The greatest swordsman in Germany!


Unescorted Settler
Sep 18, 2001
The Old Pueblo
I have been playing my third game of Civ3 for several days now, on and off (dragging myself kicking and screaming to work:D ) as the Germans (ofcourse!). I am on a huge map, and share a large continent with the English, French and Russians.

Fortunately, there is a choke point, which is held by an elite swordsman on a mountain, water on both sides, that separates the Germans from the other civs, and gives me 1/3 of the land without any interference from their settlers. Until they open a sea route, ofcourse, but I'm slowly eating up all the land area with my cultural borders. Too bad for them!:p

Much to my horror, a barbarian uprising occured near this swordsman, and 15 enemy horsemen began closing on him. The nearest friendly units were 12 squares away through dense jungle, at my three wine colonies, which I wasnt about to leave unguarded anyway. He would stand alone...:eek:

They came in two waves, 6 in the first. Defending from the mountain gave him the advantage, but my expectations were not hopefull. He sustained 3 points of damage (of his 5) fending off the half dozen marauders. The rest closed in like hungry sharks...

The next turn, after regaining 1 hit point, the remaining 9 mounted "goths" attacked one after the other, hurling themselves up the mountain to be cut down by German iron. After the first 4, incredibly, the swordsman still held, with only 1 hit point left! 5 more to go!:hammer:

I thought for sure he was doomed.:cry: :mad:

Unbelievably, with 1 hit point remaining, and the "back door" of the entire German Fatherland at stake, with France, Russia and England watching for their opening, the little bastard fended off and slaughtered 5 horsemen!!! Amazing!!!

I actualy was cheering for him! I had to stand up and raise my fists like an idiot! GO! YEAH! WOO-HOO![dance] It was rather inspiring at the time. :D

The only sad part is he was not rewarded with the creation of a "great leader". However, I have developed a theory that GLs only occur when fighting another civ, never against barbarians. Anyone have experiences to contradict this? I would like to know.

Oh well, for his heroic actions on the mountain, he will be relieved by gunpowder units soon, and be returned to Berlin to fortify for the rest of the game. For sentimental reasons, I will not disband him, no matter how obsolete he becomes. He will just be a cultural icon, a historic guard, like at Buckingham Palace.:D

I salute The Greatest Swordman in Germany.:beer:
I'm moved ;)

Isn't it cool having units like that? I remember playing Civ 2 one dark and stormy night :D and having a lone elephant that just ran wild in the fields of the Persians rocking veteran phalanx all over the place and conquering like four cities on his own before the backups arrived :cry: Makes a man proud.
This guy is a fanatic!

After being relieved from the mountain and journying across Germany's northern forests to Berlin, the Great Swordsman came across 3 barbarian horsemen, 2 warriors and an encampment.

He smashed them all, bringing his kills to 21. :hammer:

He now is retired comfortably in Berlin, spending his days drinking lager and recounting tales to busty Bavarian women.:D
i had a similar experience with an elite archer, there was a sudden band of about 28 horsemen coming down, and the archer fended them all off
A story about one warrior, who did the impossible (taken from my "My first game...WOW!" thread)

This warrior was built in Rome, he explored our general surroundings then went North. When he reached the sea he went East. Along his journeys he discoved a Hittite (barbarian)band of 2 wariors. The first warior attacked and lost without doing any damage, in turn Making my warior a veteran. The second warior attacked and met the same fate. Death at the hands of my uber warior. I also discovered that this hardy band of Rag-tag Militia was now the strongest unit in the Known world. They continued up and soon met Egypt. While Cleo and me argued over how much the wheel is worth my warriors continued there adventure. However my super-warior "accidently" wandered in to the area around Thebes (There capital, I might be wrong on the name though). Mrs. Cleo soon came a-whining. I found it rather amusing that my soldiers had been "Fondling the chickens and hurrasing the women" of Thebes. I soon left there borders and wondered around discovering stuff. Suddenly I got reports that Thebes, the most important Egyption city, had just been ransacked by barbarion wariors. My troops simply wandered into the city and, with no resistance, officially ripped Egypt a new hole. The city was small however, and it probably had BAD coruption (To far away from my cap) so my troops were givin the most disgusting orders man has yet to be givin. They waited till all 10,000 Egyptions were asleep, then simply poisoned the water supply with the most disgusting mush of larva from the river outside Rome... The next day 10,000 people were dead and Egypt had to rebuild there capital (not an easy task). This, for some crazy reason, caused Egypt to go to war with me and there first target was my band O' Uber troops . I marched up towards there second city with these guys and met them on a battle feild outside it. My troops wooped theres but not before Egypt kiled 2\5 of my warriors. My troops retreated for some rest. They fortified on a Mountain now called "Vengence pass" because of the battle that happened there. A regular Egyption Warior attacked and defeated my troops, I later found out there families had been in thebes... And so ends the story of my Uber warior.

I also had one hardy swords man lead the assault on Babylon, only to fall outside the city itself in a heroic charge... I raise entire cities for these guys:D as a symbolic gesture (and because im insane, but thats besides the point):crazyeyes
I've just had a similar experience to this.. though it was actually two units and they were garrisoned within a town (which didnt have city walls at the time.)

24 anasazi horsemen were bearing down on my newly acquired city of Niagra falls. Only two elite jaguars (which only had 1 point of defense to the horseman's 2) defended it. I thought for sure that the horsemen would pillage the city mercilessly, and perhaps send about ten of their number down south to cut down some more of my jaguars which were stationed in cities (I only used two jaguars per city to defend them. No spearmen. The enemies were too busy defending against my rapidly breeding jaguar warriors to send any serious counter attacks.)

