The Migration of Homo Sapiens in Civilization IV


Jun 28, 2014
Khabarovsk, Russia

I have done the video that shows the migration of Homo Sapiens around the world in the game of Civilization IV from their first appearance in 200000 BC to the year 3000 BC.

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Spoiler I have made a video about the History of the entire World in Civilization IV :
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I didn't realise agriculture in the New Guinean highlands is that old.
Beautiful work!
Except this is not accurate due to recent findings. Homo Sapiens most likely originated somewhere int he Mediterranean region 300000 BC.
Why did you have Colossus being built by Roman Empire in 150 AD? Did u mean to say the Colloseum?

iirc Colossus was built in Rhodes by Greek peoples in 280 BC.
Why did you have Colossus being built by Roman Empire in 150 AD? Did u mean to say the Colloseum?

iirc Colossus was built in Rhodes by Greek peoples in 280 BC.

The Greeks did not build it during the game. But the Romans did it in 150 AD. That's what I meant by random factors.
Hmm. So then, which factors did you control for? I assume it wasn't purely random chance with the AI playing the entire time. Did you just decide who won the wars, and who got which land? (as well as cultural value influence). Initially I thought perhaps anything on the world stage (like wonders) were just as controlled as cultural influence and population.
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