The whole 1 tile unit thing

The one problem about 1UPH (1 unit per hex) I see is when bottlenecking a narrow straight of land or a mountain pass. It could be self destructive as well as helpful. Basically, while being able to completely block off the enemy, you're also blocking off your own army and even if all your units move just one hex you're going to be stuck with a hurt unit leading the charge, which, in a 1UPH game is probably not the thing you want to be prevent this there's gotta be some way to "pass through" your own military...
The one problem about 1UPH (1 unit per hex) I see is when bottlenecking a narrow straight of land or a mountain pass. It could be self destructive as well as helpful. Basically, while being able to completely block off the enemy, you're also blocking off your own army and even if all your units move just one hex you're going to be stuck with a hurt unit leading the charge, which, in a 1UPH game is probably not the thing you want to be prevent this there's gotta be some way to "pass through" your own military...

There will be some way to do this. I'd bet on it.
Maybe -- or maybe cities will "self defend"? There is some talk about making cities have a bombardment ability.

Deploy them to garrisons?

That would at least make more of an economic use for the fortress improvement -- a garrison square that might reduce maintenance to units left there for long periods of time, or something.

Still, there would have to be some sort of defensive units in a city. Maybe if a garrison (as you mentioned) in a city allows for multiple units to be stored inside the city, I could see it (perhaps a barracks - as a base - could allow X number of units and a will will allow +Y additional units and so on, I could see that working out.

Forts could also work the same way, just outside of the city. That could make the taking of forts to be a crucial part of a war. For them, their base number could expand through improvements over time (either built manually or done automatically like in Civ 4 with cottage->village-> town and fort graphics). Maybe the player could build a watch tower at the beginning, which in turn could be upgraded to a keep, then a fort or castle (I smell Mod... should tell Dale about this one in his thread).

Anyway, I could see that as plausible. I still think that it might be better if stacks are still allowed (even if they are limited... say 4) for management, logistical and aesthetic purposes. But, at least I can see it a little better if it does end up working like (or at least similar) to what I described.
I really don't mind the 'one hex, one unit' concept. I'm coming around to it, as another poster stated. I do however worry that this means that my military will consist of say 20-30 units overall and if that's the case I can't see myself having as much fun as I did in Civilization IV fighting wars with many, many more units. Long and tedious wars ARE Civ to me in many ways so I hope that strategizing and unit movement / positioning / management on a large scale are still part of the gameplay.
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