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The Very-Many-Questions-Not-Worth-Their-Own-Thread Thread XLIII

One and two could be newer and older packaging for the same product.

But check ingredients too.

If you click on your top link and then click on this [url=https://www.walmart.ca/search?q=thompson%27s+waterseal&x=1]link.[/url], it is small and right below the reduced price box, it takes you to a page where both products are shown. They both have the same product number #21802. I think they are the same product and one is just an older package.
Google tells me that 1.2 gallon = 4.54L.. So yeah, the third one has a slightly smaller amount of product... but everything else seems to be the same.
I know nothing about the product, but I bet they are the same size, possibly an Imperial gallon which is 1.2 US gallons and 4.54l.
Aha! The longitude thing makes a lot of sense, I missed that when applying my google-fu, cheers
Besides, a lot of belt buckles look like blobs. So it's a blob attached to a belt.

As for the paint: Snag an employee from that department and ask. They are motivated to be truthful, as well as sell you stuff, because excellent word of mouth is what you could give their business if they treat you well. People are not shy at all about being ripped off if they think they've had bad customer service.

If they're the same but one is older, ask how long they last. If there's a significant difference between them, that's a reason to choose the newer, but if it doesn't matter much...

Well, they can explain that.

And after they do, go to a competitor and ask them the same questions you asked us. If all answers match, great. If not, either someone's genuinely not sure what they're talking about or they're trying to upsell you or move old product that won't do as good a job.
It is a Thompson's brand (a good brand) product. No need to overthink it. Which ever you buy it will work as expected. Sealed cans don't go bad quickly.
The third one only claims to "help" prevent water damage, while the first two (which are probably the same thing as one another) claim to prevent water damage. And provide UV protection. Third one's probably "watered down," if you will.
As for the paint: Snag an employee from that department and ask.

It's Walmart so I am like 99.999% sure that they will have no idea when we ask them, if we manage to even find someone there to ask.

It is a Thompson's brand (a good brand) product. No need to overthink it. Which ever you buy it will work as expected. Sealed cans don't go bad quickly.

The reason we were looking into this further is the rather large price difference between the 3rd product and the rest.

The third one only claims to "help" prevent water damage, while the first two (which are probably the same thing as one another) claim to prevent water damage. And provide UV protection. Third one's probably "watered down," if you will.

That's a great catch! Thanks. This is for my mom, she appreciates the help. I guess we didn't look hard enough
I suspect he's moved on to another project.
Can someone help me figure out the difference between these 3 products? I have zero experience with these sorts of products, so maybe I'm missing something obvious. They all seem to be exactly the same, aside from the pricing, and the different design on the can and slightly different amount of product for the last one. The first two are almost identical, aside from the SKU, as far as I can tell.

Thompsons Waterseal 21802 1.2 Gallon Wood Protector (ZX99TRVAL46930) - 1.2 Gallon - Clear - $86.42
Thompsons Waterseal 21802 1.2 Gallon Wood Protector (TRVAL46930) - 1.2 Gallon - Clear - $94.55
Thomspons Waterproofing Wood Protector - Clear, 4.52L - $63.85

Google tells me that 1.2 gallon = 4.54L.. So yeah, the third one has a slightly smaller amount of product... but everything else seems to be the same.

The first and second are almost identical - but the SKU is slightly different (see inside the brackets)

What am I missing? Why wouldn't I just get the cheapest one? Why are the first two basically 50% more expensive than the 3rd one? Why is the second one 10% more expensive than the first?

I checked the Thompsons website, but it wasn't very helpful either.
These prices appear to be all wrong.

I suspect he's moved on to another project.
Well, I hope he isn't using it as a primer inside, lol.
Looks like Amazon is selling that for $37 USD. I've never paid that much but I don't think I use that particular Thompson's product.

Even with the conversion that looks awfully high compared to what we pay down here.
God bless America.

