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the celtic peacekeepers!

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Wow, what a great addition Daft. I followed the game closely for a long time and it is nice to see that you still make additions. I really like these stories but i am not going to go as far as to put 'I'm a Daftpanzer fanatic' in my sig :lol:

Keep it up. And great pictures :D

Dutch cavalry were spearheading an attack, probing for weaknesses, followed by dismounted troops. The suffering of the local population was terrible, many were caught up in fighting and ruthlessly sabred by cavalry or caught in the rifle and pistol crossfire from house to house.

Steadily, hour by hour the dutch seemed to be capturing the city, as raging fires and bloody corpses began to appear on many streets. Orgetorix, sheltering in a temple of some sorts with other civilians, observed the chaos from a high balcony. He decided it was time to leave, in any case there was little to report of the Hittite defences except that they where putting up a brave last stand in the places where they still existed. Being decidedly non-Hittite in appearance, not having their clothes or their darker skin but being paler like the Dutch, he was increasingly at risk of being shot by some panicky Hittite soldier.

He joined a column of semi starving refugees heading north, offering what help he could, having received some education in battlefield medicine back in Celtonia. Perhaps he was soft, never having seen a warzone before, but he felt it was only proper to offer some help to suffering civilians where he was able to do so. But the Dutch seemed to have encircled the city, and it wasn’t long before he was arrested by their dragoons while trying to help some wounded Hittite civilians out of the area.

The Dutch were by no means brutal, and offered every courtesy, at least to Orgetorix, who they could tell was a Celt of some higher rank than a mere tourist. It was not long before they realised he was a spy of sorts, sent to report on their operations. Things took a turn for the worse when they suspected that some of the civilians he was trying to help were also spies or agents, or Hittite army officiers in civilian clothes trying to flee. Some of the civilians were taken away. Orgetorix declared himself to be a celtic observer, and protested the civilians’ innocence, but the Dutch seemed to take little notice, and he didn’t see those people again. Orgetorix would always remember their faces as they were led away.

Because of his interference, he had brought further suffering on innocent people. He could only hope they were in some prison somewhere, perhaps even released, and that some twisted army officer hadn’t resorted to ordering their torture or execution. Even the celtic army had done some brutal things in the past, in the chaos of war.

Orgetorix was held captive in Ugarit for a few weeks at an old Hittite villa of some sorts, now occupied by Dutch army officers, one of the few buildings in the city left standing. He was given good treatment, and was never interrogated. The Dutch guards were kind, he even got to know some of them quite well, and they shared stories and tales. Orgetorix learnt a lot about Holland and found a lot to admire. Still, it couldn’t be long now, he thought, before Celtic warriors would be going to fight their country – the celts would not allow the Hittite kingdom to crumble away on two fronts. Then suddenly one day, without warning, he was told he was free to go. Some deal was made between the Celtic and Dutch diplomats that he never heard the details of, probably some exchange of ‘guests’ or some assurance to reduce ‘observation’ of each other. He was escorted out of Dutch controlled land, to the coast and a waiting celtic ship.

Back in Celtic lands, Orgetorix was hauled in to give his account and explain exactly how he became a captive in Ugarit, when he had been trained specifically to avoid messy situations like that. He had to tell them – he stayed behind as the battle ended to help civilians, he stayed behind to interfere, forgetting his objectives and his reason for being there, compromising himself and the whole Celtic intelligence gathering network etc. And so, he was banned from diplomatic duty until further notice, and ordered by authority of the high council to serve some public duty to the people and the druids as repayment…

Orgetorix had several choices laid out for him by the council elders – Firstly, tree planting and forestry work, to help care for the sacred forests, although this easier work would involve an extended period of time. Quite a contrast was the option of a shorter spell in the most dangerous industrial jobs, like risking incineration in the inner depths of the most fierce steel mills, or the unpleasant conditions deep down in some mine somewhere. There was also more noble, but more demanding choices – army medical work, mainly on the front lines, and the option of joining the military proper, as he had previously trained for some years to do. Finally, there was the option of voluntary execution, if he happened to feel too overcome by shame to carry on.

Orgetorix did feel guilty for what happened – but also angry. Not at the Dutch, but at war in general, the way it destroyed lives.

“Orgetorix, how do you answer? You will respond to this court of the council!”

And so, he chose to join the brave military forces of Celtonia and join the fighting. He realised now, the only way for lasting peace was to win the battles of this current age of war, to win once and for all.

