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the celtic peacekeepers!

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Originally posted by Daftpanzer
/edit, posts updated. Sorry for unleashing unfinished stuff and spoiling it! i had a look back and it was acutally a lot harder and more uncertain than how i first wrote it. From now ill take time to properly write the story, keeping in line with before, and not trying to add too much at once...

Don't be apologizing daft. we were rushing you to post too :p
Good work. Just to give you a tip though (in regards to the newspaper), when making communist-government speeches and stuff, try to use the words "people", "people's enemy", "global revolution", "corrupt imperialism", "historical dialectic" as often as you could.

And by the way - just noticed what year it is. I often get Industrial Age in the early AD years, but never in the BC...
thanks for the replies,

i wasnt being too serious with that newspaper thing and stuff, but ill bear that in mind....

the game is only in B.C beacuase i really messed up the timescale when i made a custom game. it started in 5000bc, and i put in more turns. With reduced a.i trading, i thought it would balance out, but ive gone way to far with it, the game wont get out of BC.

I guess that 0AD is some amazing event in the future, which causes people to count the years from then on.
LOL. Perhaps it means that after a 40-year long journey a Celtic spaceship will reach Alpha Centauri then? Or will you go for culture/domination/whatever (if you wanna be a peacekeeper, you probably won't go for conquest, right)?
Now the germans have their orginal land back, but isn't their capital still on your continent?
Well, obviously. daft, you might want to explain this as Bismarck being afraid the French would try to get him as well, so he decided to stay.
Heh, i thought that newspaper was brilliant, like how it said at the bottom: "Uphold the warrior tradition of your clan! Enlist today! See inside for nearest barracks!"

I could totally picture that in like a World War 1 era newspaper. It amazes me how creative you are with this :D
So, did the celts die out due to a mystirious plague, or is daft just busy?
He's probably just busy, and he said he's going to take extra time to get his pictures and text prepared to make it more theatrical or something of that nature. :)
did i say that? :(

i havent started the next part yet. Im amazed, some of the comments suggest i set a good standard for the first parts of the story! i dont know if i can keep it up. Im waiting for inspiration or something....

plus ive got a load of work to do :(
Well we would prefer to have fewer better parts than more bad parts so take your time, but not too much time or you'll make your fans angry.
Just finished reading this gem and...WOW ! very nice mister !

Thanks a lot for all the efforts put in it.

You're the king :king:
Hi Daft.
If its stopped being fun you don't have to do it. This is a fun HOBBY its not work.
If you left it now I would walk away satisfied and extremely gratefull for your highly entertaining story. You put in a lot of hard work and I truely am gratefull.
I hope you write on, but whether you write on or not THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANKYOU, for a wonderfull story....

EDIT; damn spelling....
Tathlum is entirely right, you dont HAVE to continue if you dont want to, but Im sure alot of people would be disapointed... no pressure or anything.
what no pressure ? I'm turning crazy here :mad:


Btw if he doesnt want to continue it, maybe someone else could care of it ?
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