The Deity Challenge Lineup - Game # 3 - Persia

nice job Acken! Definitely wanna hear how you did all that :)

For my replay - up to T82
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kb's tactic with the Holy warriors worked out! He attacked me T58 this time, what was way better, as he didn't have that many troops close to me.

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14 turns later (T72) I cleared em all, without losing anything - bought 2 chariot archers and 1 archer with faith. Had to buy horses and Copper from Dido (as he pillaged mine and I also went unhappy at one point).

Now 10 turns later he is not sending troops, but also doesn't want peace (no idea why ). Because of that I cannot improve several tiles close to him, but whatever. Things are way easier to mange from here.

Will get NC on T90, and will settle the GBR (on the silver). Saved the missionary so I can insta get religion there. Susa should adopt it the natural way. Bad thing is that at the time I enhance, there will be probably only useless stuff left.
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Well i did go liberty/commerce, so no GE buying sadly and from the point i noticed he was able to dish out a CV is was far too late...

Unfortunately i have no satellites, so i dont know if he conquered his completed continent but i know he whiped Alexander off the map and conquered big chunks of Kamehameha.

He even did finish Aesthetics very early when i reviewed the saves i did throughout the game and had a tourism output which was enormous...
Another interesting fact is, that he did not meet anyone from my continent until the WC started...
GJ! Did you manage to win IG? World Religion passed?
I'm quite surprised you can get 780 tourism using Order without being France or Brazil or Polynesia... (unless somehow you managed to dig up the entire map but even then your museums can only hold so much...) Normally on the rare occasions I go Order, the baseline tourism is around maybe 400-500-ish at most
GJ! Did you manage to win IG? World Religion passed?
I'm quite surprised you can get 780 tourism using Order without being France or Brazil or Polynesia... (unless somehow you managed to dig up the entire map but even then your museums can only hold so much...) Normally on the rare occasions I go Order, the baseline tourism is around maybe 400-500-ish at most

International games is one of the part I replayed yes. My first attempt was half hearted and I came second. I managed first place the next time (barely) when putting everything into it got 1980hammer vs 1915 I believe :rolleyes: due to Napoleon having tons of cities and ahead of other AI.

I also had World Religion. But that one was rather easy to get since I was focusing on CS after the first vote (where I simply proposed WF). 10ish city states + bribing 2 AI made sure of getting World Religion. Even though after it 5 AI instantly DoW me :lol:
No other CV friendly proposal were proposed in the WC (most other proposal were bans on napoleons luxs).

I'm still unconvinced by the Freedom vs Order for culture. I've gone Order on that game and really what I got out of it was mostly the science bonus and the cheaper building. I only got the tourism bonus at the very end of the game.

Also that order tourism bonus feels sometimes really impractical. Sure I had more happiness than napoleon's autocracy but I had less than Greece and getting high happiness feels like a huge investment in policies.
If Freedom can get me as much science and close the gap through specialist gold, I think I'd prefer freedom bonuses. Getting more base tourism. But I don't know, skyscrappers is just so good :s I also used five year plan, without which I wouldn't have gotten IG.
Well you have a head start on those on your continent. Then I had invested into Patro and finally just abused spies. Rank 2/3 spies get very good odds quite fast. Park new recruits at home to level up once or twice then just get the CS with them. Gift gold to CS you don't need a lot to get. You're kind of screwed if you have no luck at all in coups though but 80% odds cannot go too badly.

He was fighting Napoleon the whole game too so maybe he didn't have as much cash to get CS. Alex isn't in every game though.

You can also just DoW him to keep him from stealing your CS once you have acceptable numbers. Put Napoleon on his back too and you can even get a juicy deal at the end.
Up to turn 201 – some unexpected difficulties, but overall I’m looking pretty good. Pictures below for turns 149 and 201.

