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the celtic peacekeepers!

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War with spain broke out around 1100 BC. Records do not show exactly how it started, although it is thought either the Spanish refused to move warships out of celtic home waters, or the Spanish simply declared war.

More disturbing news reached the celts, as the Germans, destroyers of the Aztecs, were in turn being overrun by the Americans and Iroquai. It was hoped the germans would be able to make peace before being destroyed.

Meanwhile, the Spanish were seen as a weak nation, with only 5 major cities and lacking the technology of the celtic continent. They still relied on medieval pikemen, knights and their ‘conquistadors’ to defend their cities. Spain was actually quite close to the eastern shore of the nation, and so it was decided to launch and an expedition across the sea to teach the Spanish a lesson. A volcano erupted on the Spanish / Iroquai border, perhaps it was some kind of omen? Celtic frigates began to harass spanish shipping, bombarding them from a distance, while transport galleons sailed to vitcos were a small invasion force was being assembled.

On a spring morning, sometime in early 1099 bc, several galleons, escorted by frigates, reached the Spanish shore unopposed near the city of Santiago. Supremely confident, no thought was given to landing on defensive ground such as the mountains round the coast, and so several musket, cavalry and cannon divisions were landed onto open grassland terrain. As they began organising to attack Santiago, the Spanish surprised them with a huge assault.

The celts had believed the Spanish would divide most of their forces amongst their city garrisons, with only a few scattered units sent out to raid and harass enemy forces. But instead, it seemed virtually the whole Spanish armed forces were bearing down on the landed troops.

There was no chance to get back to the ships. Wave after wave of longbowmen, knights and conquistadors attacked the celtic forces who had no chance to dig in. Cannon batteries had chance for only one volley before the Spanish were upon them. Celtic Musketeers fired out from walls made of dead and dying men. Celtic cavalrymen shielded themselves from the shower of longbows, crouching behind their dead horses. Still the spanish came on, cyring terrible war cries and flinging themselves at the celts.

Partial logbook of a celtic officer, later recovered from spain:

“Late Afternoon. A surgeon removed the arrow from my shoulder. Returning to the defences”

“Evening. Terrible loss of life. Great numbers of Spanish dead litter the countryside. Our own forces are decimated. None of our men has escaped a wound. Still we hold.”

“Sunset. Fought off a charge by Spanish knights with our musket fire. The Spanish came with their armour and their swords, but we shot most of them down. The wounded horses are making a terrible noise out there. Lost many men. Few are left standing. Reinforcements must come soon”

“Its night, sometime… falling back. Many dead, everywhere. The reinforcements never came, Spanish are everywhere, all around us. We are falling back, abandoning the camp. May the spirits of battle protect us”

“Still night… Gunshots in the distance. We don’t know where we are, but there are still bodies everywhere. How has this scene form hell come about? Why is this battle being fought? Nothing makes sense anymore”

“Dawn… gunfire continued all night. We are pinned down in an abandoned Spanish village. We met up with scattered survivors. We see no other soldiers out there except Spanish. Maybe were the only ones left? The Spanish are everwhere, there are no battle lines. We cant get to the ships.”

“Its morning. Light shows smoke and death everywhere. We made it to some kind of Spanish villa, also abandoned. Found some Spanish wine, it’s a crude drink but it soothes our spirits. We see our cannons being carried away by the Spanish in the distance. The wounded are suffering terribly, we have no medicines”

“The Spanish are shouting and cheering, a terrible noise. It must be over…. We can’t hear any gunfire. 10 of us are left standing”

News of the disaster soon reached home. At least 10 divisons of the celtic army were completely wiped out, the survivors were shown no mercy by the zealous spanish who regarded them as barbarian devil worshipers. At least twice as many spanish troops were dead or injured, but that was little consolation.

The celtic people were now united in one mission. The Spanish must die!!!
silver 2039, ill try my best!

DisruptiveIdiot, i used the scenario editor in RoN. I just lined up some troops facing each other, tried to choose troop types that look kind of what is in the story. Then all i have to do is play the game, they start fighting and it looks like a war is going on :) I got the idea from other stories where people have used flight sim graphics and stuff to help illustrate the story.

Raging Barbarian, thats a cool story :) i actually did that with a german city later on in this game, it was quite funny.

About 'ensuring world peace', i didnt mean that seriously, i know ive been kind of evil in this game by crushing other nations and taking their land. A true peaceful nation probably wouldnt build more than one city ever, in case they took land from the barbarian tribes :)

thanks for the replies, ill continue this soon.

/edit, i posted another bit of the story on the end of last page, which might get lost
Amazing Daftpanzer.

