The "What Helps When" Thread


Oct 26, 2005
I'm kinda new to Civ so I wanted to know some good ideas on what to do when you need certain things. It could include a building, tech, leader trait, wonder, whatever!

For instance:

What are things you can you do to increase food income?

What are things you can you do to increase production?

What are things you can you do to increase commerce?

What are things you can you do to increase research?

What are things you can you do to increase culture?

What can you do to increase happiness?

What can you do to increase health?

Thanks very much for your ideas.
Food: workers build farms and pastures

Production: workers build mines, quarries, workshops

Commerce: workers build cottages; market building

Research: do the same as for commerce; monestary building

Happines: depends on the civics, but station units in your cities, use religion

Health: build cities on fresh water, find health resources
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