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Japan could become a problem, although probably not a serious one. He took Carthage a few turns ago and he has one Ottoman city (he took Istanbul, too, but somehow failed to keep it). I’m running out of people to bribe him against. He actually DOWed me somewhere around turn 160, when I was still several turns from Industrialization. It was an awkward time for Crossbows, and I lost a few units, but I managed to get white peace after only a couple turns. I now have enough gold to get Gatlings and I should be pretty safe, but I don’t want a protracted war. Florence is giving me a quest for a road and I just hope its units move so I can finish that before Oda turns it against me…

Speaking of city states, I’ve been brutally unlucky with coups – I failed an 85% in Kabul, then later failed another 83% in Kabul. It’s especially frustrating because success in either coup would’ve given me WLTKD in Persepolis. I at least got one successful coup in Florence, but jeez. Right now my spies are hanging out in my science cities in the hopes of catching some thieves and leveling back up. I did get great tech steal, though, so I can’t complain too much. (Thanks Kamehameha!)

In the turn 201 screenshot, you may notice that I have 50 turns of golden age left. I expect to be in golden age for the rest of the game. I managed to hit my second natural golden age just a couple turns after Universal Suffrage, then immediately popped two Great Artists.

I’m not actually working that many specialists yet, as I haven’t opened Rationalism :eek: I would rather work 3f tiles at the moment. I’m keeping pace on science for now, and I expect to get to some crazy heights once everything comes together. My dream is to top 2,000 science, which I don’t think I’ve ever done.

I have 30 happiness, with full Commerce and Universal Suffrage. I could sell some luxes, but I want to play it safe since I have zero tourism. Oda is the only one with another ideology, so I don’t have to deal with ideological pressure just yet. My ideal plan is to get so much culture that I don’t get pressured. This could be achieved by winning the World’s Fair and popping ~4 Great Writers in that window for massive culture. I didn’t propose World’s Fair on first congress, as I like to save it for the second one, when the hammers are less of an expense and actually winning is much easier. Unfortunately my lack of city-states prevented me from proposing anything on the second congress. So buying city-states is a high priority… but I still need to upgrade Gatlings and I need to buy Public Schools in Susa and Ecbatana. I also want to eventually get Artillery to solve my Oda problem and steal Temple of Artemis. There’s a lot of things I need to spend money on. Fortunately I have 280 gpt and discounts on rush-buying. :)

In the first picture, you might notice that I have a Great Engineer sitting in my capital. I went for Metal Casting before Education, built an early Garden and rush-bought a Workshop in the capital in order to spawn a quick Engineer. I saved the Great Engineer to build Big Ben – obviously I could guarantee Big Ben without it, since the AI hates Commerce, but it costs soooo many hammers. I wanted to get it down immediately for buying quick Factories. After Education I beelined Industrialization (~t 165), stole my way to Astronomy, and then picked up Scientific Theory (~t 182). Next was Electricity, then beeline Fertilizer, and now I’m heading toward Statue of Liberty and Research Labs.

I enhanced my relgion with Swords to Plowshares and Defender of the Faith, which I don’t think I’ve ever chosen before. Reliquary was my first choice, but it was gone. I didn’t care much about spreading my religion, so I decided to just give myself a bit of extra help in case Oda came after me.

I’m exploring the other continent with a 3-move Scout with extra vision and Altitude Training. Fun times.


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I'm still unconvinced by the Freedom vs Order for culture. I've gone Order on that game and really what I got out of it was mostly the science bonus and the cheaper building. I only got the tourism bonus at the very end of the game.

Also that order tourism bonus feels sometimes really impractical. Sure I had more happiness than napoleon's autocracy but I had less than Greece and getting high happiness feels like a huge investment in policies.
If Freedom can get me as much science and close the gap through specialist gold, I think I'd prefer freedom bonuses. Getting more base tourism. But I don't know, skyscrappers is just so good :s I also used five year plan, without which I wouldn't have gotten IG.

Hmmm the science bonus works instantly for Order's factories however Freedom will eventually get a higher peak beaker with civil society in my experience. (It removes the realistic size cap of your cities from somewhere around 30-ish to 40-50... so if you are into hard building virtually every single wonder after Modern like I am, Freedom is the way to go). But if you like rush-buying rather than relying on good size and production overall (regarding both of which Freedom is superior), then by all means go Big Ben + Skyscraper.

Media Culture works on GMs so if your faith is high and you are relying on GMs to finish the job rather than passive pressure (say if you don't win IG then you have to rely solely on GMs), +34% is roughly +17% to GM strength after internet, provided no world religion bonus. Also, New Deal greatly boosts the strength of your landmarks and holy sites (virtually doubling their effect), as well as your academies (although science-wise unless you plant every GS like I do, it won't beat Worker's Faculties though esp. since WF works on all your cities while your academies tend to only be in your cap... but it helps a good bit, such that Freedom is not that much slower)

I'm sure SoL will beat out 5-year plan pretty solidly, at the cost of you having to build the wonder of course, assuming your cities are all well developed and working at least all their science and production specialists.

