The Vanguard

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This next episode is getting to be a real long one. If I keep it all as one piece, it'll be at least five pages.
Probably more. Truth be told, this project is just getting completely out of hand. :)

So there's only one thing to do: make it a two-part special with a cliffhanger! :eek:
(Besides, this way I get an update posted in UNDER THREE WEEKS!!!)

Woohoo! Update! Question: Why didn't this show up in my UserCP? :mad:
Looks like someone is about to win a lot of poker chips. :D
*Looks back at previous page* Damn you, BasketCase! Now Drasha kills him, not anybody else! :mad:
What happened to being able to post an update in under 3 weeks? :mad:
To be fair, I think he's got until tomorrow (the 7th). ;)

Emperor Msh'Rak committed the unthinkable--peace with Persia.

The seeds of dissention had sprouted....angry warriors
threatened to sunder the Gen'Shar throne once again!!!

And, once again, Akala Drasha stood ready to pull the trigger.


Heh, heh ...

Truly, we humans have no understanding of the Gen'Shar mind. Why should they feel any more bound by a promise to such inferior beings as ourselves than we would be by a promise to a fish?
Well, it was mild cheating considering it was supposed to be Always War... :mischief:
Nooooo! Not the END! Make more!
There will be more in episode 39. We just have to wait another 3 weeks. :D
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