The worst start you have EVER had?

It happens way too often that the player is started on a coast with no sea resources. I have to have some really special land tiles for me not to quit.
With Morocco, I started on a river along the coast. The desert had no hills and the water had no resources. I hit restart as fast as I could. Absolutely no production.
And did you continue playingthe game?

I just now got this little paradise of a start:

Spoiler :

What is the worst start you have ever had?

Since you already said that you are playing on world map, you got Alaska. :mad:

Alaska has two sides. Sometimes, you're completely isolated because of mountains. That isn't horrible, since that would make it really hard to attack your capital. The other side is when you start on Alaska, and the mountains DO allow you passing through. This is essentially better, because it's easy to defend, and also easier to explore.

In both situations, I advise settling in North America(the actually fertile part).
I literally started in snow


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Since you already said that you are playing on world map, you got Alaska. :mad:

Alaska has two sides. Sometimes, you're completely isolated because of mountains. That isn't horrible, since that would make it really hard to attack your capital. The other side is when you start on Alaska, and the mountains DO allow you passing through. This is essentially better, because it's easy to defend, and also easier to explore.

In both situations, I advise settling in North America(the actually fertile part).

I am unable to screenshot it for some reason, but in my large Earth game, Siam started east of Alaska, around where the Yukon territory would be in Canada. They managed to do pretty well with a start that would make most humans ragequit, even building four wonders and settling around ten cities - all of them in Alaska or Canada.

Unfortunately, the actually fertile part of North America was already occupied by India. And Delhi had the Hanging Gardens and was allied to every CS on the map. In the year 1950, size 9 Sukhothai was very envious of size 49 Delhi down south... :mischief:

I'm still trying to get screenshots; it was hilarious.
yeah, tundra without river or forest sucks. Still, 2 fish, 2 whales, 3 deer, and one furs is not bad.

I think it's quite a good start (as are the others that have been posted). You got at least three hills you can work as well, and either of Goddess of the Hunt, God of the Sea or Dance of the Aurora is going to make a great pantheon. You rarely get the option of three good choices for your Pantheon. You have at least 11 tiles you can work and more than enough food to do so.

A plains start with no river or food resources, that really sucks.
well, i dont have a screenshot, but i got a start with all desert, 1 hill (1 tile from city) and 1 oasis and 1 incense (3 tiles from city) as America. Pretty horrible. Then I find out there are like a dozen flood plains and resources 4-6 tiles from my city.
I played as Denmark and started in Tundra on a ice locked sea. I only had England on the continent with me, but they had all the decent land. So naturally I took out England. However, once I crossed the ocean, I discovered a totally forested continent occupied by everyone's favorite forest-dweller, Hiawatha. I was too broke for a diplomatic Vic, so I aimed for a Cultural Vic. Hiawatha went for science. I only beat him by a few turns.
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