The Politics of Empire (POE)

Tani Coyote

Son of Huehuecoyotl
May 28, 2007

Under the careful administration of Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck, Prussia rose from one of the German states to the unifier of almost all of them. With his tact and Germany’s resources, the new German Empire was able to assert itself on multiple continents, gaining large holdings in Africa and the Pacific Rim. He further secured Germany’s newfound power through strategic alliances meant to keep the peace in Europe amidst the tensions of colonial expansionism. Though he would later be forced from his position due to disagreements with Kaiser Wilhelm II, the legacy of Germany owes much to the pragmatic man and his realpolitik.

Under Leo von Caprivi, Bismarck’s successors, Germany’s diplomatic machine crumbled, with only the alliance with Austria remaining solid. When the old Prince Hohenlohe succeeded Caprivi in 1894, this allowed an extremely ambitious foreign minister, von Buelow, to assert his policies. Wilhelm being the impetuous, aggressive type, was soon quick to give von Buelow immense leeway in foreign affairs. Wilhelm called for a large naval buildup, but this necessitated a stronger industrial base – von Buelow was able to ensure the Emperor coerced the weak Hohenlohe to strive for maximum economic production, even if many German citizens might starve due to the sheer pace of converting agrarian land tor industrial use. With an enlarged military, Germany made sure a lid was kept on dissent.

As the years went by, von Buelow glossed over his Emperor’s irresponsible, belligerent remarks and provided an image of Germany peacefully rising. Germany’s productivity surged in the period from 1895 to the turn of the century. With Hohenlohe’s health rapidly declining and with a close relationship with the Emperor, it was not surprising von Buelow had his eyes on the Chancellory itself, able to take effective command of foreign policy from an early date in his term.

Such was the influence von Buelow had on the Emperor (being far more agreeable than Bismarck had ever been, for better or worse), that he was able to declare war on the Low Countries in 1899, with Wilhelm lending full support. “Germany’s peaceful rise” was over.

Recap of the War of 1899

Spoiler :
Day 1, 1899: Germany declares war on Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg.
Day 5: Germany occupies Luxemburg.
Day 9: Germany seizes much of the southern Netherlands, cutting off supply lines between Dutch and Belgian forces.
Day 112: The Dutch campaign stalls due to lack of sufficient manpower, though Germany slaughters thousands of Dutch soldiers in Tanzania.
Day 169-185: Another battle across Tanzania claims thousands of Dutch lives and sees thousands more taken prisoner. Most of the slain or captured Dutch forces are actually of Indonesian origin.
Day 178-187: After holding out for half a year, an assault on Amsterdam destroys large sections of the city and results in thousands of soldiers being captured or killed. Amsterdam is occupied by Germany, and within a few weeks, all of the Netherlands follow.
Day 199: An attempt by the Dutch to avenge the loss of their capital with an attack on Tanzania ends in disaster, with over four thousand lost or captured.
Day 230: The German Invasion of Belgium begins with a seizure of the eastern part of the countryside and Germans camping all around Brussels.
Day 285: After a lull in the campaign and the capture of trivial objectives, an assault on Brussels burns several blocks to the ground and kills hundreds of Belgian soldiers.
Day 306-321: Intense fighting rocks the Belgian Congo as Germany musters enough forces for an offensive in Africa. Artillery and cavalry charges slice through the southeastern part of the Congo.
Day 307-316: An assault on Brussels wears the numbers of young men guarding it down even further. The strain of the assault costs hundreds of young Germans their lives, but Germany occupies Brussels (and in the next few weeks, all Belgium) with minimal losses.
Days 333-337: The central Congo is seized from the Belgian forces, thus cutting the territory in half.
Day 345-352: The Dutch portion of Papua New Guinea is occupied in a costly battle, solidifying Germany’s position in the Pacific.