I wonder if there's a big naval battle anytime soon vs. the powers on the other continent ;)

I know this is C3C and the AI likes to build ships now

Edit: Daft. I'm noticing the pics you post of late are heavily compressed compared to some of your first pictures and its hard to make out the detail (such as city names and units).
I have to say, i just get more and more impressed by this story the mroe i read. Damn, you ought to get teh Civ pulitzer or something :goodjob:
The celtic president, Brennus XXI, looked at the strange, noisy contraption filling up the room infront of him.

"OK. So what does this do again?"

"Its a steam engine! a steam-powered auto-moving device!" Explained the high druid of the science academy.

"but what does it do?"

"Ah... well.... there are many possiblities, such as transportation and industry, but-"

"Thats nice. Let me know when you invent something useful!"

"But its a working steam engine! A working-"

The door slammed shut, the president and his advisors were already walking away.

"Nobody appreciates my work!" The druid muttered to himself. Then, he realised one of the visitors hadnt left. The high naval commander of Celtonia walked over to the machine, a hand to his chin.

"Druid, tell me, could we use this machine to as a power source, for transportation?"

"Yes, of course, with enough development"

"Could it be used, say, to power a war vessel?"

"Yes, yes indeed!" the druid replied enthusiasticly, "a heavier and larger ship than any yet seen, could be driven across the seas in all weathers!"

"Well then... I think I have some work for you..."

Thus began the celt's most abitious secret project to date, although it would be some years before the results would be seen.

(Documents from the Celtic Academy Archive)

Celtonia was still recovering from their shock military defeat in spain. The fact that the celtic warriors had gone there to invade in the first place didn’t seem relevant now, the spanish were arrogant, ignorant aggressors. They had to be defeated and brought to ruin, so they could no longer threaten the free nations of the world.

The lesson of the disaster was learnt. A new invasion was planned, this time a much larger force would land in highly defendable terrain, were they could hold out and defeat any spanish counter-attack, before making a move on spanish cities.

However, the celts couldn’t now send the required force to spain without leaving themselves vulnerable on the home continent (or at least, leaving themselves unable to 'protect the peace'). At the time of the defeat, recruitment of new army units had ceased completely.

Now many new army units needed to be trained and equipped, but there were other conflicting needs. Whether people liked it or not, a new industrial age had dawned. Steam power had arrived with the promise of rail-road transport, and soon the celts also had a breakthrough in firearm design with the development of new rifles which were more powerful and accurate than the older muskets.

The government decided to focus on constructing a rail network, to take advantage of the benefits this technology offered. And much of the celtic treasury was poured into upgrading most of the infantry with the new rifles and tactics. So, preparations for the new invasion progressed slower than hoped, and it was put back year after year. But the ill feelings didnt go away, the celts were still determined to get revenge on the spanish.

Elsewhere in the world, Amercia had taken control of the old aztec lands from germany and some of their other cities, and their allies the Iroquai had taken much of the german homeland. That war was not going well for the Germans, and the Americans and Iroquai now looked like the main powers in the world together with the celts.

The celtic navy continued to bombard spanish ships and the spanish coast, although actual close-range combat was rare and few ships were sunk. However, the Americans were apparently upset at the way the celts were attempting to interfere with the other continent. Around 1095BC, they declared war. Celtic and American frigates were soon skirmishing in seas and oceans all across the northern world. With a large number of coastal cities and improving industry, the celts had managed to produce more naval forces than their enemies, which swung the balance in celtic favour. Although, nobody was yet in a position to control the vast oceans.

(An american and a celtic frigate engage in battle somewhere in the ocean)

This new enemy complicated things. The high council met once again to decide the course the celts should take. The usual doctrine was to take the fight to the enemy on their own lands. But with the bad experience of the first attempt to invade spain, there was no suggestion of trying to invade the vast american homeland to take the war to them there. And the americans were no backwards nation, they had most of the technologies that the celts had (indeed, the main powers on the other continent were catching up fast in the technology race, and were even making progress in new areas).

However, the americans owned an island to the north east of spain. The island, known as ‘Alaska’, was large (if rather cold), with two main cities, but it was unlikely to be defended by any great number of troops. Until enough forces could be assembled to defeat spain (Which wasnt liekly to be too soon), the high council decided to send an invasion force to alaska, as a way of taking the fight to the americans and as an experiment in naval operations.

A new doctrine was also being formulated, which called for the celts to establish fortified naval bases all around the world, to provide shelter and repair of warships nomatter where naval fighting may take place. The celts wanted to have their navy to have global range, even if their army could not.

