficult, in oriental civs on the other hand the archers had a high consideration in the army.
i will prepare a document about "Dacia" for civilopedia, leaders, flag and all important stuff related to it.
if anyone already strated this, please tell me so we can join forces :king:

Hi Thamis!

I looked at the techinfo XML, but there is no reference in there to the religions "given" with the tech discoveroes... So I looked at wich techs were suggested by ADVISOR_RELIGION... I got a REAL big list. some of them I'm not sure if it was wanted or not (City State for instance, and Aristocratie, wich is still less bizare than City state...)
I tried to work out a "basic" list:

Animism: Nature Cult
Mesopotamian: Mysticism
Monotheism: Judaism... of course
Christianity: Christianity...
Egyptian: not sure... I thought maybe Polytheism, OR priesthood, since the Priests cast was really important in ancient Egypt
Zoroastrism: maybe Philosophy, since it fits the time frame, and could match with Zoroastre being a philosophical prophet...
Greek: NO CLUE... I got problems with the time frames of the techs that could fit... Epic (wich isnt recomended by ADVISOR_RELIGION) maybe, or City states (if that tech being recommended by ADVISOR_RELIGION isnt a mistake...)
Aesir: I got no clue... If it only refers to Germanic tribes religion, it seems a bit late... If on the other side, it was reering to a more Celtic-like religion, then it changes everything...

ALSO, I edited the building file with the correct TEM_PEDIA entry

So until I get some "éclaircissements" on religions, I'll go back to my icons!
I have finished all Iberian faction, the text in English has many mistakes, I hope that you should understand it but write a message if you don't understand. Also I add instrumental traditional Iberian music (of a group that devotes himself to do her).

The work has cost me greatly to do it I hope that you should can appreciate it.

The final archive has 16,2 MB y upload it in megaupload, it contents all the information. I want your opinions.

The file: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WVRZ42QW
Hi SPririt!

I listened to the music! It's good, but I find the two frist a little bit too "modern" sounding... Iberian 3 is perfect, but people talk at the start, and you hear the crowd clpping... I'm pretty shure someone could just edit it and cut that part, because the music starts after the talking anyways... And the last one, Iberian Death, is simply amazing... This is the one I really liked!

I'll give a look at the units after (I dont have any Word processaor in Windows... but Linux is there to save everyone... Linux is there...

Keep up the work Spirit!!! What you've done with the Iberian Tribes is simply amazing!
Forgot to ask in the previous post...

I need comments on the religions, about the basic list I posted...
What do you think people?
The music is of a group that they was studying a great of years to learn to touch the traditional Iberian instruments, that is very difficult. I also think that it is possible to edit the third song that's why I put it. Althought for me the first song is very good.

For me the documents are the best thing, when you could, look at it, because I have spent tons of time.

In the religion I cannot help you, I'm sorry. I go away of spanish party!

PD: I did the document with OpenOffice, Micro$oft suxx.
All the religion related XMLs I know of are edited, as are the building Infos and text entry (I only put English and French entries, we will need translators!)
Here's my suggestion on the Religions:

Animism: Nature Cult
Mesopotamian: Mysticism
Monotheism: Judaism
Christianity: Christianity
Egyptian: Priesthood
Zoroastrism: Philosophy
Greek: Polytheism
Aesir: Thing Law -- I'm not sure how old this belief is, but it was certainly already the belief of the Goths 300 AD
A bit of a gamplay/balancing issue....

You should probably turn the city upkeep waaay down for this mod, since otherwise it just isn't practical to try to replicate the historical successes of Rome, for example. Otherwise what currently happens is that it is very easy for the other civs to gain a big tech lead on you, as your conquest of the Gauls cripples your economy (I don't raze cities, it isn't historical unless they put up alot of resistance). This wouldn't necessarily be as much of a problem if not for the fact that currently the tech tree is the same as vanilla cIV, so your enemies start getting longbowmen/macemen, which reduces the effectiveness of Praetorians immensely. Obviously, this is not impossible to work around if you use the exploit of constant anarchy to eliminate upkeep and produce a truly epic number of Praetorians, but, as I understood it, the aim of this mod was to provide a more historical experience. I want my Pax Romana! :king:

As it is the Praetorians will obviously need to be made more costly in terms of build time (hammers) to balance them out with the other civs, although they should probably still be as dominate militarily as they are now in the ancient age. Most of Rome's military successes were accomplished by smaller numbers of troops defeating larger numbers, so I feel this would be a good change for both historical and gameplay reasons. After all, raising a legion was very expensive!

Apologies if this has already been brought up/already on your to-do list.

Keep up the good work. :goodjob:
My intention is to reduce the number of units (by increasing unit upkeep significantly) and to increase the number of possible cities. This will also speed up the mod. Also, we're reworking the whole tech tree and all the units and all the buildings. Don't worry, you'll get your legionaries!

It is possible in plain vanilla civ to conquer a whole civilization. The trick is to take on one civ at a time, and to use less units more effectively. Also, the civics play an important part (choose lower upkeep civics).
It is possible in plain vanilla civ to conquer a whole civilization. The trick is to take on one civ at a time, and to use less units more effectively. Also, the civics play an important part (choose lower upkeep civics).

Eh that's not quite what I meant when I was talking about conquest.... I meant that, since the upkeep you pay for cities goes up based upon both their distance from your capitol and the number of cities that you have, the large number of cities on the scenario results in extremely expensive cities once you start your conquests, assuming you don't raze most of them. I suppose after you introduce the new tech tree this might be less of a problem, since technological advances will not have the quantum-leap effect in warfare that they do now. I was speaking more from a current-gameplay standpoint, which I suppose is irrelevant since you are not trying to balance the game as-it-is, but as-it-will-be.

Are we supposed to be playing this on a low difficulty level? Monarch might not fit it the way it is, since the AI gets a lower penalty for city upkeep on higher difficulty levels (which is why you don't start building an empire in the vanilla game in the ancient age, instead you raze most of the cities that you capture).... I guess I should switch to Noble.
i translated a few infos about Dacia and Dacians.
please correct it if you find mistakes (and you will).
the document contains a little about :
origins, culture, religion, society, economy, language, political figures, roman conquest, roman dominion, roman retreat.

there is also a list of dacian cities and a list of dacian kings.

there is a flag too but its not good quality. i will search for another one.

i also found a nice sound file (i know it since a was a baby :) ).

i found a few pictures with maps and other stuff. i found a website with lots of interesting pictures for TAM.

everything is compressed in a rar arhive. dacia.rar - 7.4 MB

please read the readme file in the archive. it contains all the websites where i found infos or pictures interesting for the game.

you can download the file from megaupload : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z31EUOTI

if you have any questions please post them.

OJi. :goodjob:
Hey, The Silk Road Ensemble with Yo Yo Ma would be great for TAM. Some of the music would fit perfectly.
The Silk Road Journeys is a collection of music from the cultures along the Ancient Silk road Trading route.

There's not a way to post a sample on here is there?

The main "basic" work on TAM is almost done...
Just a basic version though, not really graphically accurate...

So, Karhgath? Are you still working on the units?

If anyone else wants to help, we would certainly need some translating abilities:) !!

we should also establish a clear unit list... so we can enter them in the XMLs, because playing with only archers and spearmen isnt that fun ...;)
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