Not wanting to risk imperial overstretch, Germany was quick to make peace with the Dutch and Belgians on New Years’ Eve. The Treaty of Brussels preserved the alliance between the Dutch and Belgians, but stripped them of their homelands, the two states rechristening themselves the Belgian Kingdom of the Kongo and the Dutch Kingdom of the Indies. The British, presiding as observers, were also able to gain a portion of the Congo in exchange for non-intervention. Germany annexed Flanders, Luxemburg and the Netherlands into the Reich mere seconds after the Belgians and Dutch renounced their territories. To top it all off, the Netherlands and Belgium were forced to pay reparations of over 14 billion marks between them. The German flag now flew over the Low Countries.

It is now a new century, and pressure has ensured the resignation of Hohenlowe in favor of von Buelow, who many feel may as well be declared Co-Emperor with how much authority he now wields over foreign and domestic policy. While he has proven capable, he is far from superhuman and could very well be forced out if enough support fell behind another leader…

That leader could very well be you. Whether born into privilege or having accumulated it, you are the leader of one of the finest factions in the German Empire. You have many ambitious rivals who would also seek to consolidate their power, but perhaps you could make a deal with them? Failing the pen, there is always the sword, with economic warfare and criminal activities to even the odds. Win the hearts of the people and your rivals, or beat them into fearful submission, the choice is yours.

What is clear is that the politics of empire must be approached with caution, lest you and your faction become little more than ghosts…


Welcome to the Politics of Empire, or POE. This is a game focused on internal politicking rather than serving as competing nations. The setting is 1900 Germany, fresh from a trip through alt-history that included conquest of Belgian and Dutch territory. You will play as a faction - which could be a company, aristocratic family, company, or otherwise - that has clear power and influence in German politics. Your faction strives to increase its wealth and power, with the ultimate goal being the dictation of German domestic and foreign policy.

Signing Up

To start, name your faction. Also choose a color – there won’t be a map with your color on it, but I will color code you for easy reference.

Beyond that, simply pick an ideology. There are four categories of ideologies: Government Style, Legal System, Economic System, and Foreign Policy. You may have one type from each category. Your ideology determines rewards/penalties your actions give you – if you are a Socialist, for example, increasing the workers’ share of the economy would improve your standing, whereas supporting tax cuts for the wealthy most likely would not. For the first three categories, you are free to recommend an alternative ideology if I missed one.

Government Style: Democracy, Oligarchy, Autocracy. Democrats strive to increase the power of the people in politics through free elections and transparency. Oligarchs believe that a privileged elite, whether hereditary, elected (likely by a larger privileged group), or appointed, should govern policy. Autocrats believe in a single leader making the decisions (though how effective these are can still be hamstrung by power brokers). Germany is currently an Oligarchy, due to the power of the Bundesrat and Emperor.

Legal System: Liberalism, Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism. Liberals advocate a system of government with rigorous protections for the accused and extensive rights in daily lives. Authoritarians usually put the needs of authority above that of the individual, and so excuse the use of state power if it serves the ends of the state. Totalitarians go to the extreme, with a desire for the state to completely control citizen’s lives. Germany is currently authoritarian, as an oligarchy commands a great deal of power to its own ends despite the nominal power of the elected Reichstag, while there are abuses against many non-German groups.

Economic System: Laissez-Faire, Mixed Economy, Socialism. Laissez-faire advocates desire minimal government ownership and regulation in the economy. Mixed economy advocates want regulation and/or government ownership of various industries for some reason or another. Socialists advocate the whole or partial abolition of private property in favor of communal ownership through varying means, such as ownership by groups of workers, trade organizations, or the government. Germany is currently a mixed economy, having a robust welfare state despite its strong capitalist industrial base.

Foreign Policy: There are so many ways this could go that you are free to state your own foreign policy platform. You will rise and fall based on what you have set out to achieve, so keep that in mind. Do you want to unify all the Germanic nations? Best the British fleet or multiple fleets combined in size? Gain colonies, whether in specific areas, or in general? You have your full imagination on this one.

That’s it. Your faction is crafted and ready to go.

What the Stats Mean

Every turn an update will be posted containing various statistics on a spreadsheet.

