The End of RiFE

We have a firm design schedule, specifically to achieve an end-product. This coming patch is 1.3... The last major version will be 2.0 (barring bug fixes). Several MAJOR steps before that.

So no, we will not leave RifE unfinished and buggy. ;) The next version should actually fix the vast majority of bugs, after which it is mostly a question of implementing the new features we have planned.

This is, of course, assuming that you don't introduce any new bugs in the process of stretching the Civ IV engine far beyond its operating limits and adding more content then most commercial games reach in three sequels.
This is, of course, assuming that you don't introduce any new bugs in the process of stretching the Civ IV engine far beyond its operating limits and adding more content then most commercial games reach in three sequels.

We always do. But we also always fix it. :lol:

Plus, we have Snarko now... And you'd be amazed at the number of bugs he has caught and fixed. :goodjob:
I hate how 1.2 is completely dead. So much is broken and unplayable. And, you always chime in "oh 1.3 team version is fixed." It just feels like you are trolling your own forum. However, what irks me the most is how Mazatl require pasting in some python so a key spell exists. :(:(:(:(:(
At least he is telling you guys that we are working on it and have already fixed some stuff. I think that's better than not telling you anything. Even if it is a tease.
I hate how 1.2 is completely dead. So much is broken and unplayable. And, you always chime in "oh 1.3 team version is fixed." It just feels like you are trolling your own forum. However, what irks me the most is how Mazatl require pasting in some python so a key spell exists. :(:(:(:(:(

That is not the intent, actually, much as I enjoy teasing. The intent is just to let people know that it IS being fixed, that their complaints are being addressed, and we're working on it. 1.3 is a LARGE patch, so it's taking some time; Nothing we can do about it, as we don't make money from this. :lol:

That spell bug irks the hell out of me too, btw. I merged that python on three separate occasions, yet somehow it kept getting merged out... Either a winmerge error or another team member's error, no idea. I have tested those spells multiple times in the new version, and they ARE working. :wallbash:
much as I enjoy teasing.
Which is why your posts are so entertaining. ;) Kinda getting a little impatient for the 1.3 patch though. :p Good thing I have a 1,100+ page "programming Visual C++ 2010 for dummies" book to read. :lol:
... 1.3 is a LARGE patch, so it's taking some time ...

:) I first tried RiFE in (I believe) early February. I started a game, played 50 turns, and died to a monster Minotaur. Bad luck, I thought, started a new game. Played 50 turns, died to three hill giants. Third time's the charm? Griffon. Game over.

Checked the forums, saw a post saying "Oh yeah, the animals are borked but its fixed in the next patch. Shouldn't be more than a few weeks...

some time, indeed.

(BTW, I really admire the work that you're putting in and I don't want a rushed project, but I agree with Gammon that several game-breakers were left unpatched in the existing version.)
:) I first tried RiFE in (I believe) early February. I started a game, played 50 turns, and died to a monster Minotaur. Bad luck, I thought, started a new game. Played 50 turns, died to three hill giants. Third time's the charm? Griffon. Game over.

Checked the forums, saw a post saying "Oh yeah, the animals are borked but its fixed in the next patch. Shouldn't be more than a few weeks...

some time, indeed.

(BTW, I really admire the work that you're putting in and I don't want a rushed project, but I agree with Gammon that several game-breakers were left unpatched in the existing version.)

Yeah, RL got in the way a bit and it kept growing in size. :lol:

The issue with the 'gamebreakers' is that they are, generally speaking, balance issues. Which are VERY difficult to address in a small patch, when those changes and more have been made already. It's difficult to isolate changes in one area, without introducing bugs by letting parts of other changes slip in. The 1.2X patches were all like that; Merges of existing content. I kept it mostly to the DLL, however, to avoid xml issues with the massive changes we'd already made.

So there is a reason some bugs just never got addressed. It won't be happening again, as our future patches are far more focused; They won't bloat out like this again.
I want 1.3 and all the upcoming fixes as well, but since these guys are doing it as a hobby and giving it to us for free, I'll just be patient and remember that the reason I want 1.3 so bad is that they have already done a good enough job to hook me into to their mod.

So, um, when's it coming again? A few days?.. A week?.. Did anyone see the South Park where Cartman froze himself so he didn't have to wait for the Nintendo Wii to come out...
I wasn't meaning to belittle if that is what some thought. This is an amazing project. I was just lamenting that there weren't a couple (even half-hearted) more patches to 1.2, and mostly because I dislike using world builder to keep a game going. grrr barbs :lol:

You guys do awesome work, and I am anxiously awaiting 1.3, no rushing.:goodjob: :goodjob:
I want to chime in here on behalf of the silent minority to say that I LOVE the current barbarian/animal system. Ok, the griffons piss me off, but as long as Timid Animals is on I've never really seen a deadly barbarian assault that wasn't my fault for tripping a dungeon way too early. I kind of like how your explorers need to travel in frikkin armies now.

I'm actually writing a little short story on an epic war of attrition between my Mechanos and a veritable horde of man-eating super-Sabertooth. The difficulty my steampunk howitzer-toting boys are having with those pre-historic felines is downright hilarious.

In fact, my only complaint is that the AIs don't challenge me as much as the local wildlife does.
In fact, my only complaint is that the AIs don't challenge me as much as the local wildlife does.

Which might just have something to do with them getting eaten by your beloved wildlife before they can. ;)
[to_xp]Gekko;9385383 said:
whoa, the thread title did make me afraid :lol:

Oops, I should have said "The end of RiFE development" but I guess that could be scary too.

Thread titles can be misleading like OpheliaImmortal's thread entitled "1.3!" in a forum full of people anxiously waiting for the release of 1.3.
in a forum full of people anxiously waiting for the release of 1.3.
Which, I might add, is *exponentially* much better than an empty forum (which would indicate nobody cares). ;)
Oops, I should have said "The end of RiFE development" but I guess that could be scary too.

Thread titles can be misleading like OpheliaImmortal's thread entitled "1.3!" in a forum full of people anxiously waiting for the release of 1.3.

Which, I might add, is *exponentially* much better than an empty forum (which would indicate nobody cares). ;)

well ... in these two threads we revealed most of new features that will come in 1.3 ... :D ... so I think it _IS_ better then nothing :D
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