• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The Tragedy of Man

Signing up as Lucius Aurelius.

I advise we settle in our current spot. There is abundant food here. However we should focus our efforts on scouting the area after our people are settled.
NPC: Sutsugua Raseac

A middle aged man piped in from near the back of the group. His voice was harsh, and he spoke loudly to be heard over everyone else. “This is foolishness Lliw. You may be the chief, but as you say yourself, you are young. You know not the implications of your actions. I am not so convinced we will be able to survive in one place as you say. We should keep moving, look for better lands. What has worked for our father’s fathers and their father’s fathers will work for us.” He was met with a few ‘ayes’ of approval from the crowd.
Sutsugua, you are venerable and wise. However, you cannot see past tradition. While tradition is a very important it is not the end all be all. Our ancestors were our most important innovators. They taught us how to find food l, how to protect ourselves. To be successful our people must innovate while respecting our traditions.
With respect, what is it you have us do then, Sutsugua? Have you not heard of the stories of old, of great places made by the gods, not of wood but of material from the earth? We must remember our past, yes, learn the lessons of old. But it is time we sought something new. We have figured out how to grow food from our land, and if we continue the practice we may have plenty of food for the rest of our years, and for our children to follow. No longer must we be in the constant search for berries and fruit. No longer must we suffer the hardships of travel, of constant unknown. No longer must we run around hoping for the land to give us what we need for a while. We must forge our future. We can make this place safe, protected from the jaguars, the rain and the storms of these lands. Our forefathers would have wanted this. It is time for change.
Sutsugua is being stubborn, it is quite clear that the tribe can survive well in this place thanks to the ample supply of fish and the bountiful land that surrounds us. Likewise as Ael Civius has noted, to continue forth as a wandering tribe would see the people subjected to much hardship, and hardship which is needless at that as the knowledge of agriculture the tribe has discovered renders us able to grow more food by our own efforts than we can ever hope to sustain by wandering. Is it then better to stay here and build a place strong and secure for the people, or to wander hither and thither as we have done before, and be forever subject to the dangers of beasts and savages?

Now Sutsugua's reasons are understandable, our peoples tradition is valuable and must always be respected and the spirits of the ancestors, the di manes and the exalted heroes of the past are to always be honoured. Likewise, when changing the mos maiorum we must be ever mindful not to risk ira deorum, the divine wrath. Yet I see no reason why settlement is antithetical to carrying forward our tradition, and indeed is it not a means by which we now, and future generations besides, may build upon the deposit of knowledge and tradition and extend it to ever loftier heights of wisdom and understanding? For in wandering all face the imminent necessities of survival, whereas in settling here in this bounteous place, some may extend their minds to higher things as others till the land, fish the seas and build great works of artifice to the honour of the gods and ancestors.

All these things in more I hope shall convince the honourable Sutsugua of the wisdom of settling in this place.


ooc: Lucius Crassus, 30yo, ergo not a youngling
Signing up as Emil Solaran.

Lucius is absolutely right, Sutsugua. There's just one thing I'd like to add: if the stories my parents tell me are true, what worked for our fathers' fathers sometimes didn't. When times were good, the land provided us with everything we needed, but when times were bad there was nothing that could be done and sometimes people starved. We now know how take matters into our own hands instead of relying on chance. If our ancestors knew how to do the same, don't you think they would have?

I think our current location is ideal. If we get to work right away the fish and oysters off the coast should keep us going until the first harvest.

(ooc: 25 years old, so I wouldn't expect Sutsugua to care much about my opinions.)
Fellow people and elders,the sole reason i was for the idea of moving west to the pretty much same enviorment we have with ourselves here ,only on the high ground,meaning our village would be settled on the hill,and with such conditions we could maybe even find some of the earth's minerals and harvest them too..(ooc : hill production anyone :? )
However,i wish not to interfere with the wise ones,and would just want to see that our people and ourselves are content with our current situation..Also,were not our fathers and their fathers ones who told us stories how all the biggest empires were founded on hills,and that is what we want for our future generations,don't we ? To be an empire,and to stand the test of time!
In comparison to such goals,i dare say our personal motives are something that is shaded by the greatness and grandeur of what we must inspire in our people and children,so that we can make such an empiire,and become truly immortal through ressistance of time itself and our own perseverance!
"Phelos Kukius then bowed in sigh of respect to his people,and left silently"
NPC: Sutsugua