The most useful one will be the Factions sheet, which simply outlines a faction name, its player, its income, its overall national influence, and its ideologies. Income is how much money you have to spend (more detail later), whereas National Influence shows how much clout you have across the Empire; this is not just national positions but subnational positions as well. Even if you had no government posts, a faction owning 20% of the country would be one to pay attention to.

The Provinces sheet may look scary with its columns, but don’t be afraid. It outlines the key cities around the empire, their region (region is for flavor and means little else), how much income they generate in tens of billions of USD, the national clout of the city, who controls it, and on the far right, how much of the city is influenced by each faction. Think of each city as a corporation with influence as “shares” in the city; the more of the city you own the more of its GDP you collect as your income. A city is controlled by whoever has majority influence, whether that is a single faction or a coalition; if a majority holder loses the majority, they retain power over the city until someone else ousts them. Control of a city is important – the national clout of a city determines how much pull it has politically, and whoever runs the city will see their own faction’s clout increase.

The Industries sheet divides the economy into various industries, hence its name. An industry generates so much money per turn, which is split between the various stakeholders (that’s you!). To invest in an industry, simply specify to do so. Stakes in an industry may be sold off to other players or traded; for your convenience, the income value of each ownership point is recorded. Common sense dictates the strength of industries – a bigger army will make armaments more valuable, an emphasis on roads and railways will increase infrastructure, more factories will equate to more manufacturing, more minerals will increase raw materials, etc. Like any good oligarch, you can thus base political decisions around increasing the value of your portfolio.

The Electioneering sheet is the last one you need to see, and is simple. It simply lists the various cities and what issues are dominant in their attention; these are randomized and change with time. Investing in cities favorable to your cause increases the effectiveness of investments. This sheet is separate from the main provinces page for aesthetics.

Sending Orders and Participation

The part that scares a lot of people. This game is designed so you only need to be as involved as you want, whether roleplaying or orders.

Orders are simple: you receive income and then may choose what to do with it. You may invest in cities on the Provinces sheet, thus increasing your city income and how much pull you have in a particular locale. You can alternatively invest in an industry, gaining additional income from that industry. Your final hardcoded option is to invest in espionage; you invest espionage in each individual city. These are where the money is spent, though you can also send and receive money to other players for deals and the like.

You can order your spies in a city to engage in practically any activity of your choice. Assassination, sabotage, slander, robbery… everything’s legal in politics. There is no limit on what you can order spies to do, only a limit on how many missions you can order – 5. This is for simplicity.

Beyond that, all involvement is primarily with other players. You can cut deals to govern cities together, or, assuming you have the sufficient National Influence, the entire country and its policies. You may also roleplay, whether about events or your faction’s political stances.

One of your greatest ways to be involved is your vote on national decisions. In absence of a governing coalition or other power, the Government (that is, me) will forward policy options that you have the right to vote on. Whichever option catches the most support (i.e. national influence) will be given precedence. The Empire will almost always be pursuing more land and resources for the German people, and so shaping where and when German soldiers march is a great source of prestige and power.

While the power to send armies against each other as in a normal IOT is gone, there is no effective limit on what else you can roleplay and discuss. Work with other players to form a lasting coalition, or ruthlessly backstab your way to the top. Transform Germany into a proto-fascist totalitarian society, or have Germany, and not Russia, become the world’s first socialist republic. Or simply sit back as an observer and build a commercial empire within Germany’s growing economy.

Orders can be given in both a general (“all into x,” “half into y”) format or specific (120 into X, 60 into Y, etc.) format. Be sure to inform me if you drop as a courtesy; going AWOL is extremely disruptive.
I'll join when I get a chance. This is meant to be serious right, something like "The Insanely Mad Warmongers' Party" would be unacceptable right?
Expressing interest. Will sign up in time
I said I'd make this when I had time. How about now?

I've realized that I've made a parody of Authoritarian Communism many times, but I realize I haven't made one of the other extreme of the scale: Ferengi style Crony-Capitalism that uses bs "philosophy" to justify exploiting the state and the people for profit. Don't get me wrong, I love Capitalism, but in it's current mainstream interpretation there is some severe problems with it.