To my surprise, only one of my jaguars died, with the other one reduced to one hit point. The next turn, a large contingent of reinforcements arrived and easily dispatched the one remaining horsemen. I dont have any special plans for the jaguar, as I would probably get him confused for any of my other hundred jags.
I am at war with China now, over a silk colony ( I was there first!).

Having musket armed footmen, knights and cannons against their riders is almost a joke, except for the attrition they can inflict while manouvering into attack position. They seem to build alot of them, as its quite a bee-hive around Hangchow.

Not to be left out of opportunity for glory, the Great Swordsman is enroute to Vilnius (my colony) via caravel as we speak!:D

New tales of Teutonic might coming soon! (I hope)
Please push it! I love reading about this :lol:

I can remember the good old days of playing civ2 at higher dif's. I started to get a habit of keeping a large arsenal of nukes just in case I was going to loose the game. Hammered down to my last city ready to perish, I unleashed nukes from sleeping subs around the world attacking units next to cities thereby killing even though they had the proper defences. Defeat came with a sweet taste :nuke: Later when I think back upon it I seem to remember those games better where I continued to play even though a loss was undenieable ... perhaps it has got something to do with having the last word :D

Back to your swordsman ... :ninja:
Good luck there Joe and although I generally play the French lets hope that the commander pulls off some amazing feat against the Chinese riders and wins the acclaim that he deserves so that his fellow Germans will revere him as a great leader!
Thats what Im hoping for, Frenchie!;) :D

If any unit deserves to be a Great Leader, its this guy.

What does Malys Faisent mean, btw. I work at an uppity French restaurant, so Im curious...
Message to the Iron Chancellor, joespaniel-

I would like to know if you would be willing to give your "Great Swordsmen" to my empire. I am always looking for amazing soldiers to add to my great empire. If you accept I will give you 50,000 gold pieces and my lovely domestic advisor, Quistis Trepe. Should you decline, my response will be less than enjoyable. Although, I'm sure it will not come to that.

Ruler of All Evil Empires,
Emperor Snefix
Yeah Joe did he win? Did he fall valorously in mortal combat?

As to what I meant, heh, I'm not sure prolly just reading too much into the French/German rivalry :crazyeyes
No, I meant what does your user-name mean? :lol:

I am in big trouble. After attacking my silk cities of Kaunas and Vilnius, the Chinese must have bribed the Indians and French to attack me too. Im hanging on by my fingernails!

I have used a mountain chain as a fortification line, have 5 knights, 2 musketmen and the Great Swordsman against waves of riders and everything else theyre throwing at me. It doesnt look like I can hold for too long.

I have sailed 2 frigates around to Beijing in the hopes bombarding the capitol will force them to make peace. I did capture and raise 2 Chinese cities, small ones, to no effect.

I keep trying to advance into the open area by their cities, but dont have the brute force to do it. Reinforcing from Germany requires a 6 turn ocean crossing. The English and Russians refuse to help me. Its do or die time...

Eeeek! Good luck Joe!

As to Malys Faisent it doesn't really mean anything, just the name of a character of mine from a long running Amber campaign (a real bastard too) [pimp]
Im losing!!! :hammer:

Must...hang...on... Help...coming... !!!

I lost 4 knights, and have slowly retreated to Vilnius. They have lost about 30 units, 6 to the Swordsman who just stands on his rock and lets them come to him (God, I love this guy!), and I think they may be running out of steam.

I got flanked!!! The AI actualy flanked me!!! What the flank is going on??? They actually looked around and figured out where I was weak, and came around the mountains! Im impressed.

If their offense falters, I am building reserves up at Kaunas, all my spare units from Germany are en-route, plans are to unleash a great counter offensive against China.

And I wont be taking prisoners!!!:mad: All cities will be raised, all civilians pressed into labor. Then I will deal with treacherous France and India, heavy handedly!
If Beijing is capable of being bombarded, I assume it is near the sea... time for a devastating sneak naval invasion?
The bombardment didnt force them to the peace table. Sacking the city of Hangchow did!:D Germany's Greatest Swordsman led the attack into Chinese territory, helping end the war.

The Indians also fell in line...

However, the French mounted an all out attack on the German cities of Frankfurt and Dusseldorf, key cities in the incense trade. Most of the improvements were pillaged, and Frankfurt was nearly lost! German "nationalism" took hold and won the day, as new riflemen appeared and turned the tide.

All German reinforcements for China were diverted to France, and in a sneak attack from the sea, the French lost the capitol city of Paris! It was raized to the ground by angry, vengefull Teutons.

The German cavalry rampaged through the French countryside burning and looting all French towns and cities, all control of the army was lost! (According to the official explanation, ofcourse:D )

There are no French cities on Germany's map.:skull: They must have more somewhere, unknown to Germany.

While sailing to France, Egypt was discovered! Initialy friendly enough, then doing a 180 and making threats and demands. This would not do. Cavalry, cannons, musketeers and the Swordsman were loaded up and sailed to Egypt.

The opening battle of the new war went to the Swordsman, and he took a city singlehandedly, defended by spearmen.

STILL NO GREAT LEADER!!! :hammer: I swear I am cursed...

Four Egyptian cities fell to Teutonic might, they were spared due to their close proximity to Germany, and their possible usefullness to the German Empire.

All operations are suspeneded, to consolidate the gains. However the next phase of the campaign is alraedy planned. The Great Swordsman will spearhead another attack, this time on the Egyptian cities of Giza, Elephantine and Thebes.

If I dont get a GL after this, I will pull my hair out! :crazyeyes
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