I can get a 5-gallon bucket of the stuff for $85 USD.
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Can someone help me figure out the difference between these 3 products? I have zero experience with these sorts of products, so maybe I'm missing something obvious. They all seem to be exactly the same, aside from the pricing, and the different design on the can and slightly different amount of product for the last one. The first two are almost identical, aside from the SKU, as far as I can tell.

Thompsons Waterseal 21802 1.2 Gallon Wood Protector (ZX99TRVAL46930) - 1.2 Gallon - Clear - $86.42
Thompsons Waterseal 21802 1.2 Gallon Wood Protector (TRVAL46930) - 1.2 Gallon - Clear - $94.55
Thomspons Waterproofing Wood Protector - Clear, 4.52L - $63.85

Google tells me that 1.2 gallon = 4.54L.. So yeah, the third one has a slightly smaller amount of product... but everything else seems to be the same.

The first and second are almost identical - but the SKU is slightly different (see inside the brackets)

What am I missing? Why wouldn't I just get the cheapest one? Why are the first two basically 50% more expensive than the 3rd one? Why is the second one 10% more expensive than the first?

I checked the Thompsons website, but it wasn't very helpful either.

I can't tell the difference. But you should check prices from other sellers.
It's Walmart so I am like 99.999% sure that they will have no idea when we ask them, if we manage to even find someone there to ask.
That doesn't mean you can't ask questions elsewhere (just say you're comparison shopping; any reasonable salesperson will understand that). Canadian Tire sells paint, and once you corner an employee you can ask questions. My dad used to go to Home Hardware for a lot of his stuff.

And keep in mind that the prices on Walmart's website often bear no resemblance to what it is in-store (they've become like Amazon in having bizarre algorithms when it comes to what they charge for identical things; sometimes the difference is in the hundreds).
The gallon talk reminded me that here we have an (afaik) unique name for 1000 square meters. I think a hectare is 10000 sqm, but smaller fields apparently required the subdivision to have its own name.


The decare or dekare (/ˈdɛkɑːr, -ɛər/) is derived from deca and are, and is equal to 10 ares or 1000 square metres. It is used in Norway[29] and in the former Ottoman areas of the Middle East and Bulgaria[30] as a measure of land area. Instead of the name "decare", the names of traditional land measures are usually used, redefined as one decare:

I am looking for a website or software that's free that allows me to:

- Create rooms in 2D & 3D and modify their dimensions. The rooms could have irregular shapes (e.g. L shaped room, part of a wall sticking out of another wall in an open concept setup, etc.)
- Create walls & delete parts of walls.
- Add custom sized doors and windows.
- Add custom sized 3D shapes that are meant to represent furniture (but do not require any detail)
- I need to see measurements/rulers between key sections. So if I want to see what the distance from a door to a certain wall is, that should be easy to do.

Those are the only requirements. It doesn't have to be fancy, I don't need any details, don't need colours, don't need to see the roof, just need to be able to do the above.

So far I've found planner5d, but it has too many annoying limitations. I can't for instance modify the size of doors or windows, or even the height of individual walls. It also doesn't allow you to remove parts of walls to create an open concept sort of setup that some rooms have.

Here's an example of what I was able to create in planner5d so far. I am basically remodelling 2 rooms and I want to be able to create rectangular 3D mockups of all the furniture that I could potentially put there, I want to move it all around and try out different configurations to see what could fit where.

Spoiler :

Appreciate any ideas for what I could use here. I don't really want to learn a complex CAD software for this, but will if there are no alternatives.
Is that closed-in rectangle supposed to be a closet?
IKEA's website lets you design a room. It has a limited number of items you can place (and most of them are their own cabinets, of course), but one of those items is a box that can be made any dimension you want. So, for example, I have a room with a half wall. IKEA's options don't include that, but I made a "box-like object" that was 8" wide (the width of the studs) and 4' high and 99" long and dragged it into the right spot, and it looks sufficiently like my space that it helps with the envisioning that CAD is supposed to allow.
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