The faction leaders are the 7 deadly sins


May 2, 2012
Zakharov is pride, he's the one that has the most faith in Humanity's ability to comprehend and ultimately control the universe.

Morgan is greed, for obvious reasons.

Yang is gluttony, his faction bonuses are all about finding more ways to consume his environment. This is strengthened by the fact that his rec commons are feeding commons.

Sister Miriam is envy, her bonuses center around stealing technology and taking territory, and all her quotes involve her shaming other people for their accomplishments.

Santiago is wrath, for obvious reasons.

Lal is sloth, since it seems like ultimate dream of every citizen is to become a bureaucrat and sit at meetings and talk about how we should all be nicer and stuff.

I would actually put Captain Garland as the one who has lust. You could almost totally attribute his poor handling of the Unity crisis to his desire for Lady Deirdre and the subsequent skewing of his priorities that this caused.

Deirdre is the one who tries to live without sin. She wants to create a perfect world in which there is no cruelty, or even competition.

The twist is that the faction leaders all benefit from their sins. Zakharov's pride allows him to attempt (and often succeed at) the impossible. Morgan's greed makes him cunning and adaptable. Yang's gluttony allows him to boil all matters down to their most basic elements and see the the big picture. Miriam's envy motivates her to defeat her enemies and overcome hardship. Santiago's rage serves a similar purpose. And finally, Lal's sloth creates an unparalleled degree of social harmony within his territories.
I liked it, but obviously, the 7 deadly sins are prevalent elsewhere.
That's an interesting take on it. Though I'd say Deirdre does fit the lust trait with her obsession with planet.

I'd also say you're missing an important part of the gluttony aspect with Yang. All the virtual world stuff he tends to go for could be gluttony in a sense. Over-consumption of entertainment I mean.
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