"You ask what I would have us do? I will tell you." He scowled, "We move on as we always have. As we have since before recorded memory. It baffles me how quickly you all forget the tradition of our forefathers. We do not know how to live in one place. What if a wayward barbarian horde comes to loot and pillage our encampment? We will be left with nothing. It is not surprising to me that the young would follow this upstart, but you Lucius, and you Phelos, you are on in years like myself . You have experienced fully this way of life, yet you would abandon it in the blink of an eye. I will not abandon my family and my people, so I will stay if that is what we shall do, but I will not simply yield my fate to younglings like the lot of you. Lliw I implore you to listen to me, and know I speak for many of my age. "A few of the older men in the crowd rose their voices in agreement to Sutsugua's speech.
End of Session 1

NPC: Lliw

“Sutsugua, the gods have chosen me to lead this tribe. You will not insult me with your disobedience. Your objections to my decision are noted. Please now, turn your mind to task at hand. It has been decided that we will settle. The question is no longer if, but where. These good men have put forth their opinions on this matter. Now I suggest you do the same.” Sutsugua grunted in indignation, storming away from the group congregated around the map.

Lliw ignored Sutsugua’s further disruption, turning back to those standing before him. “Men of the tribe, you have spoken and I have heard your words. I have decided that we shall settle in this spot. As for what we shall call this new city of ours, I like the name Iovis Capitolina set forth by Lucius. Now let us begin work on this new settlement of ours. May the gods watch over us in this new way of life for our people” The location selected and the name chosen, the tribe went to work on the new city.

Spoiler :
OOC: The question is, what kind of demonym do you derive from Iovis Capitolina? Iovian? Iovis People? Iovene? Iovii? Taking OOC votes on this matter for the time being.
ooc: Iovinii (Iovene as a descriptor as in "Iovene wine") would be appropriate to the people and things related to the city imo. It could extend to the whole people, but we could easily call them something else.

Also, I presume we can now go forward with actions yes?
In the Interim: Update 1

“Grandfather, how was all this made?”

Tarquinius looked down and smiled as his grandchild, “Well whatever do you mean?”

“Where did the earth come from?”

“That is a fine question young man. Come, I wish to tell you a tale from before the beginning of the world. Its a tale my father told me, and his father told him. Long before the creation of man, long before the creation of earth, there was just chaos. All the force of the nature swirled in violent darkness, stretching back for eternity. Then suddenly Earth Mother emerged from the blackness. She was mighty and beautiful, and her cavernous body became what we see around us today as the earth. She was lonely though, and soon Heaven emerged from the darkness as well. Heaven was stout and handsome. He stretched himself over the sky and filled the space above the Earth. Heaven and Earth Mother had between them countless offspring, who between themselves had countless more. This multitude would populate the world around us with all the natural forces of the world. The sun, the moon, the ocean, the wind, animals, the stars all came from Heaven and Earth Mother.”

“But then why can’t we see them anymore?”

“Well what do you mean child? Look up at the brilliance of the Sun god? Is he not beautiful? Look there at that tree. Another wondrous specimen of the divine. To find a god all you must do is look.”

Spoiler :
OOC: These little “In the Interim” updates will be used primarily to convey cultural information. They will reveal how individuals live and think in our civilization. I also hope they will help enrich the game world. Hope you enjoy them :)
Emil Solaran trudges through the forest, a load of sticks in tow. He has spent the day gathering building materials for the new permanent shelters in Iovis Capitolina. The older men are back at the village, no doubt doing more prestigious kinds of work.

He stops to rest. His thoughts turn to his position in the community. "I'll never get anywhere out here... If I want anyone to listen to me, I'll have to get to know them all better." It will have to wait until morning, though; it's getting dark, and the wild beasts of the jungle will be out soon. He picks up his load and hurries back home. At least he's getting a good workout.

