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the celtic peacekeepers!

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How much did you increse the hitpoints of expirence level? Also continue this is great! We want more pictures!

The Imperial palace, Constantinople. A spring morning, 1290 bc. A court messenger enters the throne room and bows.

"Empress, the Hittite ambassador is here"

Theodora, dressed in gold and silk, was not sat upon her throne, but instead was gazing out a window, out across the magnificent palaces and temples of the city. Red banners were caught high in the morning wind. Merchants were setting up market stalls. Scholars were gathering in the teaching places and science acadamies. Imperial soldiers wearing magnificent armour and carrying mighty weapons marched all along the city walls.

Beyond, peasants and farmers worked the land for miles around, over the horizon. All this, as far as she could see, and much more, was hers to rule. It was her destiny to spread the glory of the Byzanitine Empire. And somehwere out there, to the north, beyond the horizon, only a race of unruly pagan barbarians stood in the way of her destiny.

Theodora wispered to herself : "Is there really no general in all this land of mine who is capable of defeating simple minded barbarians?"

"Empress, i beg your pardon, but the hit-"
"Show him in!"
"At once, your highness"

The messenger bowed again and backed out of the room. Shortly after, a strangely dressed man entered, bowing his head quickly and slightly, carrying himself in a rather regal manner.

"So, ambassador. Your king has reviewed our proposal?"
"Yes, your highness"
"And what was your master's decision in this matter?"
"His lord, king Mursilis, accepted the proposal. He wishes me to convery the message to you, that he has already begun preparations, and you have his full support"
"Good.... good...."

Theodora walked over to the window again and looked out. "How do I rule... do I gamble...?"

"I beg your pardon, your highness?"

"Nothing. My aids will show you to suitable accomodation. I would like you to meet with our council, and the Mayan and Dutch ambassadors at noon. We have things to discuss...."

Up in the north, the celtic nation once again enjoyed peace and security. Confidence was high. Celtic armies gathered all along the southern frontier, ready to meet any threat. Incan and celtic cultures were merging in the soutern lands. Celtic leaders but prioity on social tolerance and understanding. People of incan origin even joined the celtic army. In Artefold, the nations captiol city and historic original homeland of the celts, a great monument was being built to honour the heroes of the celtic epic sagas.

Disturbing news came from overseas... the Aztec nation had been completely conquered by the Germans. Passing celtic ships had reported fighting along the coastal cities, but the end was suprisingly swift. We had expected the aztec nation to survive in the interior, but it appears they had only a few cities there which had already fallen. Another great loss to the freedom and diversity of the people of the world. Both the aztecs and portuguese are now lost to history. We cannot let this happen again! even if we have to give up one of our provinces as a safe home for an overseas nation, we will not let it happen again!

(Germany assures the world of its 'good' intentions towards the aztecs)

The home continent was at peace, save for ongoing turmoil in the southern incan lands. Two provinces gained from byzantium had been returned to the inca, only to be conquered again by the dutch and mayans. A concern, but not too troubling. The real threat was still seen as byzanitum, but it was hoped they had now learned to respect the celts, and relations would have a chance to improve.

It was not to be. Once again, after only a short few years of peace, byzantine forces crossed the frontier into celtic territory. Once again, they declined to withdraw. Once again, the sounds of battle and of human suffering were to resonate across the frontier lands.

As the finsihing touches were being made to the monument in artefold, the first fighting of this latest war began. The fighting was fierce from the start, byzantine forces raided all across the southen frontier, capturing guns and taking away prisoners. The celts had built fortresses on the boundary mountains, protected by pikemen and some musketeers, but often these were not able to hold off attacks by the powerful byzantine knights. The celts had been slow to upgrade the pikeman garrison forces with the new muskets, and now were paying the price for it.

(Celts struggle with a byzantine raiding force)

The celtic leaders were furious. A war council was called at Tiwanaku. King Brennus XVII had been suceeded by king Brennus XIIX. With almost all of their gains from other nations already captured in the last war, the new king was in favour of direct action against byzantium this time and the council was agreed. Increased funding for the upgrading of troops was approved. And the high druids issued a directive to celtic forces: "We suspect the byzantine dromons will raid our shores with greek fire. Attack their coastal cities. Leave no safe harbour for them near the borders of our homelands!"

Gunpowder weapons were now the main defensive weapons of both sides, and capturing cities would be difficult. Nonetheless, the celts decided to try an offensive, supported by concentrated cannon artillery. The celts also felt their superior army organisation would give them the advantage. Forces began to gather for the assault.

