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The Godslayer

The Avatar of Wrath is not an avatar, as strange as it may be. Auric Ascended is the only Avatar in the game, the whole race was created for him only.

So what's up with the tooltip I regularly get on loading that Meshabber of Dis and the Mithril Golem are both avatars?
I'm not quite sure about this, but AA, the mithil golem, and meshabber are all avatars. The Avatar of Wrath is Camulos's arch-angel i think, but i could be wrong about which god he's an arch-angel to.

Avatars are pretty much a representation of a god on erebus or so it seems. The Avatar of wrath is an arch-angel. It makes sense that all these would be...impaired by the godslayer. Regular immortals though, not so much.
IIRC, Auric Ulvin is the only unit in the game with the race/class (I forget which it is) Avatar. Though Meshabber, The AoW, and Mithril Golem are all called "avatars", I believe they are all "melee" class units with the race demon, demon, golem, respectively. I might be slightly off on that, but the gist is as follows: Kael and the FfH team kinda made an error by denoting AA as an "avatar". He's a Deity, and the _God_slayer kills deities. Avatar might be a more exact term for him in the English language, but it is inconsistent with the rest of the pedia.

So there's really no reason for the Godslayer to do anything but kill Gods. Well, Magister can correct me if I misinterpret who signed the Compact.

Either way, I would find it kinda odd if the Godslayer/Netherblade killed immortals. I mean, the most common immortal unit in the game is the "Immortal", who I thought was always undying in the sense of the Persian Immortals, i.e., faceless, nameless, highly trained soldiers whose numbers were always kept exactly the same after every battle (via the induction of new recruits), creating an illusion of immortality for friend and foe alike. If that's how the generic Erebusian immortal unit works, the relative nature of the weapon used to kill them shouldn't matter.
I thought was always undying in the sense of the Persian Immortals, i.e., faceless, nameless, highly trained soldiers whose numbers were always kept exactly the same after every battle (via the induction of new recruits), creating an illusion of immortality for friend and foe alike. If that's how the generic Erebusian immortal unit works, the relative nature of the weapon used to kill them shouldn't matter.

Read the pedia entry for immortal, and bone golem.

Also consider that they require Divine Essence. And the fact that the unit graphic is a single person.

That is definitely not what immortals are.. Erebus != real world.
I'm not quite sure about this, but AA, the mithil golem, and meshabber are all avatars. The Avatar of Wrath is Camulos's arch-angel i think, but i could be wrong about which god he's an arch-angel to.

Avatars are pretty much a representation of a god on erebus or so it seems. The Avatar of wrath is an arch-angel. It makes sense that all these would be...impaired by the godslayer. Regular immortals though, not so much.

They are all refered to as Avatars, but not necessarily in the same sense of the word. Auric Ascended is the only one that is an avatar of a god who consented to the compact.

The Avatar of Wrath is now considered the archangel of Camulos. There was a point when he was instead considered a physical embodiment of all anger, much like the Four Horsemen were the embodiments of the gods' fears. I think I prefer that explanation personally.

It may be important to note that all the Archangels were present at the negotiations over the Compact, and all except for Cassiel and Basium consented (at the very least tacitly) to the agreement along with their gods. I don't think they actually placed their mark on the weapon's blade, but it seems reasonable that they (unlike any lesser immortal) may still be vulnerable to its power.

Based on this, it would be reasonable for the Godslayer to work against Auric Ascended, the Avatar of Wrath, Hyborem, and Brigit. It would not have any special power over the Mithril Golem, the Four Horsemen, normal Immortals, Losha, Os-Gabella (not that she is a unit), Cassiel, or Basium (who I believe became mortal when they fell, so they cna be killed by a normal blade).
The Avatar of Wrath is not an avatar, as strange as it may be. Auric Ascended is the only Avatar in the game, the whole race was created for him only.

Avatar, qua physical manifestation of a divine being (archangel), not an avatar. Magister covered it perfectly.

Edit:As for Kirby, you're still making the fallacy of associating everything divine with the God Slayer. It works against a God that has entered Erebus. It does not matter if immortals are rendered immortal from some form of divine essence or energy. Immortals, no matter how they are immortal, can be struck down with the God Slayer but they will rise again because nothing negates the magic that reanimates them.

The best way to think about it is that dramatic events in the God's worlds/vaults (such as Bhall's fall), manifest themselves in Erebus as well. The God Slayer is the representation of the most important rule of the compact made manifest in Erebus. This is why even a withered scout with the sword can overpower a God provided he has the "sword." This is also the reason it is unremarkable when not used against a deity and would not have any effect on immortals.
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