The modders' lair: (CIP) Code Improvement Project

Both are too minor for me to really care and I would keep them if there is at least a small chance that they could be useful at some point. It would make sense to add comments about them being unused.
That was my intention, too. :)
I just revealed them to let people know that there are things which aren't used and therefore, some functionality might be missing.

Speaking of comments, it might make good sense to add comments to comply with doxygen, which would mean every single function should be commented on the purpose of the function and meaning of arguments and return value.
I'm commenting any tiny bit I'm doing, maybe not in the very best way and surely up to now not using an external tool for this.
Actually I have to admit that I would prefer not to have to use such an external tool as this would only mean more things to handle.
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