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The Tragedy of Man

Will Laurence

Jan 26, 2015
The Tragedy of Man

Man has a long history of death and strife. He is born to a cold unforgiving world, and can rely on only himself for survival. Man overcomes, though. He grows. He prospers. He has learned to cope with the unending struggle. He has developed culture and philosophy to explain the world around him. He has organized himself into societies and nations to overcome individual weakness. He has found science and technology to beat back and conquer his environment. He is strong, he is courageous, he is intelligent. But alas he is flawed. With his strength comes pride, with his courage recklessness, with his intelligence greed. He is an evil creature, exploiting those around him for his individual gain. Above all else he cares for only one thing: power. Power over nature. Power over wealth. Power over man. The great tragedy of man is that he will destroy himself in his quest for unending power.

Must it be this way? Can the perpetual rise and fall of civilization be abated by a new wave of enlightenment? Can man build a society that wont tear itself apart, or be torn apart? Can he build a civilization that can stand the test of time?

Spoiler :
Welcome to IAAR: Tragedy of Man! I will be your GM for the next months (or years :eek:), and hope to get to know you all very well. This game is based off of the wildly successful IAAR series by Civleader, Governments and Politics. Though based off of GaP, TaM will be by no means a carbon copy. In addition to the fact that you all have already played GaP, I could never recreate what Civleader did. I CAN however do my darndest to deliver the best game I know how. As such, do not expect everything to work the same way it did in GaP. The rules and everything else will be a perpetual work in progress and I will always be open to input. I will at times (more often then not) deviate from what Civleader did in GaP. I suppose what I am trying to say is: I am looking to recreate the engagement and complexity of GaP, not GaP itself.

On to, TaM. The object of the game is to become the most powerful person in history. To do this you will need to manipulate the levers of power, at any given time, in your favor. I have developed the rules to be as open as I possibly could. Creativity is encouraged. Take any means necessary to come out on top. Other than that, have fun and roleplay, roleplay, roleplay. More roleplay=richer game world=more fun for everyone involved.

Now, without further do, the rules.
Now accepting sign ups! Please just indicate your interest. Names will be chosen after the first update.
During the first session you will receive a sign-up PM where you will be given instructions on how to set up your first character. For the stats you will be given points and will be able to distribute them between the stats as you see fit. After your first character stats will be dependent on heredity.
fresh meat :mwaha:


I think I'll refrain from signing up just yet though, I'll wait and see how many sign up and who before I make my decision on this matter.
I'd just like to mention that i'm a first timer in this type of RP format,tho i have some traditional DnD experience so i believe i'll manage :)
Oh,and also i am very excited to try this out actually ^^
Glad to have you on board Civleader! I may refer to you if I have any questions relating to GMing in general. Be prepared ;)

I will be posting the update tonight!
Session 1

The Wilderness - 4000 B.C.

After a long day of walking, the tribe huddles close to a warm campfire, it's light flickering off the hungry and tired faces of those around it. A few stories are told, a few laughs had, and the last of the berries are passed around. Before long Chief Lliw stands before the meager congregation before him.

“Good evening kinsmen,” he began, looking around at the hungry faces around him. “I can’t bear to look at us in this state any longer. Another day has come and gone, and the wild berries are all but out. Our ancestors created for us a nomadic way of life. Our people have moved from place to place all the way back to the first man, scavenging and subsisting. We have survived, but we have not prospered. I think it is time we find a new way to live. I think it is time we settle.” He was met with puzzled faces. “I know what you would say: where shall we find enough food? But worry not. I have been meditating on this issue, and have gathered those who know most about the world to discuss it. The cleverest among you have found a way to control how and where berries and wheat grasses grow. We no longer must weary ourselves moving across wild lands, but can stay in one place and make a home. Our children and their children deserve a life free from the hunger and danger of the wild. Let us create for them a new and better way of living.”

Everyone broke out into objections at once. Lliw stood stoically, letting them tire themselves out a bit before he continued. “Listen brethren,” he yelled above the clamor. Everyone turned and looked at him. “The gods have chosen me and my line to lead you. I know I am young. I know some of you have still not grown to trust my judgement. But long ago the first men who emerged from the earth had to decide to start moving. Up until now that decision has served us well. We cannot continue this however. Our numbers have grown thin, and wild berries and wheat are coming fewer and farther between. We can only hope to survive by taking our fate into our own hands. Follow me and I will not lead you astray.” The camp was abuzz with discussion. Though Lliw’s speech had convinced some, others thought his plan was ludicrous. He didn’t stay to find out. After he made his last statements he went off to his tent to get some rest. “Whether they like it or not,” he thought to himself, “this is what must be done to survive.”

The next morning, Chief Lliw gathered together the tribe. “The first order of business is where we shall settle.” He drew before them a map in the earth. It depicted a rough outline of the surrounding lands. “Our scouts have gathered information about the nearby area. I am in favor of settling where we stand, but I wish to hear the input of others. And while we are deciding where to settle, what shall we call this first city of ours?”

Spoiler :
OOC: Welcome to Session 1 of Tragedy of Man! The game thread will always represent the public square. Anything you say will be heard by everyone and will affect how they view you. As the game progresses and we grow in size, it will become more of a place to make speeches than have discussions. For now, the tribe is so small it will serve as the deliberative forum for our civilization.

Each update will consist of an In-Character section and an Out-of-Character section. IC I will creatively convey to you what you need to know about the game world. I will try to convey most information IC. Anything I cannot frame IC or anything I deem to be unclear I will comment on in OOC.

For now, the tribe is deliberating on where to settle and what to call the first city. I have selected the Romans as our civilization. I chose the Romans because I believe their unique ability is sort of neutral victory-wise. In addition, I like that the demonym is based off the name of their capital city because that is how it will work for ours as well. Do not feel obligated to emulate their real world culture, it will have no effect on the game. Each city will be named by players and culture will be dependent on what you all roleplay and decide.

Everyone who has expressed interest has received a PM with instructions on how to set up their first character. In this first session some actions may be limited because we don’t technically have a city yet.

A final note, Lliw is pronounced “Lew.”
Signing up for now as Lucius Crassus, since although our moderator has said we needn't feel bound by the chosen civilisation, I find it proper to at least keep a latin theme ;)


IC: I suggest that we settle down and build a city at the current site of our encampment. In doing so we shall in the future be able to access the abundant marine resources of this region, in addition to being able to exploit the resources of the interior. These benefits I think outweigh a relocation to the more defensible location to our west, although it must be said that such a location is not a bad one.

As to the name of this city, It would be most prudent in my opinion to name the city after the great tutelary god of the people. Let us call the capital then, Iovis Capitolina.
In my humble opinion I also suggest settling down at the current site. The reasons have been clearly pointed out by Lacius Crassus.

Some began muttering after the young man spoke, so he continued.

My name is Ael Civius, for the muttering voices wondering who I am. As to a name to this land, why not honor he who has looked over us as we roamed the jungles and hills. Iovis Capitolina is a fitting name indeed. Nonetheless I respect the decision of Chief Lliew and the elders, whose wisdom I cannot match, regardless of the decision taken.
I would advise to settle on the nearby hills to the west,since that way we will get a bit better defensive position in case of any barbarian invasion,so we are in an uphill position.But that is only my opinion,i have faith in our wise Chieftain and the elders..

In the future you will know me as Phelos Kukius ,and i would also agree with fellow Ael that current name of our land is rather suited,but i won't question our chiefs wisdom and that of our elders.
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