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The threads have been assimilated!


Bytes and Nibblers
Nov 9, 2005

We interrupt your regularly scheduled CiV for this public service announcement!​

The individual threads were working out well for a long while with lots of great discussion. I saw some recent concern about difficulty following conversations in past weeks though (and felt it myself!) with the main thread going at several new pages per day. I asked ainwood if we could get a forum here in the mod development section... and voila!

:thanx: Thank you ainwood! :thanx:

Now we can start threads about particular topics and actually come back a few hours later without 5 pages flying by on all sorts of subjects! :crazyeye:

It's still perfectly alright to post miscellaneous comments or questions in the threads related to each mod component, or you can start an entirely new thread, either way is good. If a conversation in the main component threads gets particularly long we can just shift it to its own thread. :thumbsup:
Great you did it this way, it was really getting hard to follow. Had a lot going on at work, and really had problems keeping track of the discussions.
Agree this is fantastic!:thumbsup:

Should the Free-Research thread be moved here as well?
I'd ask PieceOfMind to do it, rather nice moderator... he's the one who's been renaming my threads over the months to help me keep them accurate. :D

One thing to consider is although it's part of this combined work right now, you never know if you might come up with something some day that'd make it a separate thing. It's up to you either way. :)
When I saw the "Moved" note, I thought: "Hey, has this stuff finally found its way into Off-Topic?" :p
Thal, this is brilliant news. I'm glad that the mods have recognised the worthiness of this project and all the effort you (and all others helping out) have put into this concept. I've been thinking, this game really needs your mods at this point, and I think it will for some time. I was wondering if you have any plans to try to get this mod to be accepted by the general community (obviously not all, but many) as almost necessary for any CiV player, a la BUG for civ 4. I know it's much harder because your mod significantly alters gameplay and so makes unmodded and balance modded CiV virtually uncomparable, but I'd be really interested to see what the effect of having many more balance mod games and discussions on the S&T and general discussions CiV forums would have. At any rate, having your own subforum (currently the only thing in Project and mod development) is a great start! :goodjob:
It's actually not hard to get a project in here, there's dozens in the Civ IV project forum, someone just needed to ask. :)

Generally, we create project subforums when there is a mod that appears to have enough impetus and support that its likely to result in a good mod. When someone contacts us asking for a forum, and when we are satisfied that mod will amount to something, then we'll create a subforum for that mod.

If people like to play these mods, that's great! If they don't that's okay too. Stuff like this often falls in the realm of personal preferences. I think the way alpaca, Valkrionn, myself and others all approach the same problems with different solutions shows that. Hopefully the best ideas from everyone's mods will continue to be included in the core game by Firaxis as they've done in a few of the patches so far (and was common in Civ IV).

The "Unofficial Patch" component is the one designed more to be the unaltered gameplay sort of thing. In particular, I hope automatic tooltips get built into the game at some point because they're just so incredibly useful.
Thal, would it be possible to start up a strategy section within this subforum where ppl could post strategies etc for playing using your mods? Might be interesting to see some detailed info and might help to bring some more ppl in.

EDIT: nevermind, i just saw that the thread already exists at the bottom.
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