However, the offensive was delayed when the mayans declared war on us once again. A large force had to be detached to secure the incan city the mayans had occupied on our south east border. The city was poorly garrisoned with only a few pikemen, and it fell after a brief struggle. These forces were then quickly sent by the new caravel class of ship along the coast to the mayan homeland, were it was hoped a city could be captured and peace could be forced upon them.

There were no mayan ships to oppose the invasion, but upon landing, mayan counter attacks soon caused all ideas of advancing futher to be abandoned. But, the outnumbered expedition force retreated to the mayan mountains were they held their ground. There they caused a good amount of damage to the mayan forces before caravels were able to rescue them. War with the mayans continued, but now we had the incas and dutch between us.

(The first celtic joint land/naval invasion. It didnt achieve much)

Meanwhile, the offensive against the byzantines had got underway. Niassus and Dyrachium fell with some difficulty, but after this, Byzantine resistance seemed to collapse, and first the important city of Varna fell, and then the coastal town of Caesarea, not far from great Constantinople itself. Cannons proved quite effective, and it was shown that even more obsolete untis could still defeat fortified musketeers when operating as part of a well organised, cohesive army. There was no sign of byzantine dromons raiding our shores, presumably they were defending their remaining coastline.

"We shall occupy many Byzantine cities!" declared Brennus XIIX on the annual 'state of the war' address, "We will teach them the results of waging war on our people. Our warrior spirit cannot be broken!" Additionally, cuts in military spending and production were announced, as it was felt victory was at hand.

Then came a new suprise. The dutch, a nation with which we had good relations (they were polite and we had helped them with many technologies), signed a pact with the mayans and delcared war on us. We hoped this would be a case of moral rather than actual support from them. But true to their word, dutch forces invaded celtic lands from thier outpost, a captured incan city on our border. Their longbowman failed to make an impact on our local garrion forces and were defeated, while their swiss mercenaries walked menacingly around the mountains. They were known as tough fighters, and we were lucky in that were never forced into battle against them.

While the dutch could not yet threaten any of our cities, the situation was dangerous as it left only the Incas (who were a broken power) and the Hittites (of unkown size and strength) at peace with us on the home continent...

Back in constantinople, Theodora was furious. "It was not in our agreement that Byzantium should be invaded while your people do nothing!!!" the Empress yelled at the Hittite ambassador, "You would see us bled dry while your lands are kept safe!"

"I beg you pardon, Empress. I think youll agree, the advance of the celtic pagan barbarians is unexpected. But if you would just order your forces to hold the line while lord Mursilis prepares his-"

"His what!!!! You and your 'king' have nothing but empty promises. I will not see my army wiped out. We will fall back and defend this city and the south of the empire. We will stretch them out, but not engage them. But if your people take action, as agreed, then i will reconsider."

"Empress, i have assurances that lord Mursilis is already underway with his forces. I resent your-"

"Get out of my sight! Infact, you are banished, until i hear word that the Hittites have taken action agaisnt the barbarians and kept their word!"

The ambassador bowed slowly and deliberately, and left the room. Before Theodora could calm down, a messenger entered.

"Your highness! good news! the Hittites move north to meet the barbarians!"

"They do? for certain?"

"Yes, your highness. They move towards Varna at this moment!"

"Varna? Varna!!!" Theodora fell to her knees. "You b*st*rd!!!!!" She screamed, close to tears, close to collapse, "Not against our own people! that horde of pillaging cavalry, against our own people! They were supposed to attack the celts in their own lands! their own lands!!!"

Aids and councillors rushed to her side, but there was nothing they could say. Northern byzantium would now become part of the hittite kingdom, the price of bringing down the celts. A price which was a little too high to afford, but now there was no choice.

Out in the front line, celtic scouts had seen Hittite cavalry near their advance forces, but nothing was thought of it. "They are just ensuring their own land isnt attacked. The Hittites have no need to worry, our war is with Byzantium" But it soon became clear, that the hittites wanted a war was with the celts!

The celts had never yet seen anything like it. The hittites must have been building up their cavalry force for countless years. In one strike, Varna, and its numerous celtic defenders inculding a damaged army, were completely destroyed. Hittite cavalry roamed at will, smashing even fortified musketeer defences. Many cannons were captured. Their cavaly was an evolution above the armoured knights the celts and byzantines still used. Their tactics were deadly and the celts had no real answer.

