The end of my era

My strategy: Encourage my wife to get involved in outside activities. If she goes out a couple of nights a week to a church meeting, seminar, PTA, etc. not only will you have the time you need to play unmolested, but she will feel a little guilty about going out and leaving you and will cut you a little slack.

Also, you can always make the argument that if you weren't playing civ you would be watching television, which is much worse. At least civ exercises your mind, like chess.

Tell her it is a form of therapy to relieve the stress of the work day or the commute or to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

And finally, don't forget to pay lots and lots of attention to her when you are not playing. Little things mean a lot. Touch her on the back of the neck when you pass in the kitchen. Kiss lots. Do all the other things you used to do when you were trying to catch her. They still count.
I'm going to miss sparring with you CF. You challenged many of the misconceptions about this game that I suffered under, and because of that forced me to a higher level than I would otherwise have acheived. I want to thank you for that. It is a great pity that you have to stop playing altogether.

There, but for the grace of God go I (and a great many other players I suspect).
I too feel your pain... My wife calls Civ "the elephant game" because I used to keep the sound effects on and India would attack a lot with their UU. It would startle her while we watched TV.

I have evolved to the point where I can play GOTM games on my Pismo Powerbook while watching TiVo'ed programs with the wife. I acquired the talent from doing homework in front of the TV growing up. I'm sure my play suffers at times from a distracted mind, but unless I forget to FF through the comercials, the wife is OK with my playing. Heck, she does crosswords during CSI!!!

See ya CF.
Originally posted by zagnut
My strategy: Encourage my wife to get involved in outside activities. If she goes out a couple of nights a week to a church meeting, seminar, PTA, etc. not only will you have the time you need to play unmolested, but she will feel a little guilty about going out and leaving you and will cut you a little slack.

Also, you can always make the argument that if you weren't playing civ you would be watching television, which is much worse. At least civ exercises your mind, like chess.

Tell her it is a form of therapy to relieve the stress of the work day or the commute or to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

And finally, don't forget to pay lots and lots of attention to her when you are not playing. Little things mean a lot. Touch her on the back of the neck when you pass in the kitchen. Kiss lots. Do all the other things you used to do when you were trying to catch her. They still count.

could also appear in "1000 reasons you've been civving to much":

when you are trying to write an strategy article about srr (spouse reluctance reduction). :lol:

hey, it's totally o.k. to be nice and lovingful to your woman/man, but but you might what to do it for their sake, not for civ's. ;)
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