The first patch is out

WTF, I'm one of the first to get BTS and download the first patch, just knew I'd get ahead in science somehow!!
Does anyone else have problems with the leader animations?

Every time I go to diplomacy or even choose a leader before I start a new game, the animation just isn't there. The box where he/she appears is totally transparent.
I installed, played a few times with no probs, then thought "no point in still having Warlords installed", got rid of it, then BtS wouldnt work (Python error???) So I had to re-install Walords... bizarre.

Also Ive had a few crashes even on Large maps, I could even play them fine on Warlords. So much for the MAF.
oh you have Vista?? haha, there's a huge reason right there.... Bill Gates is taking away more and more of your PC's resources with each new OP.

band wagon FUD...

On the go, I run Civ 4 on a old laptop that only has 3/4 gig of ram. I multi boot XP, Vista, & Ubuntu. Not only does Vista run fine with 3/4 gig of ram, so does Civ 4. Civ 4 performance appears to be identical between xp & vista on that hardware. On my desktop game machine vista & civ 4 are blazing fast...
Does anyone have confirmation that the canadian version comes with the patch? just curios as i'd like to know if i need to patch right away or not.
Does anyone have confirmation that the canadian version comes with the patch? just curios as i'd like to know if i need to patch right away or not.

Yes you need to patch. The first thing I did after installing BtS was to check for updates and there a patch to download.
Does anyone else have problems with the leader animations?

Every time I go to diplomacy or even choose a leader before I start a new game, the animation just isn't there. The box where he/she appears is totally transparent.

Yes, same problem here. Have you found out what the problem was?
Does anyone have confirmation that the canadian version comes with the patch? just curios as i'd like to know if i need to patch right away or not.

On Direct to Drive it came already with the latest patch (Can or US). I got addicted to shopping there. When I went to go find BTS retail no one had it for another week or two. That was unacceptable, So then I recalled D2D from when I got NeverwinterNights 2. It was compatible with my former retail version and I was very happy to be able to play now instead of waiting for those clueless retail people who decided not have Civ BTS on release day(week even).
Its pretty clear why the patches come out so quickly upon a game's release.

Its simply an anti-piracy measure plain and simple.

Sure you can prolly find a pirated version of the game a few hours after it is released somewhere on the net, but that's why the patch is out so quickly - its almost like the MS Windows Validation feature in a way.

I guess I can't blame them.

How would a patch on release be an anti-piracy measure of any sort? Conspiracy theory much?
Also, a patch like that (Sync between US/EU versions?) wouldn't bother me at all if I were to pirate BtS, anyway.

I'm pretty sure that it's just the old game of developer vs. publisher where publisher says "GAME OUT NOW!!!111" and developer says "It not rdy, imo. :(" and publisher says "ORLY? OUT NOW, IMO! D:" and developer says "kay Q_Q" and then works on a first patch after the game goes gold master until they make it available for download on release date.

PS: Hi everybody, first post after lurking for some time. Picked up my copy of BtS today (germany) and just waiting for a buddy to buy his copy so we can waste the weekend with style. :D
How would a patch on release be an anti-piracy measure of any sort? Conspiracy theory much?
Also, a patch like that (Sync between US/EU versions?) wouldn't bother me at all if I were to pirate BtS, anyway.

I think there is some truth to it (but maybe not in this case). Like when you used to have to type in a long code from the back of the CD case. a pirated copy won't patch.

It is just like placing a magnet strip in a case so people cannot lift it from the store.
If I download the patch, will I be able to complete the game I am currently playing?
Am I the only one here on Vista? the setup file for me just reports an error and closes.

Error Code:	-5006 : 0x8000ffff
Error Information:
>SetupNew\SetupDLL.cpp (814)
PAPP:Sid Meier's Civilization 4 - Beyond the Sword
PVENDOR:Firaxis Games (
@Windows   (6000) IE 7.0.6000.16473
So whens the second patch due? Its needed I think!

Or does Firaxis need more of our paying playtesting first.
Patch already?

Well, it is updated to 3.02 but dunno what it is for.

Obviously, the patch fixes some bugs within the 'Options' screen: Before installing the patch, the 'Audio' screen was blank, as well as some of the topics of the 'Graphics' page. Also the right section of the 'Game Options' was missing... First I did not recognise all these things, but with all the advisors and help screens popping up I realisied, that quitting this stuff was quite impossible :confused: Where´re the button ???:confused:

After patching: :goodjob: Everything's o.k., playing the whole night without music and adivsors was possible, no other bug detected so far... mmmh, maybe some balancing things :rolleyes:

Funny thing: The ingame patch system always quoted, it's the actual version, no Downloads available. Had to do it manually...
For the first time (ehm since windows 95 arrived and i got civ (2?) i have problems running it.) Epic game, Terra world, normal size. They game plays ok most of the time (1280x1024), but freezes at times while i give orders. (not when running the Turn, but when move around the world to give orders.

Got a P4 2,5, 2gb ram and a 6800 Ultra.

Havent patched yet, as i am afraid my save file wount load if i do it.
Couple of bugs:
1. Ditto the missing leaderhead animations - just transparent frame;

2. Played Final Frontier - finally out among the stars, at last - 1st Civ I met (Red Syndicate or something) NO problems, made peace,swore eternal brotherhood, blah, blah ... 2nd Civ - as soon as territory sighted, when leaderhead of new Civ generally pops up - BANG ... complete PC crash. Tried 3 times - same result; tried avoiding & going to meet another new Civ - same reult.

Anyone any ideas?:deadhorse: :deadhorse:
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