The Hittites soon captured all the gains the celts had made agaisnt the Byzantines except Ceasarea, were surviving celtic forces had rushed to gather for a last stand. But the hittite horde more or less ignored them and instead moved futher north, leaving them trapped.

(The immediate aftermath of the first assault)

(A celtic garrison is overrun by the hittite horsemen)

There was a sandy peninsular, previously unihabited and lying between celtic and byzantine borders, which the celts were now in the process of colonising. A large number of workers had moved in to build a road, and a coastal trading city was planned to be built there. The celts concentrated on evacuating the workers and settlers out of the area, and succedded, loosing many men in doing so.

But now the hittites moved even further, and in a suprise move they captured the celtic/incan city of Tiwanaku where the celtic war council had met at the beginning of the war, a blow to celtic pride. It is estimed that by this time, around half of the celtic offensive military untis had been destroyed, including one whole army, and many, many defensive units also.

(Was a new empire was in the making?)

But the hittite cavalry was beginning to wear thin. Damaged and isolated cavalry units were being picked off by the remaining celtic forces. The hittite attacks began to lack direction (intelligence reports blamed the high quantity of alchohol consumed by the hittite forces). Musketeers were being rushed en mass to the front, preventing further losses. Most celtic cities and provinces began focusing on building army units, and much effort was put into copying the hittite tactics and developing a new celtic cavalry force.

Had the hittites 'shot their bolt', or was this just a beginning? and what was byzantium planning? Nonetheless, Tiwanaku was soon recaptured, and the celts prepared for a new offensive on the turning of the tide, to retake their gains and force peace on byzanitum and the hittites.

A bunch of your images are'nt showing.

Edit: Nevermind there showing now.

Edit: Hey that's Rise of Nation's:goodjob:
i messed up my initial posts, some of the image tags werent right. Looks like ive got it right now. My connection has slowed to a crawl, which is a pain for editing the post.

Yeah i was playing around with RoN today, and i thought it would make a cool screenshot!

About the experience levels, im using 5 hits for regular, 6 for veteran and 8 (IIRC) for elite. Dunno about conscript, either 4 or 3. Seems to work quite well for my games, well i like it at least.

Thanks again for the replies
Damn, this is brilliant! I LOVE the pictures with all the great editing and commentary, but i have my doubts about your playing style of tryig to play teh heroic defender, eventually it'll probably backfire and draw you into a massive war, the opposite of what you want, but hey, that'll make for even more great pictures :D

Unfortunately, the ones in your last post aren't showing up for me for some reason... oh well, the story is still really good.

EDIT: Oh, wait, there they go, that's better.
the screenshots are great
sorry I can't write longer posts, I'm doing this during class, I'll write more after I get home
Hey, we need more! I'm going through withdrawl over here! :mutant:

I imagine it must take awhile to play these big extended periods of play then edit all them pretty pictures, i wish i had the technology to do that, i don't even know how to take a screenshot and post it.

You hit like, CTRL+Print Screen right? How do you attach it to a post? Or put it in an art program to edit and screw with? I'd greatly appreciate this so i could make my own.
How do you capture those screenshots, and what are you using to edit them. Many Times, I've wanted to capture some cool moments in the game but didn't now how
Thanks again for the replies

To make my screenshots, i pasted them into the paint program i got with my scanner, that elts you do some cool stuff like the transparencies and text etc.

Ive actually uploaded to my free website rather than civfanatics at the mo. But i might do that from now on instead, because the pictures dont seem to show all the time, i think because of a byte-transfer limit.

Ive actually played up to start of ww1 technology (infantry/artillery) a hundred or so turns ahead, and been at war with pretty much everyone. Im still only around 950 bc! i screwed up the timescale by starting 1000 years earlier and lowering the year intervals, i went a bit too far. The game wont reach 1AD before the time runs out!

Ive got univeristy work and stuff, but Ill add more soon :)
ouch that sounded like a real blow to the stomach
The celts had overcome the initial shock of the reversal the hittites had inflicted upon them. The whole nation was mobilised for war and revenge. The hitties had attacked to try and destroy celtic power. But destiny had called the celts to greatness, to act as a force for peace and justice in the world, and no foreign upstart nation would get in the way of this!

