The best thing about BERT being released

Back to the original topic, regardless if you want it or not right now, when do you think CiVI will be released?
Back to the original topic, regardless if you want it or not right now, when do you think CiVI will be released?


We don't really know precise date for now, and I pretty sure no one working with Firaxis will announce it until they are ready, and anyone who feel inclined to hype on unreleased game can write up theory of it.

I would guess as professionally as I can with limited hype. I would say it will be released before 2025. ;)
Lol, I must've refreshed the page at the very moment you posted :p The time stamp was 2 minutes behind my clock.

Right, and my point was this is our fault. For not demanding more from games. For being eager for Game X when Game X-1 was incomplete. For being eager for Game X just because it's called Game.

I agree that we're free to disagree. But it sounds like we don't disagree about the game(s), but rather what we're willing to pay for. Some people might get handed a half full Coke in the drive thru and be ready for their next visit. I'm the guy that taps on the window and asks them to fill it up. It's what I paid for after all.

Its very simple..
The announcement that Civ X is being released/worked on is your cue that Civ X-1 is ready to buy.

I only bought CivV as the Complete version right about when CivBE was released (BNW and all DLC for ~50$) (not earlier mostly due to real life stuff).

CiV is not perfect, but with BNW it is very good, and I didn't have to balance/gameplay test

So while I will enjoy hearing about CiVI coming out (and they will have new Gameplay they can do regardless of technology) I will not buy it until CiVII is announced/comes out. (assuming it has a somewhat positive reception by then)

on topic
announced in 12 months, out in 2017, good to play (both expansions and last patches) in 2021.
AFAIK switching to 64 bits may allow larger map and other memory related improvements, but I don't see how it will make the game run faster than a 32 bits version.

Currently they're probably have to use many dirty tricks to save memory space under 2 Gb limit. In programming you can often save memory by computing things again and again. I bet there are many cases with Civ games don't, say, cache some things just to save memory.

There are also some big number computations that are slower in 32 bit systems but Civ probably doesn't use it.
So while I will enjoy hearing about CiVI coming out (and they will have new Gameplay they can do regardless of technology) I will not buy it until CiVII is announced/comes out. (assuming it has a somewhat positive reception by then)

on topic
announced in 12 months, out in 2017, good to play (both expansions and last patches) in 2021.


If I got a line of code each time I have to stop myself from breaching forum/reddit rule when someone hype about Civ6 or dissapointed that Civ 6 isn't already annouced. You might already get a few mod from me :D

I also don't expect vanilla Civ6 or any vanilla CivX in foreseeable future to get expansions without dozens of page in "CivX rant thread" and loads of newcomer who sign up to rant here.
64-bit software was not a fad back in 2010. Civ 5 is a game that relies more on memory and CPU than graphics. To not make the game 64-bit is a huge mistake. So large that to not address it despite numerous DLC, xpacs, and patches later is catastrophic. Don't take my word for it. Look at this recent thread where people come right out and say they don't play Civ 5 for this reason.

You understand that a 64-bit version would not load any faster (discernible to a human) and will not for for the next 5-10 years at the least.

Swap - Has not changed.
RAM - Has not changed much either.

A load once game depends more on those than CPU speed or architecture.
Now, as for the original question...

I'd say 2016, possibly in the spring but more likely early summer.
It really depends on their plans with Civ BE, because rising tide was just released, and I think they would want to give people some time to purchase it and play it and see how it is received, maybe they will develop a second one. Also since the release of the BE expansion was just now, I doubt they did much work for civ 6 (IF it is in production already) in the last few months. If Rising Tide is the last expansion for BE I would expect them to announce Civ 6 in the following year but personally I am not in a hurry since I didn't even try BE.
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