That said it doesn't have as much happy as Order... and I tend to go 3 cities Freedom, and Order for 4 or more unless I have some crazy happiness either through Patronage or Commerce. Freedom grows stuff pretty tall, but it relies on you to somehow find way to survive the unhappiness pre-hotels. If your strategy is to tech, tech , tech like SV and ignore a lot of other things and bet on winning IG and finishing around that time, then Order is your best bet though. Freedom's bonuses need turns to kick in and if you simply end the game fast then maybe it's not so good. :)

I also had World Religion. But that one was rather easy to get since I was focusing on CS after the first vote (where I simply proposed WF). 10ish city states + bribing 2 AI made sure of getting World Religion. Even though after it 5 AI instantly DoW me
:lol: That is why I never, ever, attempt that stunt unless somehow everyone in the world adopts my ideology, I built them all landmarks, DoF, and helped all of them out, or something :lol: the only way I'll get it is if my neighbor proposes it after he took in my religion. So much headache for speeding up win time by actually not that much. (if it costs you OB or routes, then it's not worth it anymore...)
Up to turn 201 – some unexpected difficulties, but overall I’m looking pretty good. Pictures below for turns 149 and 201.

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Japan could become a problem, although probably not a serious one. He took Carthage a few turns ago and he has one Ottoman city (he took Istanbul, too, but somehow failed to keep it). I’m running out of people to bribe him against. He actually DOWed me somewhere around turn 160, when I was still several turns from Industrialization. It was an awkward time for Crossbows, and I lost a few units, but I managed to get white peace after only a couple turns. I now have enough gold to get Gatlings and I should be pretty safe, but I don’t want a protracted war. Florence is giving me a quest for a road and I just hope its units move so I can finish that before Oda turns it against me…

Speaking of city states, I’ve been brutally unlucky with coups – I failed an 85% in Kabul, then later failed another 83% in Kabul. It’s especially frustrating because success in either coup would’ve given me WLTKD in Persepolis. I at least got one successful coup in Florence, but jeez. Right now my spies are hanging out in my science cities in the hopes of catching some thieves and leveling back up. I did get great tech steal, though, so I can’t complain too much. (Thanks Kamehameha!)

In the turn 201 screenshot, you may notice that I have 50 turns of golden age left. I expect to be in golden age for the rest of the game. I managed to hit my second natural golden age just a couple turns after Universal Suffrage, then immediately popped two Great Artists.

I’m not actually working that many specialists yet, as I haven’t opened Rationalism :eek: I would rather work 3f tiles at the moment. I’m keeping pace on science for now, and I expect to get to some crazy heights once everything comes together. My dream is to top 2,000 science, which I don’t think I’ve ever done.

I have 30 happiness, with full Commerce and Universal Suffrage. I could sell some luxes, but I want to play it safe since I have zero tourism. Oda is the only one with another ideology, so I don’t have to deal with ideological pressure just yet. My ideal plan is to get so much culture that I don’t get pressured. This could be achieved by winning the World’s Fair and popping ~4 Great Writers in that window for massive culture. I didn’t propose World’s Fair on first congress, as I like to save it for the second one, when the hammers are less of an expense and actually winning is much easier. Unfortunately my lack of city-states prevented me from proposing anything on the second congress. So buying city-states is a high priority… but I still need to upgrade Gatlings and I need to buy Public Schools in Susa and Ecbatana. I also want to eventually get Artillery to solve my Oda problem and steal Temple of Artemis. There’s a lot of things I need to spend money on. Fortunately I have 280 gpt and discounts on rush-buying. :)

In the first picture, you might notice that I have a Great Engineer sitting in my capital. I went for Metal Casting before Education, built an early Garden and rush-bought a Workshop in the capital in order to spawn a quick Engineer. I saved the Great Engineer to build Big Ben – obviously I could guarantee Big Ben without it, since the AI hates Commerce, but it costs soooo many hammers. I wanted to get it down immediately for buying quick Factories. After Education I beelined Industrialization (~t 165), stole my way to Astronomy, and then picked up Scientific Theory (~t 182). Next was Electricity, then beeline Fertilizer, and now I’m heading toward Statue of Liberty and Research Labs.