There were a few weeks in re-training, which was all Orgetorix needed, impressing his combat elders, especially in the mental training - pain resistance and psychological training to remain focused in the chaos of battle. His handling of the latest rifles, mortars and grenades was also impressive. He felt like a warrior at heart for the first time.

Before long, he was on a steamship heading across the eastern ocean to fight not the Dutch, but the French Empire. To the front lines in Mexico, the mysterious land of jungle and mountains and ancient Aztec ruins and, in recent years, death by the tens of thousands in brutal warfare between two great powers. He was also heading straight into what was to become one of the biggest battles ever…

Ah, as if I needed more reason to write better dialogue. Most excellent Daftpanzer, most excellent.

Question I've been meaning to ask for quite some time: did you set the time-scale for the entire game to each turn being one year? :crazyeye:
about a sig link, no probs i am still glad that anyone likes this at all :)

MSTK, i made that using 3DS max 6. I did a bit of work with 3ds max at uni, and 'obtained' a copy of it :mischief:

thanks again for replies :)

/edit i messed up the timescale in the editor. It starts in 5000bc, and then i put too many turns in. It started going to one-per-turn about 1150bc :) I think the turn limit will come about 800bc or something :lol: I guess there is a lot of faith in the prophecy that something amazing will happen in 0AD, so people have been counting down to that date throughout history, or something
Thank you for your additions, Daft! :worship::worship::worship:

I think the reason everybody likes this story is that everybody has some kind of similar fiction in his mind when playing Civilisation. That plus the fact that you are a good storyteller and you also add some very well chosen pics to fresh up the text. :goodjob:
YES! Daft has returned!!!! :beer: :beer: [party] [party] :clap: :salute: :thanx: :worship: :drool:
Very nice Daft. Keep writing.

I had commented earlier that the drama seems to have lessened on account that every superpower had been cut down to size.

That may have been the case, but all this little wars, and former allies complicating things for you makes for an interesting new twist!. I can't wait for more entries!
One of the biggest battle ever? I can't wait. [dance]

Also Daft, how do you plan on WINNING this game if you've decided how yet?
Man, imagine when the nukes start rolling around. :lol:
Uncle Sam said:
One of the biggest battle ever? I can't wait. [dance]

Also Daft, how do you plan on WINNING this game if you've decided how yet?
Man, imagine when the nukes start rolling around. :lol:

We have to... um... nuke everybody... because they... uh... killed the trees! :lol:

Great job Daft.
In Soviet Celtonia, trees kill you with nukes! Wood absorbs radiation you know, glows an evil red color.

I've pondered it a little and consolidating Celtic power back into its original boundaries is a pretty interesting move. I've never really heard of that being done before. Quite the goal to struggle for considering you'd have to take on both the Dutch and the French. Makes me wonder though - just what kind of victory are you going for anyway?
Biggest battle ever... Hmm what i wrote is kindof over-dramatic, i guess i was trying to make it sound exciting. Sorry, all it is, I loose a few citys for a while, but in terms of way things had been going unitl then it was a bit of a shock.

I hope to win by space race in the game, if theres enough turns left. Ive wondered about nukes, i dont think id want to make them, the way they cause pullution and stuff :)

Ive played a bit further forward and seem to be getting a bit of a tech lead, im building battleships while the other nations are still using frigates. Maybe theres a chance to build a spaceship in future before anyone else builds a load of nukes.

I dont want to go all the way back to my original cities but i want to see if i can still win after reducing the cities i control quite a lot.

thanks again for replies...
Daftpanzer said:
Biggest battle ever... Hmm what i wrote is kindof over-dramatic, i guess i was trying to make it sound exciting. Sorry, all it is, I loose a few citys for a while, but in terms of way things had been going unitl then it was a bit of a shock.


There should be a law against not posting on a highly read story for more than 2 days!

Just read every word in the thread. It took about three hours.

Great story daft! The second to last post really captured the grim atmosphere.
Again, daft, excellent read. Very possibly the best and most gripping account of a Civ game I have ever read.
Yeah, you kind of released some spoilers there Daft. It would have been much more intense if we thought the mighty Celtonian Empire was going to experience a big defeat. :(
Good, good... Say, do you have T&P? I'd say the hero should be assaulted by an army of caravans and merchants on the street just for the sake of the screenshot.

Anyway, glad to see that some of the Celts begin to see the futility of the peace-keeping. Maybe some of them will soon realize that the only way to make world peace would be to conquer everyone else (or just nuke them).

Continue please. You know that now that we've got TWO new updates in a row we all are even more hooked then before.
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