A new centre for administration and council meetings was finally completed on one of the cities on the old celtic/incan border. It was hoped the building would help weld together the celts and their incan population under their rule who still retained much of their culture, reducing crime and corruption. The building was supposed to be called the 'unforbidden palace', signifying its openess to the people as a place of debate and discussion, but due to a gallic/inca translation error, it became known as the 'forbidden palace'. Anyway, it helped reduce corruption and improve industry in many southern cities of the nation.

In the countryside around Tiwanaku, still littered with the rotting corpses of dead horses, a new rebuilt army was gathering. The army of Boudeca, one of the last survivng celtic armies, would lead the revenge of the celts. New cavalry units were trained, using new tactics developed to coutner the hittites. Musketeers and cannons also arrived in lage numbers.

The hittites had brougt in musketeers and infantry to guard their new conquest, but not in sufficient numbers. The celtic army struck back with their own new cavalry divisons. The fighting was fierce in places, but turned out to be something of an anti-climax. The celts managed to retake their original gains by 1202 bc. The hittites could only manage scattered counter-attacks and raids, there was no sign of any new cavalry horde that would shred our attacking army to pieces. Maybe the hitties had really already lost more than we realised.

A new council of war was gathered. What to do now? The byzantines remained hostile still, so it was decided to strike deeper into their land, and force them to make peace first. The hitties had fought bravely, but were now considered less of a threat. Surely they would make peace once the byzantines caved in?

The reconquest so far had not been without loss. But while some forces stayed back to reinforce and rearm, the majority of the army marched slowly but directly towards Constantinople. The byzantines were only capable of sporadic raids against the advancing force.

This show of strength against the Byzantines convinced them to sign a peace treaty, surrendering Varna and thier northern coastal cities, although Ceasarea was returned to byzanitne control. Now, only the hittites and the upstart maya remained hostile. With no real way to threaten mayan cities far beyond the celtic borders, the celtic high council signed a treaty with the maya and were ready to do the same witht the hitties. But sevel high councillors rallied support for continuing the struggle against the hitties. A new condition was put on peace with byzantium. They now had to give right of passage for our forces. The byzantine leadership agreed, either out of fear or the will to see the hitties suffer.

And so, from the window of her palace, theodara watched as in the distance, the celtic armies turned south, with some relief. She hated them, how dare they parade infront of her like this, in her land. But she also hated the hittites now. If they had struck quickly and descivley into the heart of the celtic territory, they could have done some real damage to the barbarians. But instead they caused the war to be fought up and down the byznatine northern lands, leaving many cities severley damaged and occupied, and not affecting the main centres of celtic manpower and industry at all. That was simply a war of attrition, which they could never have won. The fools!

For the celtic expedition force travelling south from constantinople, led by Boudica, it was a long and hard march. The Byzantines, despite their desire to see the hitties suffer like they had done, still did everything they could to hold up the advance of the celtic troops without provoking a new war. Roads were frequently blocked off in mysetrious circumstances. The longer they spent travelling and the further they got from celtic borders, the smaller the celtic army felt. This was the most abitious operation yet attempted by the celts, now far from their own borders. Many times, consideration was given to abandoning the whole operation, but tradition and honour inspired the warriors to keep going.

Out in the plains near adrianople, the expedition force finsihed another day's long march and settled down to camp for the night. Incense production was the main industry here. As the warriors hammered on their tent pegs, many byzantine incense caravans travelled by, moving up and down the nearby road, wafting pleasent smells across the land. Boudica was reminded of more pleasant times back home. It was a hot, they had been marching for months, everyone was exhausted. In the top ranks, consideration was given to returning home.

Boudica entered the command tent to find her fellow generals there. Again they were arguing for a return home, or for a short, a limited raid against the hittites. The debate went on for some hours, until the sun had fully set. The mood was serious. The generals took a break, but it was clear the desicision was going in the way of going home.

But as the commanders stepped outside the tent, a horserider came galloping through the darkness, slowed, and handed a message to Boudica. Illuminated by torchlight, she read the scroll quickly. "From the High council, to Commander Boudica or the acting commander of the expedition.... The high council issues a directive to continue the operation, except in the situation of severe enemy resistance. Rendezvous with reinforcements at mount Ararat". The other commanders gathered round

"So, what knews, general boudica?"

In her military gear, illuminated by the torchlight, boudica was a striking figure, and as she turned to face them,

she seemed to have regained the fire in her eyes.