Meanwhile, back home, a short war had broken out with the Hittites, after their troops had crossed the border into the celtic military zone around Copan. The forces stationed there quickly captured the Hittite-controlled city of Lazapa before the enemy could react. The Hittites were still fighting the Byzantines, and they agreed to peace shortly after. A short conflict, but it had strengthened our position in the south.

celtic forces 'stabilise the region'

More shocking was the collapse of german power. The last german cities were being consumed by the Iroquai. It was time for the celts to act like the true protectors of civilisation that they imagined themselves to be. As the Iroquai forces assaulted the defences of Berlin, King Bismark was quietly escorted out of the city and onto a waiting celtic merchant vessel. Sailing with neutral flag, the merchant ship sailed across the western ocean to Celtonia. On the east coast of the nation, the celtic/incan city of Vilacamba was officially ceded to the Kingdom of Germany, to serve as a last outpost of free german civilisation. King Bismark establsihed a government-in-exile.

(The celts provide a safe haven for King Bismark and the remnants of free germany)

Weeks later, Berlin fell with the last of the german homeland into Iroquai hands, but their efforts to totally crush the germans were frustrated for now. Several oppertunist nations declared war on the germans, including the Byzantines and the Vikings (who were becoming increasingly arrogant and hostile). But the celts declared Vilacamba to be under their protection, and a protective barricade was set up by auxillary (obsolete) celtic units and any spare ships that could be found to stop hostile forces reaching the city. Nobody could reach the city unless they were prepared to fight through the celts. The german civilisation was protected, until some opportunity might arise to restore the freedom of their homeland.

Meanwhile, a celtic invasion force had reached Alaska. Several cavalry divisons, supported by riflemen, cannons and frigates, were landed near the easternmost city of Buffalo. The American garrison could not offer any counter attack, but the city only fell after a tough battle. It was some months before the invasion forces had recovered enough to drive east to Houston, which fell more easily. The Americans were unable to send any reinforcements due to the celtic frigates, and another more deadly threat…

Not content with annexing germany, the Iroquai soon declared war on the Americans, their former allies. This was great news for the celts! They would fight each other to a standstill, or so it was hoped. In this new situation, the Amercians agreed to peace, and Alaska was now a celtic naval base.

Years had past, but still spain and the celts remained bitter enemies. The Spanish now began to put peace proposals forward, but the celts replied that they must avenge the lives already lost with the complete defeat of the Spanish military. The war went on, but the people were growing unhappy. In oldern days under the old monarchy, the celts had fought army long wars. Now the democratic system was being blamed for creating violence and dissent among the weak-minded sections of the population. Corruption was also rampant. A new system of government was being called for, one which would bring a return to justice and order and return power to the state, but for now democracy held out.

With spain as the only enemy left, and industrialisation increasing, a large army would soon find its way to spain to resolve the conflict one way or another. That is, if the celtic nation didn’t fall too far into revolution and anarchy.
Are you planning on regaining german territory, and giving it back to the germans. If you are you should do it soon, before the former germans are culture assimilated.
Raging, Well i dont know how the german cities will be. I think i modded the game to have slower assimilation, but the iroquai have got a fascist government now so lots of german citizens will get killed.
If the cities go back to the germans later, then they will hopefully re-assimilate back to german culture even if there isnt any german people left there. But lots of them will have died :(

Dexters, yeah the a.i seems to like ships now for sure! ive got into some bigger naval battles later on. About the pics, i compressed them just to make it load up quicker and easier.

Ive uploaded a map of the whole world at this time in the game. I was bored for an hour this afternoon :) Its a huge jpeg, but not compressed very much, about 4/5 screen wide and 2 down.

Heres a link to it, but its over a megabyte in size!

thanks again for the replies
Thank you for posting that map, it really put things in perspective. :)

edit: what does that sword thing mean next to a city? is it a sign for a barracks or what? and does it come in PTW or C3C?
yeah its a sign for a barracks, i beleive it only came with conquests
oh ok, thanks. But what are you still doing here? You have a game to play and a story to post, so step to it! ;):D
what size world is it and if it is random do you have the seed number. I'm sorry if you've already answered this.
It feels wrong to read this and NOT congratulate you after every new post... So Great Job! Too bad you couldn't save the Aztecs before they were destroyed. That giant map is great, now I can see who that suspiciously growing red nation is in the south of the second continent. I haven't even heard a word of France, are they powerful? Technological? Because they seem like their land area would grant them a 1st rate power position.
I decided to change my avatar to fit my name better, jsut so no one is confused.
Looks like you've got quite a few obsessive fans, Daft. :D

I travel a lot for work, but every night I check my email, hoping to see that there's been a new post on this thread...It makes me happy to know that the Celts are still keeping the peace, albeit in a violent and bloody way ;)
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