I enhanced my relgion with Swords to Plowshares and Defender of the Faith, which I don’t think I’ve ever chosen before. Reliquary was my first choice, but it was gone. I didn’t care much about spreading my religion, so I decided to just give myself a bit of extra help in case Oda came after me.

I’m exploring the other continent with a 3-move Scout with extra vision and Altitude Training. Fun times.

Uh-oh you might wanna hurry up and buy an inquisitor in your cap... something tells me those prophets are up to no good. If you are not ready to DoW, I think you can prepare to get citadel-bombed too...
Uh-oh you might wanna hurry up and buy an inquisitor in your cap... something tells me those prophets are up to no good. If you are not ready to DoW, I think you can prepare to get citadel-bombed too...
Looks like Parasgarade was already converted. Remember if they have Pagadoas or any happiness with their religion, buy the building
Hmmm the science bonus works instantly for Order's factories however Freedom will eventually get a higher peak beaker with civil society in my experience. (It removes the realistic size cap of your cities from somewhere around 30-ish to 40-50... so if you are into hard building virtually every single wonder after Modern like I am, Freedom is the way to go). But if you like rush-buying rather than relying on good size and production overall (regarding both of which Freedom is superior), then by all means go Big Ben + Skyscraper.

Media Culture works on GMs so if your faith is high and you are relying on GMs to finish the job rather than passive pressure (say if you don't win IG then you have to rely solely on GMs), +34% is roughly +17% to GM strength after internet, provided no world religion bonus. Also, New Deal greatly boosts the strength of your landmarks and holy sites (virtually doubling their effect), as well as your academies (although science-wise unless you plant every GS like I do, it won't beat Worker's Faculties though esp. since WF works on all your cities while your academies tend to only be in your cap... but it helps a good bit, such that Freedom is not that much slower)

I'm sure SoL will beat out 5-year plan pretty solidly, at the cost of you having to build the wonder of course, assuming your cities are all well developed and working at least all their science and production specialists.

That said it doesn't have as much happy as Order... and I tend to go 3 cities Freedom, and Order for 4 or more unless I have some crazy happiness either through Patronage or Commerce. Freedom grows stuff pretty tall, but it relies on you to somehow find way to survive the unhappiness pre-hotels. If your strategy is to tech, tech , tech like SV and ignore a lot of other things and bet on winning IG and finishing around that time, then Order is your best bet though. Freedom's bonuses need turns to kick in and if you simply end the game fast then maybe it's not so good. :)

Well I have more experience with order than freedom but my taking is that freedom pulls it's weight because you can work all specialist slots right away and use secularism for your science (and still grow). It's rare to do that before at least 10 or so turn after plastics when using order. 25% science from order is I think overrated on this forum.
Quick mathematics show that for freedom to give has much you need only 12.5% more base science before lab and 10% after lab (for a city with NC and no observatory and free thought). Number gets higher without NC and lower with observatory.
Getting 12.5% more base science is easy. Industrial era cities don't go over 100 of base science so getting 12% is approximately 12science. That is 6 specialists or 6 pop (or a mix of both). And if you plant academies new deal gives 4 base science per.

It's also where universal suffrage kicks in for the happiness. Order has more total happiness but it's divided in 4 policies, I never get all of them for a sub 250 win. On the other hand suffrage provides more happiness in one shot than order's policies. I'm pretty sure happiness isn't an issue.

SoL would require an engineer in low production games I think. So better have a strong religion to begin with. But CV without good religion kind of sucks anyway.

However I still fear missing rush buys in the industrial era where there is so much to build.

:lol: That is why I never, ever, attempt that stunt unless somehow everyone in the world adopts my ideology, I built them all landmarks, DoF, and helped all of them out, or something :lol: the only way I'll get it is if my neighbor proposes it after he took in my religion. So much headache for speeding up win time by actually not that much. (if it costs you OB or routes, then it's not worth it anymore...)

