The most hypothetically underpowered leader Attributes

Pro\Agg would be my least favoured combo out of the meagre trait options that are currently available. I don't care much for the Exp trait also; health bonus is situational and I usually whip any buildings I need fast. The starting part of the game is critical, and you need the appropiate traits to exploit and springboard yourself from the beginning: not playing catch-up and relying on late UU's & UB's and/or pure luck!

*To make the Pro trait better for defending inside your borders (not just inside cities), units could get up to a 20% defence bonus when occupying any tile inside your cutural borders. This way you can fortify units on your special resources to fight pillaging, instead of cowering in the city and getting economically wiped!
No, No, No. Pro is strong enough as it is. you really need to play Civ more.

Plus, Pro/AGG is strong lategame.
Would you folks care to suggest ways of beefing up Protective? I've put some thought into this recently and come up with a few preliminary ideas, not necessarily meant to be implemented all together but just considered in isolation one at a time:

* +10% city defense, immune to siege weapon bombardment if possible (like hills).
* Defensive units produced 33% more quickly, i.e. 25% cheaper.
* Halve the cost of Security Bureaus

Your thoughts?


Spi/Cre is a weak combo. Sorry Hatty. The war chariot is something to fear though. I'm not calling Hatty the worst leader here. Like the thread is titled.. I'm saying that after her chariots are obsolete she might be the most underpowered leader. She has even came crawling to me before and capitulated when I'm not even at war with her. She can't defend herself I guess. Yes, give me double production speed of theatre! :rolleyes: Cre is a weak trait and needs a really strong trait or some UU/UB to support it. I don't think Spi is best for supporting it. For example - Cre/Fin and Cre/Phi are great combos. People may say "oh I can switch to Nationhood and draft whenever I'm attacked with spiritual" True, but it's not a strong enough trait imo to carry weak little Cre. If I'm attacked I usually have enough troops already built to either fend off the attackers completely or slow them down while I change civics. If a switch to Nationhood is necessary, 2 turns of anarchy is not the end of the world. Spi/Cre is nice for a cultural victory though, so it has its uses. I didn't say it's the best combo for a cultural victory though.
Actually, Hatty is a good contender for a cultural victory. Cre means you can get cheap libraries and run an early SE, and Spi means no Anarchy.
-15% upgrade cost for PRO leaders

I feel something should be done for AGR as well in the mid/late game in terms of a cheap building, maybe jails?
-15% upgrade cost for PRO leaders

I feel something should be done for AGR as well in the mid/late game in terms of a cheap building, maybe jails?

They already get cheap Drydocks
I'm not a fan of Aggressive but the trait and leaders with it seem to be pretty popular
I actually agree with RasmCiv, first time i have agreed on this thread.
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