The villagers have provided you with a map!


Feb 16, 2008
Anyone else find this particular "reward" to be a disappointment?

Also, does the amount of map revealed get smaller on higher difficulties?
On rare occassions this will provide the location of other villages.
Yeah, occasionally it can reveal all sorts of stuff... but generally speaking, I'm gonna be exploring all that territory soon, anyway.
More often then not, I find it reveals very little of the map as I have already explored most of the surrounding area. It is a disapointemnt to get this, but at least it's better then Barbarians.
Yeah, I agree! When they try leaving me with a pile of rubbishy gold or a scruffy little sketch map, I want to be able to tell them off and force them to give me techs instead! But maybe we should expect it, after all we make their villages disappear in little clouds of smoke...
I said it before, I say it again: although I definitely want techs and money more, maps are acceptable in principle, just don't give me those #@$?*! ocean maps. They are 99% trash, and it's ridiculous some barbs living in 3000BC can travel 10 tiles from the coast and tell you what it's like. At minimum, they need optics!!

And please give me some COMPLETED maps, not some shxtty stuffs with all those unrevealed tiles. What's the point of getting a map when you still need to send you units there again?

Well, at least better than some hostile barbs, I guess.
I once got a map of my capital... I was [pissed]

But then again: Sometimes you will get a crappy map; sometimes the map will reveal a important ressurce, allowing you to grab it, before the AI does; and sometimes you will pop Astronomy at 100 AD.

The Hut's are fun because they give random stuff. No rule says "you got te have something useful from them every time" - in fact you can set them to only give techs, settlers or workers. And you will get bored after 3 games. Believe me - i tried.
I said it before, I say it again: although I definitely want techs and money more, maps are acceptable in principle, just don't give me those #@$?*! ocean maps. They are 99% trash, and it's ridiculous some barbs living in 3000BC can travel 10 tiles from the coast and tell you what it's like. At minimum, they need optics!!

There not completely useless. Sometimes they reveal another continent that you can't get to till optics.
Idk, it seems just an "air recon" event centered at the site of the village would make a little more sense (not so much for coastal villages...).
Astronomy from a goody hut = I wish. The highest free tech I was ever given from a goody hut on Immortal was Sailing - LOL. I was ecstatic at such a generous free gift. I think they nerf the goody huts on the higher difficulty level, as you frequently get a "map" on emperor / immortal. Then again, I play as the English so I usually have to explore using warriors, rather than scouts, unless a goody hut gives me a free scout. Even if they do the scout gets eaten by bears very quickly.

Yes, I use forest/jungle as movement tiles, but the wild animals at the higher difficulty levels seem to exist on a diet of English warriors and scouts. I often wondered if placing a river between my warrior and the bear would make a combat difference?

Do animals get a penalty from attacking over a river?

They really need to nerf those Bears in Civ 5, because they are eating prompted units with woodsman as well as raw recruits.

Regards - Mr P
If I ever get a trashy level of gold or a map, I reload the game!

Hostile Barbs- Same thing! How dare those villagers give me such feeble gifts!
Astronomy from a goody hut = I wish. The highest free tech I was ever given from a goody hut on Immortal was Sailing - LOL.

By the time you have Astronomy you normally have no huts to find, particularly on an all-land map like Lakes or Plains. Still, I revealed one next to a barb city on a hitherto unexplored island off my second continent. I think I got a Warrior or a Worker, but it was quite late game, I was Russia and I had Cossacks to stick it to the Scythians there, so there was probably no need to give me a good tech.
Yeah once I popped a hut fairly later in the middle ages, on a crappy far-distant island. I wanted to increase my chances of getting a juicy tech so I purpose-built an explorer any sent him over on a spare caravel to pop it.

I got a warrior and my maintenance went up by 2 gold on the spot... :lol:

Needless to say their kind gift was instantly deleted
Popping BW from the hut that pops when your capital expands while you build a worker first and reveals copper in the BFC never hurts

Has anyone popped a hut that revealed a tech that moves you to a new era and obsoletes the quest you are nearly finished with? I would lose the plot if that happened
I find it annoying when the map given still leaves dots of black so you still have to go and unravel them. Good for locating far away goodie huts to beeline for.
Yeah... I always get maps of the ocean too. If the villagers were so adept at seafaring, why couldn't they just give me the damn tech?
Two things I hate about the maps:

1) They can give you maps of ocean, which are practically useless.
2) The maps have holes in them, so you have to explore the area anyway.
Two things I hate about the maps:

1) They can give you maps of ocean, which are practically useless.
2) The maps have holes in them, so you have to explore the area anyway.

Maps are even more useless than "experience". Getting an XP boost from a hut is okay, but you know, if I'm not getting a free tech I'd like some money. :D .In the early game I try to grab up as much cash as I can from huts to fuel my economy. I'll run with a 1 or 2 gold deficit for awhile to keep my science rate up. (Which is why I love getting a scout in my first hut, more boots on the ground.)
Tech > Gold > Scout > Experience > Map > Barbs is my prefered order.

Gotta love when your scout pops 4 experience huts in a row....., just to get killed by a bear.

Havnt seen a settler in bts, ever. Though its probably related to the fact that i started on Prince (can you even get settlers there?)
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