I don't really fear it on this map. As long as it didn't anger napoleon I was fine since he was the bigger threat of the other continent.
Finished up with a T277 science victory. Pretty good for a game where I didn’t get Education until after T120, Scientific Theory until T182, and Plastics until T227. Sadly, I failed to get to 2,000 beakers, but I came pretty close. Notes on the final stretch:

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Below you will see my empire at turn 232. This is five turns after Plastics (cash-bought all Research Labs instantly without having to take loans) and the first turn where I have all the science policies in Rationalism. In my last post, I had a picture of my empire at turn 201. I had 438 science then. Now I have 1,250 science. So my science basically tripled in 30 turns. You can ramp late game science very fast if you have enough gold and culture.

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Obviously, my finish isn’t setting any speed records, but I wanted to demonstrate this style of game for less-experienced Deity players – you can get reasonably fast, safe wins while prioritizing economy over science. Don’t worry too much about the science/turn benchmarks some people talk about. You’ll probably do yourself more harm than good if you sacrifice everything at the altar of fast science. You aren’t going to get a sub-250 win playing this way, but you’re also a lot less likely to have disastrous, game-ruining setbacks. But that’s just, like, my opinion…

After Plastics I detoured to Artillery in order to go after Oda. I bought/built about 10 Artillery in a short period of time and easily liberated Samarkand, then took Kyoto. I immediately took white peace to ensure keeping Kyoto safe and to re-activate Swords into Plowshares. Kyoto had Temple of Artemis, Leaning Tower, and Colossus. The Temple was the main one I wanted. It’s my favorite wonder to try to capture – it’s truly amazing in the late game but it’s just too hard to build yourself.

Here’s the end:

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I founded a city (Gordium) at turn 254. It managed to reach size 14 in the remaining 23 turns of the game and contributed a bunch of science. I’m not sure if it actually sped my victory up, but I had the happiness, so I wanted to try it. The extra science from Gordium got me to 1,991 beakers at endgame – just short of the 2,000 I was hoping for. Guess I’ll have to try to get that another time.

I could’ve won about 5-6 turns earlier, but I mismanaged my gold and had to wait to buy the last parts. I deleted all of my units for cash in the last couple turns and had already started selling buildings sometime in the 260s. If I had done those things earlier I would’ve gotten a faster finish. The timing was otherwise very nice, as I got Space Procurements maybe two or three turns later than the point where I had enough beakers to bulb all the techs I needed.

As it turned out, I really missed having the Pyramids at endgame. I wanted to convert a ton of Farms into Trading Posts, and timing that is awkward since you want to wait as long as possible in order to max out your city size. It would have been very helpful to be able to convert those tiles faster.

Miscellany: I generated I think three Great Merchants and faith-bought two more. They were all very nice. With Commerce, each endgame Merchant generates 2,000 gold. A spaceship part costs 1,830, so you’re getting at least as much from your Merchants as Order gets from Engineers. The Great Merchant is a really underrated unit in general, I think… I didn’t actually bother trying to win World’s Fair. Poland had a ridiculous amount of hammers and I had enough culture to get everything I needed without it… Freedom actually has a lot of happiness, only it’s in kind of strange places. I took policies for happiness from Specialists, Mints/Banks/StockExchanges, and WaterMills/Hospitals/MedicalLabs. That’s actually more endgame happiness than you get with Order, if you’re interested in those buildings. I did end up selling five Medical Labs, so I had five more spare happiness than I’m showing… There were only four civs left on my map at endgame. Some very successful conquerors out there. I myself was only at war twice, both against Oda, both very brief. I was basically neutral with all the other civs… The final tally: 192 pop across seven cities. I was hoping to top 200, but that’s still a lot of pop... I'm 79 turns into golden age, and I have 22 turns of it left to go. I guess that's overkill.


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to the end (t285 CV, some military action :mischief: )

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The Ottoman aggression did set me back, but not as much as I feared. I still hit flight on t186, which is plenty early. I also took Order.

Japan and Carthage ganged up on the Ottomans as well, so it's a race for the spoils now.

After Istanbul and one more city it was time to smash Oda. Done. Planes shifted towards Dido, our DoF expires, so easy pickings, right?