"We march on!"
And so the celtic force continued on, eventually reaching the hittite/byzantine border. The land was desolate and untouched by farming, the bleak flat landscape crossed only by deserted roads and a winding river. In the distance, the rendezvous point, a mountain just inside the Hittite border, towered ominously above them, like some kind of giant sentinel, a bringer of ill fortune. But as they crossed the border the only hittites encountered were of the nomadic, sheep herder type. Still there was considerable doubt about how succesful the force could be, as the hittite home cities would surely be better defended than anything seen so far.

In the shadow of the mountain the army waited for several days, before scouts reported reinforcements on the horizon. Nobody was expecting much, but it turned out the reinforcements were infact another entire force, just as numerous as themselves, with two whole cavalry armies amongst them. One was lead my Cunobelinus, a charismatic leader who had recently risen through the ranks, during the reconquest of northen byzanitum. All the forces who had stayed back to requip had joined with many newly formed units, and with the help of celtic workers and engineers, had found a shorter route through the leech-infested 'Swamps of Sardica'.

The army commanders soon met to hold a council and share the tales of their adventures so far. While Boudica and Cunobelinus joked about leeches and sheep, a plan of action was already being formed. Confidence was high, and just a few weeks later the large combined force soon descended on the hittites, who seemed to have been taken by suprise. Boudica's forces, reinforced with cavalry, assaulted Aleppo, and Cunobelinus struck at Heraclea. The celtic cavalry proved most effective, the multitude of cannons the forces had dragged along with them were hardy needed. Although guarded by several musketmen battalions each, Aleppo and Heraclea fell almost simultaneously to the onslaught. Celtic losses were moderate.

The smoke cleared, the dust settled, and it was done, the final blow had been struck. The hittites had fought bravely, and were defeated. The celts had travelled far from their own borders and pulled off a succesful military opertation, just as the hittites had done all those years ago at the start of the war. The score had been settled, there was no desire to see further death and destruction. Also, the celts didnt want to keep the concentration of their forces away from their homeland for any longer than neccessary. In the end, more a war of determination than of epic battles. If the hittites did have any more cavalry left, they were keeping them back.

And so the hitties agreed to peace terms, and the celts proved they could project power across the whole continent. Some thought was given to keeping control of the captured hittite cities, but it would be an outpost that would be easily cut-off by byzantium and the hittites if war broke out again. It was decided that the province of Aleppo-Heraclea will be given to byzanitum!

Theodora didnt want to accept at first, as this would be a from of insult, making her country seem almost like a vassal kingdom, dependent on the Celts. But the offer of new territory and of settling the score with the hittites was too good to pass up. The byzantines offered no objections to taking control of some of the hittite's core territory. The byzantines and the Hittites now became hostile to each other, leaving the celts alone. It seemed like a happy state of affairs, assuming that one of them wouldnt become too powerful and seek to destroy the other....

The horse had been used by humankind to wage a horrible war. Many horses were now depended upon to defend the celtic nation in the cavalry forces. The druids held a ceremony to honour the horse, and many captured horses were set loose to roam free in the plains.

The celts prepared for a new age of peace. The large army created in the last war was sent home and distributed across the borders of the new expanded celtic nation. Boudica and Cunobelinus returned to Artefold, where construction of a military academy was begun to train more army leaders. A move to a democratic from of government was initiated. Science progressed faster than ever, as the druids began experimenting with steam
power. At last, everything would be in balance and at peace on our continent.

Except it wouldnt, because news soon came that the mayans were attempting to crush the Dutch nation that clung to the south of the continent. The dutch had declared war on us once, but we had revived good relations. The dutch seemed like a sensible, rational people, a good friend to have on the continent when surrounded by so many mad warlike aggressors.

At first it was hoped the tough swiss mercenaries would be able to hold off the maya. For several years the celts observed the situation, and aided the dutch by ensuring they had the latest firearms and weapons. But then the dutch city of Gronigen fell, and it was clear the dutch needed our help to remain as a united nation. Our nearest naval forces moved in to distribute aid and resuce refugees, while it was decided what course to take.

The council was agreed, we will not see the dutch nation stamped out by the maya. Riding on the wave of confidence after the defeat of both the hittites and byzantines, plans were put in motion to attack the maya and protect and restore the dutch nation.
it says it will allow data transfer again in one hour

/edit ok i decided to upload to civfanatics, and changed the post to show the pictures from there...
great so far, continue. I spent most of my internet publishing class reading it. I do nothing there but veiw message boars and play video games, really a big waste of time
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