Action: Meet the community
Movement: Train strength

(ooc: So I really hope I'm doing this right. I'm kind of new at this, and most of the actions within the rules don't seem to apply yet, so maybe this will open things up.)
OOC: I apologize, I should have been more clear. Currently we are waiting for me to finish the next session update. Actions can only be performed while we are in session. Everything else was perfect however. I will just count these among your actions for the next session.
((Can we use roman cognomen? I just realized that there are 2 people named Lucius))
Markus Cloelius: Tribsman
Entering the game as Markus Cloelius, a brown-redish bearded man.

=========== Stuff ===========

The last few days have been spent gathering any form of stone that could be used to create either a shelter, or any form of basic wall. If Lliw’s idea of settling was to take form, any raw material that could provide protection would be necessary. And if it wasn't for shelter, it could still be thrown, so there was that.

Food was still scarce but everyone made do with what was available. However, this caused a lot of stress in the tribe, and this decision was not gonna be peaceful. So having stones to throw if something went wrong was a good bonus.

And if struggle was to be avoided, he had to know the tribe better, and learn what he could to bond them together, or all this work would be for nothing.

======= Action Queue =========

Action: Meet the community
Movement: Train Diplomacy

======= Public Square =========

I would like to know just a little more before settling. Could we send a small band of our brothers to investigate any further to the north?

If I were to decide right now, I would still prefer the hills, we need any advantage that we can take right now, and being on the hills will provide a better lookout, protection, and will still allow us to look into ways of harvesting what lies in the water.
Session 2

Iovis Capitolia - 4000 BC

Lliw stood before the congregated tribe smiling.“Welcome everyone. This day has been a long time coming. For many full moons we have slaved away cutting trees, clearing brush, building huts for us all to sleep in, but it has all payed off. Our storehouses are teeming with berries, wheat, and fish and our women and children our safe. We are plentiful and growing. Now let us not falter in our growth. We cannot sit idly on what we have already built, but we must continue to grow and expand. Many of you have had questions as to where the tribe shall go next, I have called this meeting to discuss just that. I wish to inform you about what is to come next in the tribe, and hear some of your opinions.”

Looking to the crowd, he motioned for one among them to come to the front. “As many of you know, this is Tertius. He is one of the strongest among us, and certainly our best hunter. I have appointed him to be the leader of a group of warriors whose only job will be to protect us from barbarians. We have all heard the stories as told to us by our fathers. Well I have taken this threat seriously, and we shall no longer be defenseless so long as we have them to protect us.” Shouts and cheers came from the tribe.

Tertius smiled widely, raising a fist into the air “I will protect you brethren. Sleep easy at night!”

Lliw laughed and clapped him on the back. “We know you will Tertius. For your first task I want you to and your men to go explore the lands around us. We must know about our homeland if we are to protect ourselves.”

“I will not fail you chief.” He bowed and found his way back to his spot in the crowd.

“Our next order of business is what we shall turn our productive abilities to. Shall we build a monument to the gods? Should we organize another party of men to explore or to defend us? Should we organize a group of laborers to transform the jungles around us into farms and other productive improvements? I leave the decision up to all of you.”

“Finally, there are two main challenges laid before us. We need to figure out how better to store our food and we need to figure out how better to cut down the jungle around us. Which task should we turn our cleverest minds?

Spoiler :
OOC: Two things this update:
  • “Iovis Capitolina” had one too many characters for the game to accept it. I shortened it to Iovis Capitolia. We could chalk it up to shortened pronunciation causing the change.
  • The last bit is about what we should research. Lliw is giving you the option of Mining > Iron Working or Pottery.

Here are all the available builds and research paths:

Here a picture of Iovis Capitolina:

@Et_Absoluti: This is a perfect example of something you guys can do to influence the cultural development of our civilization. If you think it wise to adopt a new naming convention then you have a few options to get it adopted by the rest of the tribe: lead by example (players all adopt them and the npcs will follow), talk to the tribal leaders (personally ask Lliw if he thinks it might improve ease of identifying everyone), or give a speech as to why we need them (if rousing enough NPCs will follow)

OOC: Something went wrong with the pms so some of you may not have received them yet. You will be getting those tonight.
My fellow countrymen verily we made the right choice in settling. Food is abundant and plentiful as far as the eye can see. However we cannot utilize this and we are still hungry. Perhaps we should research pottery so that the sick,old and weak can get food. If we can store the food around us we can have prosperity and fortune.
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