Well, Dido packs some heat. (I'm going to have to drop back from Istanbul :lol: )

The Ideology war is not going well. I chose Order, but the culture heavyweights went Autocracy (Napoleon and Dido) and Freedom (Alex). A swap is in order (hey at least this way I can have the Kremlin and Prora :) )

With Carthage down, I have the tech lead and plenty of hammers, so what next?

Despite no preparation, minimal cultural wonders, and only a handful of stolen Carthaginian art, I want to go culture. Obviously, it won't be fast. Alex is the largest hurdle - he'll have 50k culture soon enough, and I want to see what he does when left alone.

With internet, international games, and the Greek sack of Paris, victory rolls in at a leisurely t285.

This was a fun map. Alex was a major threat: clearing his continent and competitive in culture and beakers. Nice one AI. :goodjob:

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This map is a wolf in sheeps clothing. The spawned warrior is supposed to discover ulru on the first turn so you settle right next to Japan. I did it and it was chaos. Japan dowd me once early and didn't do much. Settled for white peace. Came back in the 80s with samaris and captured my capital with no contest. I need to rethink my strategy. Think Im playing too cute with my tech order as I tried rushing to education before researching anything really. When Japan came to war the second time I knew I couldn't defend it. Balance is what I need. I will give another attempt in the moring. Nice to see the victory variety in this one. Is this not a good domination map? If so why not?

This off topic but I have a question about how you guys are using spies. When do you stop using them to steal techs? When do you put them in city states and what makes you pick the city state. And when do you chose to coup?
I steal when an AI get fast renaissance, like sub T100. This means I usually can grab some worthy techs during medieval/renaissance. I also do not bother if the steal time is superior to 15 turns and switch capital.

The thing is, stealing is nice but if you play strong science game you will always only steal weak bottom techs like steel or guilds. These techs usually take at worst 3 turns to research when you usually want them. So you're really not gaining that much turns.
As a result I usually stop stealing after 2 steal from my first spy. He's nicely leveled up as a result and I probably won't get anything else interesting most of the time.

I try to only put level 2 or 3 spies in city states. The only cases where I will put level 1 is if I'm already high in the city states.
At that point level 2/3 spies can easily steal CS you don't even have much influence in. Just wait for 85% odds and coup. Just start with the city states you have the highest influence in relative to the AI that currently control the CS.
Do not try this with CS you are already heavily invested in. If you can ally a CS with a small gold gift do that instead.

It really sucks when the coup fails but if you keep yourself coup-ing at 85% it should pay off on average (only 1 in 6 will fail). When you fail and get a new level 1 spy a dozen turn later, put him at home and once he kills an ennemy spy to reach level 2 bring him back on CS shenanigans.

If you're playing domination, stealing is a lot more interesting since you are usually lacking a lot many more techs.
Short recap from T120 to T209 before what I'll hope will be final push - by now domination is the only practical option.

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As the horizon was filled with Carthagian troops I consulted my Lord of treasury & decided to pay Dido handsomely to attack Japan instead of me. After few turns later majority of her troops went somewhere else while I teched to Xbows, upgraded those I could afford and DoWed Dido so that her appearance in my border wasn't totally wasted. The evil eye of Oda saw a non-existent hole in my defense so we had a nice threesome Dido's CS allies as optional extras. Took more than a while to kill all the nearby units in 4 fronts but the xp was very welcomed as didn't have anything with range or logistics.

I took 3 of Dido's cities out of which I burned 2 before capturing Carthage on T152. Few turns later I made a peace in fear of recapturing if there were melee ships around somewhere. Meanwhile I kept Samarkand at 0 hit points in hope of either Oda or my CSs allies taking but that was in vain.
Oda wasn't very keen on anything but white peace so I took Kyoto & Tokyo on same turn after I got bored shooting at his land troops besides when he started producing riflemen things might've turned nasty quite quickly. Holding Kyoto without peace seemed highly improbable due to endless galleasses. Sold Tokyo to Dido in hope starting a war between them but like everything else in this game the opposite of my hopes turned into reality. Also my troops could be somewhere else if I was to conquerer anything on the other continent.

At this point I was finally able to pay a France-Greece semifinal for whom shall I meet in the final. In quarter-finals Alex wiped Casimir off the map and Nappy comfortably beat Kame but let him live. T190 Alex went Autocratic and made peace before announcing the winner with Nappy so I took Order 2 turns later and stayed with positive happiness, barely and obviously Alex denonced me right away. Not a friend with France but at least he didn't denounce me and for the first time in the game things went my way as he joined the Order club on T196.