So that's why I'm going to make this group my critique on this "philosophy". It will be less fanciful as DPRA, simply because Crony-Capitalist propaganda is harder to make fun of. But I will give it my darnedest.

von Feregarn Association

Government Style: Oligarchy, specifically one based around the wealth of the participants as "those with wealth worked hard to get to that position, thus they are good at what they do, therefore they are the best suited for governance". They are not opposed to Democracy however, especially if they can manipulate it for their own ends and use it to "placate the masses". They deeply oppose the idea of an Autocracy though, as that will inevitably end with mass government interference in the market.

Legal System: Liberalism, heavily leaning towards Authoritarianism. Although they argue for self-determination of the people so as part of their Laissez-Faire philosophy, many of the reforms they aim to introduce would make the rich have an unfair advantage over the poor.

Economic System: Laissez-Faire, all the way. The interests of the rich and the intrests of the state are one and the same, naturally.

Foreign Policy: The von Feregarn Foreign Policy is mostly peaceful, striving to maintain good relationships with other powers to ensure lucrative trade. War is only considered necessary if it increases German profits or protects German business interests. Most of the time this results in Pacifism, as "war is less profitable the closer you are to the front lines". The von Feregarn would only consider wars if the safety of the German State and Business depended on it or a) the place they were attacking was hopelessly outmatched (like some backwater colony or African tribe) b) other nations wouldn't care/would be too intimidated by Germany to cut business ties and c) the estimated profit outweighed the estimated cost.

Goals (in order of importance):

-The end of the "War for War's sake" attitude of the government, as this path only leads to ruin.
-The consolidation of colonies and newly conquered lands by means of appeasement, possibly even by establishing puppet governments in extremely troublesome areas. There's no point letting German investment be lost to revolution, is there?
-Improving the relations of anyone who we upset during our recent conquering spree to secure worldwide trade.
-Reducing the government interference in business and personal lives and reducing the size of the government.


The von Feregans were originally highly successful lowborn traders, who bought their way to royalty during a period of economic crisis. Their "Association" of highly successful businesses mainly involves foreign trading firms, bankers and to a lesser extent factories. Under the leadership of the current Patriarch, Otto von Feregans, the von Feregans have gained enough influence, power and money to be considered one of the major Oligarchs.
I'll join when I get a chance. This is meant to be serious right, something like "The Insanely Mad Warmongers' Party" would be unacceptable right?


Seriousness is good, good indeed. :p
I'll make my faction the "Amoralists". On the surface known as the German Nationalist Party, their well-kept secret is that they are led by a coalition of amoral people who outright do not believe in right and wrong, and seek to build a dynasty for themselves.

Government Type: Autocracy. Claim to believe in the Divine Right of Kings.

Legal System: Actually Totalitarian, they claim to be Authoritarian so as to uphold tradition.

Economic System: Mixed Economy. Really, the Amoralists are pragmatists in this regard. They refuse to commit to any ideology, instead preferring to use government or the private sector depending on what works.

Foreign Policy: A major war to break Russia is essential, as Russian strength grows greater with time. After that, break France and defeat them to become hegemons of Europe. Tend to be pragmatic with their Monarch and appeal to growth in power, whilst using lies about Russian and French intentions with the people.
I'm interested.

Faction name: Karlings

Description: Influenced by the Carolingean Empire, the Karling faction will use any means to increase their own wealth and power.

Colour: Imperial Purple

Government Type: Oligarchy - although the Karling faction holds up the accomplishments of Charlemagne they believe the Kaiser should be a purely symbolic position so as not to impede on their own power.

Legal System: Totalitarian - to better keep the proles in their place.

