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The next SKNES: A Polling/Suggestions Thread

Which NESes would you be interested in playing?

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The Bonaparte Legacy is far and away the best idea. The name even works as is.
Bonaparte legacy sounds good, but it is the only one I didn't vote for. Why?

I personally dislike modern/historic/great powers NESes, that's why. :p. I dislike them with a passion, the way that the same people choose the same types of nations and come out with nearly the same voices and policies.
Hold on a second. We could vote for more than one?

I gotta start reading these things one day...
I'd gladly go for a near future second American revolution NES.
Another good source for info about a states nes
The only one that was......

Thanks! I'll take a look at it.

You owe me orders. D=<

dammit, I was hoping you wouldn't notice :( I'll get them in soon*

I do mean that. Otherwise the NES will get boring real fast. There would be no inter-state comeltition without at least the threat of war. What is the point of staying ahead of your neighbor if he can't attack you?

Yeah, that's one of the reasons I wasn't sure if it would fly or not. The each state is its own country idea is good but it's been done to death.

Hold on a second. We could vote for more than one?

Which probably wasn't the best idea, seeing as someone could make it a four-way tie any moment now.

Is the 1936 SAR going to be based on the one in Kaiserreich? If so, I'm in.

Not really, it's players' original factions. That's not saying you can't play as Jack Reed's CSA or Huey Long's AUS, but it's not based off of that particular scenario.

I'll add some stuff to the OP, especially for options 2 and 3, to see if that influences anyone's opinions.
Interested in SAR 1930 and Bonaparte Legacy
Will the world outside America in the 1936 SAR be the same as OTL, Kaiserreich, or something completely different?
Will the world outside America in the 1936 SAR be the same as OTL, Kaiserreich, or something completely different?

pretty much the same as OTL, although maybe a few small differences. It won't really have an effect on the NES itself though, that's limited to the continental 48.
Okay, I've uploaded a map for the Bonaparte Legacy, seeing as that's holding the (very slim) lead at the moment. Do note that Tibet's and Belgian Congo's (it's different TTL) borders need fixing, I may change a few colors, and I haven't bothered filling in most of the Pacific islands yet, and I just realized I forgot to erase Alaska's border. But other than that, here you go,
Spoiler :
I believe you miscoloured some of the west indies :mischief:
What's that New England state? Why does Canada have Alaska?

In 1933, the union underwent a socialist revolution. During said revolution Canada invaded and occupied Alaska and New England. The USSA begrudgingly let Canada keep both in exchange for recognition of the new government.
As Americans dont ready like being occupied the New English state governors and people petitioned Canada for independence, and now New England is an independent state closely aligned with the British Commonwealth
I understand that America had a socialist revolution, and thus Federal Blue might not be the exact best color, but that orange burns my eyes. Please pick another color.
I'm intrigued by Portugal. Care to explain what happened there to split it in half?
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