After a break before the extra time the match between Alex & Nappy continued on T201 - I might have had something to do with restarting it as wars in Civ have always been a spectator sport. Meanwhile I bulbed my way to arties and I'm on my way to visit Paris and it's suburbs around T210-T215. He has quite a few flying objects so I should be quick tarher than patient.

I halted the game on T209 for a time out to figure out some sort of plan. The first part is to take Paris & Chartres within three turns of DoWing to minimize the inevitable casualties. The main problem here is that I screwed up my policies is pursue of happiness so I'm one policy short of finishing Rationalism hence I don't have anti-aircraft yet nor do I have oil connected but as I can't fly GWBs intercontinentally anyway that isn't an immediate problem.
After Paris I hope I can force Nappy into peace as soon possible before Alex continues his couping streak a CS per turn. Kame should be easy to deal when I get bombers in 15 turns but surviving with some troops up to that point is my main concern. Athens is reachable with ease but Warsaw is further away and behind possibly annoying CSs for which I could spend some money but I'd rather be be able to buy something on the other continent as soon as possible. Hopefully I'll have time to finish this later this evening.

I steal when an AI get fast renaissance, like sub T100. This means I usually can grab some worthy techs during medieval/renaissance. I also do not bother if the steal time is superior to 15 turns and switch capital. [...]

I pretty much agree with this, and the rest of Acken's spy post. I'm less disciplined about training spies in my capital, however. (And I get irrationally annoyed when techs are stolen :mad: This game Japan stole Calendar, Philosophy, and Astro from me. That early Samurai beeline sure comes at a high price.)

On coups: there are only two situations where I use them regularly.

1) If I'm about to enter into a long war and don't have the gold to Ally: might as well roll the dice.

2) Good odds, but relatively little accumulated Influence. Losing a coup with 200+ influence is too painful for my tastes. (With Alex in this game there are several CSs that I would like to have with 300+ Greek influence. He also has 35k in the bank ... wish he'd learn how to use it! )
T231 domination as the end was way easier than I expected - I'm so lazy doing domination that I constantly overestimate the AI.

--- add. ----

Hah, just remembered that I reloaded because I made a mistake, and twice the same turn because my short term memory was on strike.
I stopped playing just before I had 200 faith after a prophet & 1st missionary but still had automatic missionary purchase ticked so when I continued instead of switching to prophet for enhancing it spawned a missionary on 2nd turn. Reloaded but still forgot to change it so I reloaded again. Probably didn't make that much difference but advanced dementia shouldn't be an excuse - TdF just was way more interesting at the time.

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I don't understand why the paranoid Corsican asked what I was up to - clearly just passing by in peace.

Ok, so I accidentally misinformed him but everyone hated me already so what's the big deal - luckily his air force is further East.

Hmm, that wasn't hard at all. Bulbed ballistics and upgraded quite a lot of units. Chartres is a bonfire for BBQing stuff and Paris is waiting for recapturing - I don't have time to wait 12 turns before annexing. A heroic cavalry is doing solo mission to pillage his oil with great success and long lived scouts are creating distractions. With 3 GAs waiting I'll be enjoying a Golden Age from on - I should've used at least one much earlier.

Ok. T223 and time to DoW Alex but this is how not to do it. I couldn't count to two so Marseille burned down one turn too early. Didn't manage to plant a citadel by Athens and my artillery is in no man's land unable to be upgraded.
And to add to this insult of intelligence I didn't bother to count the tiles between Paris & Carthage so my bombers are in the hangars on the other continent and who needs carriers anyway - screw this I'm going without air force & anti-air force so at least I'm very well balanced. I don't have wings so I won't fly. Nappy is extremely reluctant to even negotiate peace so kept taking his cities which meant that I was double digit negative on happiness for few turns and this isn't helped by the only French coastal city I took not having a harbor. He has a dozen or so GWBs but no oil so they won't do much damage to anything.

