The Best Random Event You've gotten


Jan 16, 2008
A little preface, I'm no expert Civ player but I'm enjoying it immensely and playing at the Monarch level. With my lack of experience, I'm sure there are some random events that I haven't received before.

But the other day, I was playing a continents game and leading a massive infantry/rifleman/cannon assault across my continent. I got a random event which was pretty amazing. I'm not at my home computer so I forget the exact text, but the bottom line was that ALL my gunpowder units received the MARCH promotion (can heal while moving). This was the nail in the coffin for the enemies on my continent (whom I had a tech lead on). I also noticed that newly created gunpowder units (other than mech infantry that start with it) were created with march too.

I was thinking wow, that was the best random event that has ever happened to me. The ability to march my infantry withouts stopping was a beautiful site. I know a they are all situational, but what are some of the best random events you've gotten?
I had that event before, though not as many riflemen as you had.
Most of the random events I've had so far have been harmful, ha ha (worst one being floods that destroyed a courthouse 3 turns after I whipped it). Probably the best I've seen was the one that gave my foodstores away in exchange for diplomancy boost.
That march one sounds excellent. There's also one giving all axes cover which is pretty amazing if you get it right before an axe rush. Also, if you're running free market there's a -25% inflation one which is pretty spectacular too.
I've seen that march one, but usually pick the happiness bonus instead.
I seem to always get it while transitioning into police state, and I've gotten it twice, so I can't complain :)

I know I had a better event in the past, but it escapes me at the moment. But if I didn't have that one event, this one would take the cake.
Not exactly the best event, but I've noticed that a resourceless hill that discovers tin usually ends up discovering Gems, as well. A heavy production and commerce tile, something along the lines of 5 :hammers: and 7 :commerce: each time :drool:
Not exactly the best event, but I've noticed that a resourceless hill that discovers tin usually ends up discovering Gems, as well. A heavy production and commerce tile, something along the lines of 5 :hammers: and 7 :commerce: each time :drool:

Awesome!!! I have never had that happened to me! And yes there is no way to describe that other than :drool: .
I got the cover event which gave the promotion to all melee units. At the time, I had a stack of 14 jaguars 2 turns from invading Sury (immortal difficulty). Yeah, that helped a little.
My best random event was a 3 times random event hit on one tile, it got;
1) Tin-Plains hill
2)Gems-Plains hill by river
3)Truffles-Plains hill, by river that now feeds itself...

I've had the March random event once...very nice.....that one........and I actually got the 'man called Jeb' event too....Nice, uncovered ALL oil, and I wasn't even past Iron working by
I didn't have copper in my empire and just did a peaceful rex with archers . Shaka was my neibhour he got cover / in 10 turns attacked me with impis/ axes .

I was going to attack Victoria with axes/swords a few cats . She gets free shock promotion to all her axes
I didn't have copper in my empire and just did a peaceful rex with archers . Shaka was my neibhour he got cover / in 10 turns attacked me with impis/ axes .

I was going to attack Victoria with axes/swords a few cats . She gets free shock promotion to all her axes

Damn if those where the best I cant fathom what the worst would be. :lol:
A small story:

I got the shock event in one game.

Next turn I got the cover one.....

Can you devise how it ended?
Spoiler :
I was playing a OCC and I would only get metals ( iron ) in my cultural borders when the city would hit legendary.... :wallbash:
I seem to always get an 'improved coal' event which can either add a hefty 4:hammers: to coal plants, whic i rarely build, or 2:hammers: and a health to dry dock; which, whilst nice isn't that useful. The best one I've had was an extra 2 :espionage: per barracks when i was already running nationalism. That was handy.

I haven't had any missions for ages, and when i do get them I always seem to get 'greed', which tends to be hard and not worth the effort.
I got the "golden age of musketeers"-quest as Suleyman. That was very fortunate, since I already intended to take advantage of the Janissaries. To top that, the quest had a special reward for owning the Taj Mahal, which I was just building. Being curious, I delayed the last Janissaries one or two turns and when I finished the quest, now having the Taj Mahal, I could choose another golden age!
On top of it I had the Mausoleum of Maussollos. That made 24 turns of golden age in a row! The quest couldn't have come at a better time :D
Getting the +2 health -2 pop +2 unhappy event within the first 15 turns of the game is so nuts. Suddenly you get an extra trait!
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