Economic System: Laissez-faire - regulation serves only to undermine success

Foreign Policy: The primary aim of Karling foreign policy is the reunification of Charlemagne's empire under German rule. The ancient enmity between France and Britain shall be leveraged to allow Germany to annex France and the French industrial base shall fuel German expansion into Italy.
Colonial ventures will be kept to the minimum necessary to support the economy. The French colonies of Guiana, Algeria, Congo and Indochina should be the only new German colonies, other French colonies can be used as bargaining chips with Britain.
Close trade links shall be made with Russia as the Russian government has compatible ideology with the Karling faction. Britain cannot be ignored as a trading partner, but their ideology is markedly different and the prospect of annexation to claim the English industrial cities must be considered - possibly by covertly supporting Scots and Irish independence movements.
Junkerpartei Deutschland
Government Style: Oligarchy, preferably involving as many Junkers as humanly possible.

Legal System: Authoritarian

Economic System: Laissez-faire, to increase the power of their own estates.

Foreign Policy: The Junkers, being the landowners who classify each other by regiment* are highly militaristic and would love to see more of the good land in Bohemia, Slovakia and the Sudetenland awarded to the Greater Germany. Basically, the more they get to fight with their precious regiments the better.

*no seriously. You made friends based on which Regiment said Junker had commanded. Your family would then judge if it was a "good" regiment to have served in.

Edit: Color will be, what else, the color of a bloke's military uniform, more specifically the blue of this chap:
Spoiler :
If we need a colour, make mine the green that is on 'Merican bank notes.
Die Großdeutschen Partei (GDP)

Government Style: Autocracy - The ideal government for this party is an Absolute Monarchy, led by a single German Kaiser, who's throne is passed from son to son. The royal family will only be allowed to marry Germans, so as to not pollute the blood pool by infecting it with non-German inferiority.

Legal System: Authoritarianism. The Kaiser should have absolute power and do whatever he wants with no repercussions.

Economic System: Mixed Economy. The workers of Germany must be rewarded for their constant hard work and toil, especially in the creation of the German Empire in 1870. However, they cannot become too powerful, otherwise they will revolt and get greedy with power - So they must be controlled through the corporations.

Foreign Policy: The first priority is to unite the rightfully German territories in Europe, especially the territories currently controlled by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but also the territories in the Netherlands and Switzerland. Scandinavia and England must be integrated too, but they have become different enough to not warrant immediate conquest. Germany must control as many colonies as possible for the further prestige and enrichment of the great fatherland. The Baltic Germans must also be brought under German rule, for they are also Germans, descended from the great Teutons, as should the Germans around the Volga and in the Ukraine.
expressing interest, not sure whether I'll join just yet though. Oh and you forgot theocracy (governing style or legal system) ;)
expressing interest, not sure whether I'll join just yet though. Oh and you forgot theocracy (governing style or legal system) ;)

As a governing style I'd class that as an autocracy or oligarchy depending on whether it was a single patriarch or a council of clerics (respectively) and as a legal system I would imagine that'd be authoritarian or totalitarian depending how stringent they were on enforcing the principles of whichever religion. :p
expressing interest, not sure whether I'll join just yet though. Oh and you forgot theocracy (governing style or legal system) ;)

This being pre-war Germany, could it be that we will see Jeho playing as a..... Protestant!!? :faint:
I think Hell has frozen over if that's the case.

The southern portions of Germany have a Catholic inclination... I suppose he could always be a political party that still is sore over the Kulturkampf. :p
This being pre-war Germany, could it be that we will see Jeho playing as a..... Protestant!!? :faint:

don't be silly, Protestantism is so logically and philosophically absurd I could never honestly present it with a straight face in games such as this as I do with the one true faith.

@tani: Seeing as having only a third of the population as a constituency is an obstacle to Empire wide hegemony, I doubt I'd play (if I play) the Catholic theocrat in this game. The reference to theocracy was merely pointing out what looked to be a grievous absence in your schema :p
If we conquer Austria, we would see more Catholics living in the Reich, so a Catholic theocracy would definitely make more sense. :mischief:
key word being "if".
Oh there's no if about it boys.

We will whoop the Habsburgs' sorry inbred asses east of the Danube and more.

In fact I was going to suggest devouring Austria first simply because they have no overseas territories and would double our territory in Europe, thus making an immensely profitable conquest without a global headache.
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