T227 Athens down. Machine guns with double cover are so good that I don't even miss anti aircraft guns now and I got more aluminium so I can upgrade few more rocket arties which clearly rule here. Trying to make peace with Alex to get Warsaw for free fails so I take & liberate Krakow for the final shots. Kame is getting soon a surprise visit after hating me for 140 turns he turned friendly when I took Athens.
Finally Nappy also offers peace and his cities which I gladly take, set razing & sell to Japan apart from Samoa which will act as launching platform for Honolulu later on. Had I paid any attention at the time I might've noticed that there were Petra, HaSo & Sistine amongst other things.

T231 Warsaw & Honolulu fell without much of a resistance. Oddly enough I only lost ~4 units within the last 20 turns - 2 meat shields & 2 scouting lancers. Eventually I bought a carrier and managed to get 2 bombers on the 2nd continent but too late to see any action.

Way more interesting than the Shaka game but nobody managed to ran away enough so while I was teching like an illiterate amoeba I wasn't apparently that far off from the pace at any point.
I spent way too much time playing with Carthage & Japan but that's what lack early xp for units does. The late war(s) saved by not facing horse units - everyone had tons of horses but didn't use them which was good news for my arties.

Full Liberty, Patronage & Tradion openers, full Rationalism and 3 policies in Order. Too many cities, not bothering with culture buildings, very late guilds and no archaelogists so basically all my cpt came from Monaco & Kabul.
Few missionaries, 2 GS from religion and some gpt from Tithe but apart from One with Nature I didn't invest in it either so it was reasonable - if the prophet had spawned a turn earlier it would have been a different story.

Stole once from Oda and twice from Alex but mainly my spies were rigging the key CSs. When the first steal takes 30 turns it's a doomed practice nor did I catch a single spy so my 00's were equally incompetent in offense & defense.

I'm a bit late to the party and have only played about 60 turns, but very fun so far.

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I moved my warrior east and spotted the faith mountain so took the 2 turns to settle my capital on the mountain/river/hill to the east. Found Oda quickly and stole a worker. Then things got crazy. I ended up stealing a total of 4 workers and 2 settlers from him so far as he kept sending them right at me with only a single warrior guard each time. He seems to be desperate to settle to the west and also to improve his iron tile on the west side of the mountain range. He has not been willing to sign peace so that's what he gets. As for my southern neighbors, I have a DoF with Sully and he is at war with Dido.

Full Tradition to Landed Elite so far. Religion is One with Nature pantheon, Tithe and Holy Warriors. Settled city 2 on the river silver near the starting site and have sent another settler to the GBR site. I will likely do a 3-city NC and wait on settling the southern citrus site for now as I will likely go after Oda's capital as soon as I amass 6 comp bows and a few Immortals (still not too late for comp bows but time running out fast - the war has crippled him though). It will mean a delay to Education but worth it I think.
So i finished a SV on Turn 292 after failing before against imba France CV

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I did know my early wargaming is not as strong as hoped so i tried a peaceful defending only approach which worked quite well..

I settled near Uluru and got 3 more cities up.
I had the same funny worker spending factory from Oda, because he REALLY did want to improve that tile on the other side of the mountain so he fed like 8-10 worker which i grabbed and deleted some. And with that he was so busy building worker he did not have Writing up until everyone hit the renaissance and stole CALENDAR from me with his first spy -.- totatlly ridicolous.

But after getting Education around T100 and Public schools T160 i could get my science going but i was gold and production starved, so the building of the public schools did take some time
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As you can see on the screenshot, good old Kamehameha got trashed on his continent and hat his last 2 cities jammed in my territory but i was merciful and let him live there.

Went Freedom because the time i could adopted my Ideology the other continent already was Full order and Dido took Autocracy all 1-5 Turns before i could do it. (Still would have prefered Order but without starting Tenets it sucks)

Got Plastics T204 but i did not grow my cities enough and it was very hard to get the WLTKDs up so the science was not as high as i had hoped (and i had no gold for buying the labs)

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With that i bribed Dido all the time into wars which lead to her conquering Suleiman and Kamehameha at last. The other continent was split between Alex and Nappy and Nappy had already a whopping 600 Base Tourism already without Internet again... but i this time i had so much culture he could not overcome it (but i was the last survivor to his blue jeans trading)

Finally got DoW'ed by Dido as expected but i build already some safety bomber which could defend along my lvl 10 machine guns because i had basically permanent war with Oda from Turn 10 onwards and the leveled like hell.

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