These AIs are "Beggin' Bennies"


Dec 1, 2003
Whats with the handouts? Throughout my current game other civs have been calling me up and asking for me to GIVE them luxury resources. For Free. Even though they have gold and sometimes are turning a profit every turn. In some cases, like with Wu (The biggest offender in this game...she constantly asks for free gems.) she wouldn't trade her extra cotton for gems but wanted gems for nothing.

I recently acquired whales, just one (I secured a second whale resource just before I quit for a break, but at the time I had one) and the second I got it Bismarck calls me up asking for it for FREE. I just met him! He may be broke, I don't know, but he had excess iron. He didn't even want to talk about trading it. What possible incentive would I have to give him free resources?

For that matter, does the AI even think more highly of you if you give them free stuff? Sulieman seems to be perpetually pissed at me but not pissed enough to refrain from begging for gems. Or asking me to go to war with Ramses, who at least thus far has been buddy buddy with me. When Ramses asked for free gems he at least was broke and had an economy in the negative. Plus, he trades regularly and pretty much offers fair deals.

Stupid beggars.
The most annoying thing is that you take a hit if you don't give in, but they'd NEVER do the same thing for you unless you could crush them like a bug (and even then it might not happen).
The most annoying thing is that you take a hit if you don't give in, but they'd NEVER do the same thing for you unless you could crush them like a bug (and even then it might not happen).

I've had a close friend AI give me money at a request. I think you take a minor diplo hit for making the request, but then they probably take a minor diplomatic penalty for asking YOU for it, as well, people being people. Getting annoyed at the AI is going to color how you deal with it.
I've had a close friend AI give me money at a request. I think you take a minor diplo hit for making the request, but then they probably take a minor diplomatic penalty for asking YOU for it, as well, people being people. Getting annoyed at the AI is going to color how you deal with it.

You can have a close AI friend? They always go psycho on me.
In the games I’ve played so far the rival nations are running such incredibly high deficit numbers it is no wonder they come to me hat in hand. Most always they beg for gold, but on occasion resources.

You can have a close AI friend? They always go psycho on me.

The certainly are fickle. In my current campaign, the garnering too many wonders soured a thousands year old solid relationship with Elizabeth. Oh well.
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