The GOOD AI thread


Jul 31, 2017
Civ 6 really moved up a level regarding its whole AI impact. What in YOUR view, is working great with AI, or got upgraded? How would you like to see the AI evolve?

Instead of "informed" superusers who can tell us what to like or not in games :p, I'd like to hear views regarding GOOD impressions of the the AI. And why do you think so?

There is room for tons of improvements in how to expand the AI. But, what is working with AI right now.

I have found that the personalities of the leaders adds to the AI, so much that each game I play are different, even if I know the leaders and civs.
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Unfortunately I still see unescorted settlers and an inability to focus down weak units from the AI. Nothing good for me to report thus far, though I get the general sense AI are at least slightly more loyal than they were before the alliance bonuses came in with Rise and Fall. :|
After experiencing a Spanish Declared War against me I would have to say the AI has MUCH to improve. I took a Spanish city at the outset of the war after defeating the small army of knights it sent out to 'attack' my three crossbows in defensive positions within my own borders. By 'attack' I mean they came up to my units and sat there in the open field, with only slight maneuvers that gained them nothing other than to move from one unprotected spot to the next. They failed to make even one attack against any of my units. I destroyed their units and took the city from whence they came. The game then gave Spain an emergency to act upon which required them to retake this single city and keep it from falling out of their hands. The city was still very much in the red after I took it and I was rather worried when the Spanish Caravel navy showed up as it could have very easily retaken the city with but a couple hits. The AI proceeded to simply move each Caravel unit next to the city without once attacking it (with Admiral support to boot). I proceeded to attack the sitting duck with my crossbows whilst the city recovered fully. It repeated the process until every caravel it owned (6 in all) was destroyed one by one without once ever attacking to get the city back. Sad...very very sad.
Prince difficulty AI now builds Units, upgrades them, and forms Corps and Armies out of those.
Some systems are pretty resilient to mods. The AI doesn't mind using modded units, buildings, policies etc.
District placement seems reasonable
It does a good job forming corps and armies and if money allows upgrades well
It uses promotions defensively sometimes
Spy usage seems fine and haven't noticed any issues with trade routes either
There were pretty clear improvements in naval usage
The 'contract' system they use internally to make building choices for units is a reasonable approach, as are the systems behind belief, policy and settle spot picks. They all just need some configuring
It's much faster than Civ 5's AI
I attacked Kongo's capital and while I was attacking he produced a couple of spearmen there. I never saw the AI do that before.
Attacking Chandragupta in the Modern age and was attacked by some modern tank/helicopters corps and armies which I’ve never seen before. They still charged right into my group of 5-6 tank armies but it’s a step forward
I still see the AI sending units off to die when it should be concentrating its forces to fight for its life.

AI almost never captures a city off me. It can only ever win by out-teching or out-culturing etc. Militarily it's a total writeoff.
ai joins emergency to reclaim city state, 24 turns in right as I am taking the city state, 1 crossbowman shows up. yea, ai is great ...
They can catch me in science on king if I'm not focusing it (let's say 3 - 4 campus districts on 9 - 10 cities). This even using my upgraded spies and stealing one eureka pretty much every 2 turns.

The problem is that even having the neccesary techs and money, they won't upgrade (sometimes) their military units.

The also don't seem capable of repairing pillaged districts.
In my latest game as Norway I was surprised that my nearest neighbor Georgia already had 5/8 civs under her religion. On the other side of the map, Cree and Rome are constantly expanding, eliminating the weaker and CS. Scythia on the other continent has built several nuke subs and blocked me from pillaging her coastal cities. In the end I lost to Science victory by Scythia because I became distracted by religious dominance of Georgia and the expansionism of Cree and Rome.
A good AI thread? I'd expect that to be very short.

Though in my current game the AI's being aggressive and effective, not just against city-states. Kongo was just destroyed in the Medieval Era - I've twice seen a civ die in the Ancient or early Classical Era, but only when they have two or at most three cities. I was getting notifications of captured Kongolese cities for much of the game before Wilhemina took them out.

Egypt just declared war on me and managed to take one of my cities after having a swordsman wandering around it for only a couple of turns - it executed a siege well, as well. Most impressively, one of the Egyptian crossbowmen accompanying it had reached level 2. Egypt was also on the warpath - I'd had a notification that they'd taken a Scottish city at one point.

ai joins emergency to reclaim city state, 24 turns in right as I am taking the city state, 1 crossbowman shows up. yea, ai is great ...

This is typical, but I was surprised in one game that an AI actually landed a large force on my island to liberate a city state from another AI civ - and succeeded.

In my current game Wilhemina just got targeted by an emergency after taking out Kongo - it will be interesting to see if the Spanish and their allies (I didn't note which other civ joined in) manage to succeed.
I think AI colonization ability has improved, I've seen fewer (hardly any) stuck settlers that reach an island but then for whatever reason never disembark or settle. In my current game both Norway and Georgia have gone out of their way to colonize a continent that had only city states and each have made a couple decent cities on it.

While it's still far from perfect and I have seen a city placement choice or two that makes me cringe, at least the AI is trying and succeeding at colonization now. I used to feel like any unoccupied islands were just for the human player because most AI tended to suck at claiming them (exceptions being spain, Norway, england, a couple other naval civs)
I don't know why, but the AI is only a threat to invade and conquer cities in the early game. Something happens later on where they just lose this aggression completely. On more than one occasion a civ has declared war on me and swarmed my coastal city with ships. They bombard it down to nothing and have a melee ship capable of conquering it. I am completely at their mercy and can do nothing to stop them, and ... they just run away.

To their credit, in olden times, the AI had this problem where all you had to do was declare war on them and destroy their entire military once. If you declared peace and then declared war again 30 turns later, they wouldn't have rebuilt their military. They at least do this now (but still have problems using them to invade and take cities past the early game).
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