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The High Games at The Marillion

Leg 1
The first leg was a flat out time race with the vanguards and trains moving together. Shabbaman's skill and Shaitan's knowledge of the area allowed them to take several shortcuts and easily beat the red team.

Leg 2
The second leg also required the vanguard to stay with the supply train. As the winners of the first leg, Blue team went first. Cagily, disorganizer and Padma split their efforts with disorganizer holding the entire mobile force excepting scouts under control of Padma. Padma led the scouts along the trail of the Blue team and was able to direct disorganizer and the main body to the shortcuts and time savers used by Shabbaman and Shaitan.

The Blue team ran into their own troubles, based partly on their phenominal speed. Their line expanded too far and both gunning1 and gonzo_for_civ found their guard forces out of position when attacks came. These attacks reached the train before being intercepted and the Blue team lost points as a result.

Although the Blue team beat the Red team on time, none of the attacks on the Red train succeeded and they won the second leg as a result.

Leg 3
The final leg required the separation of the Vanguard from the Supply train. Only a small escort would stay with the train to fend off the attack that would come somewhere along the journey. Both teams were released at the same time. Shabbaman, commanding the Blue van, made record time and very quickly left disorganizer and his command far to the rear. The trains proceeded at a much closer pace with Padma slowly pulling the Red train away from Shaitan and the Blue train.

The Red train was attacked first and was successfully defended by jdd2007's rear guard. The delay from the attack allowed the Blue train to catch up, to their own detriment. As they were bottled behind the Red train on a narrow pass they were themselves attacked. Out of position and in difficult territory, gunning1 was not able to fully block the attack and the judges ruled that the attack was successful.

The Red team made fantastic time after the attack and both trains arrived back at The Marillion within sight of each other.

The judges removed points from the Blue team due to the successful attack and everybody held their breaths as the points were all tabulated. The Blue team was awarded the victory! Shabbaman's troop transit was so unbelievably fast that it had made up for the points lost by the attack and Blue won by a hair's breadth.
What a glorious victory! Such a close match as we've seldom seen before. It does me proud to see such excellence from Fanatika's leaders. Though we on the Blue team were victorious according to this simulation's rules we should note that it was the Red team that successfully defended its train against every attack.

Congratulations to all!
What a match! If your van were not quite so incredibly fast, we would have beaten you! Still it showed my preference for defense. If the van gets through but the supply train is lost, the added troops are merely an additional burden on existing supplies. ;)

But it was an exciting game, anyway. Lots of fun! My hat is off to the victors! :D
Congratulations! This was one of the most exciting experiances we ever had... even in millenia our descendants will talk about this great "war"!
It did not surprise many that Shabbaman, the universally acknowledged master of warfare in Fanatika, took first place in manoevers. What did surprise people was how closely matched Padma and Shaitan were to the leader. Padma edged out Shaitan for second place but it was anybody's win for the taking right until the end of the competition. disorganizer, jdd2007 and Cyc also acquitted themselves well, and Octavian X, CivGeneral, gunning1 and gonzo_for_civ finished the field.

I suppose home field advantage can only take one so far. Now if only Shabbaman had taught us that wheeling manoever at The Academy... ;)
Each leg of the mobilization was worth 100g to each member of the winning team. The overall victory was worth an additional 100g to each member of the winning team. The manoevers were awarded with a first prize of 200g, a second prize of 100g and a third prize of 50g.

Day 3 Awards
CivGeneral	300
Cyc		100
disorganizer	100
gonzo_for_civ	300
gunning1	300
jdd2007		100
Octavian X	100
Padma		200
Shabbaman	500
Shaitan		350
This has been a marvelous time and I would like to thank all of you for coming and competing in these games. Special thanks to disorganizer, who has delayed his own path to self discovery in order to participate one last time.

There will be a marvelous banquet served this evening and, as always, we have an open bar. In fact, the open bar tonight even includes such potables as the famed Rebel Banana Juice. Please eat up, drink up and talk it up, my friends. :D
Several of the event winners have possible choices for where to put their winner point. Remember that the winner point brings that subskill up to the next whole number. The people listed below should reply in the Stats thread with where they want to apply their point. If you haven't replied by the next update (Monday) it will be autoapplied.

disorganizer: Speed or Melee
Cyc: Precision, Melee or Ranged
Padma: Canine, Ranged or Stealth
Originally posted by Shaitan
Now if only Shabbaman had taught us that wheeling manoever at The Academy...
I agree! That one caught me by surprise! Oh, well, I guess it shouldn't be a surprise to learn that the master keeps a few tricks up his sleeve. :D
well, fantastic manoevers. i did my part by defending the rear, but our best efforts could not beat shabbas skill. a toast to all.
Great games all! Congratulations to all the winners and 2nd place finishers, too. Eat, drink, and Dis can be Mary tonight :lol:. Prost to the High Games! Thank you, Shaitan.
Originally posted by Shaitan
I suppose home field advantage can only take one so far. Now if only Shabbaman had taught us that wheeling manoever at The Academy... ;)


You should attend engineering class. And don't forget to bring your digging tools! If you want to learn special tricks:

it's latrine digging time;)

BTW, pretty good narrative skills, sir shaitan!
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