This game is too good to leave!

I don't even have conquests, yet. I won't get 4 till I get a new computer, my old Pentium 2 can't handle that.
Civ3 is far from dead. There are plenty of people that will still be playing it, if only because it works (mostly) the way it should. Judging from some of the posts in the Civ4 forums, Firaxis has followed the same route it did with Civ3, releasing an unfinished game with plenty of problems. I expect it will be at least a year before Civ4 is really playable.
definately sticking to civ3. civ4 is too advanced for my computer for one thing. but, i did have it running on a borrowed machine and i thought the "enhanced graphics" where too much. i like the simple sprites of civ3. much easier to see. i would have liked a game that looked like civ3 with some of the gameplay changes of civ4. it'd be great if a talented mod'er could address the graphics confusion as i see it. my first game of civ3 captivated me. i simply enjoyed the look. i only could try out civ4 for about an hour, but in all honesty it just didn't have the same basic appeal. i sensed this from the many screen shots and seeing it (briefly) confirmed my thoughts. i'll be reading the forums, and maybe in a few years when i buy a new computer i'll pick up civ4 for $19.99 after i've completed the quartermaster's challenge in the HoF. undaunted that we're not at the top of the page anymore! i hope this site continues to support those left behind.
I have Civ 3 and 4. Had 4 the day of release, and still have yet to play a successful game after about 30 tries... no lie. Its bugged to hell and a joke it made it to the salesfloor in this condition. The boards are buzzing right now over peoples inability to even get it to load let alone play.

Recently after new drivers I have been able to play a small game with some reall insane terrain graphics. I loved Civ 3, Sid & Firaxis outdid themselves on it. It seems the game is more aggresive now which I like, as far as barbarians go, but I always turn the heat up with them. On 4 it really is very noticable, non stop assaults.
The graphics look nice but IMO 3 wins the graphics contest with some minor exceptions on 4. 3 is like an amped version of 1 we all fell in love with, me on my super nintendo... ahhh. [End Turn] and wait 10 mins for your turn again (usually trying to get a little sleep in that time, sometimes passing out to wake and pick up where I left off.... kinda sad but true nonetheless.)
I think 3 really captured what sid created originally. Civ4 is where the game has officially evolved into a new being. We may see an 'Old Metallica/New Metallica' thing surface from it. I too think the units are mighty big.
All you people choosing Civ 3 over Civ 4 due to reqs and not personal opinion, dont sweat it too much. Through the gameplay I experienced, with florescent dirt and really...just ... weird ocean tiles (mostly pitch black) Gameplay has a new feel to it, that isnt the same classic game we like. Its just the same brand.
I wont say its bad, but its definetly different, you will have to experience it to decide for yourself I think. I pre-ordered, and my week has been hell trying to get it to run cause, well, its too late for me I done bought it and I know I aint gonna take it back. Hell, I put too much work into it now.

Just thought I would kinda drop in an extra opinion, and let you guys know that if you havent played it, at this point in time neither have most of us that bought it, and those who have are usually having graphic issues anyway. Lets give it time, and see what happens. :D
looking forward to the first mod which incorporates the good stuff of CIV 4 into the very stable, very playable CIV 3.
Drool4Res-pect said:
Does anyone here ever still play the original civ?
I still play Civ 2. There are a lot of things I like about it that 3 did away with, like late-world discovering and colonizing.
I'm also sticking with civ3. I'm not very good at the game but i do enjoy it greatly. I will buy civ 4 eventually.......when ATI/NVidia optimize their drivers for the game...also when its patched and tweaked and modded to perfection :) about six months. I'm in no rush. I can wait.
I played Civ4 for about 6 hours Friday evening and about 16 hours today. It loaded fine and played fine, BUT... I don't really like it much. With that old "one more turn" thing, for me it was hoping if I just hit enter one more time it might get better, but it didn't. (I wouldn't dare say that over in the Civ4 forum. :eek: )

That's not saying there aren't some good things about it, like no pollution, but the interface is mostly icon-driven. You get little tiny icons for menus and have to "mouse over" to get descriptions. The civilopedia is just alphabetical index and not cross-referenced.

Until/Unless they get it patched radically, I think I'll be sticking with C3C.
I remember the twitchy Civ3 v1.0 and wasn't really happy until V1.29. I felt the same twitchiness would occur in Civ4 so decided to not buy it until next year. Knowing the quality of the gamers on this site they will provide the patches and all the info that I need to have a seamless introduction to it when I do purchase it..... on sale.
I won't consider Civ4 until at least 6 months least.

I was a guinea pig for Civ3 and Civ2.Thats enough thnx..especially since 4 requires a new computer.. pretty much.

Not interested in spending that much cash to play a beta game.I'll put my money to more productive replica light sabres ;)
"Judging from some of the posts in the Civ4 forums, Firaxis has followed the same route it did with Civ3, releasing an unfinished game with plenty of problems. I expect it will be at least a year before Civ4 is really playable."

Civ3 is far from dead! Civ4 does need probably six months to a year to have some problems taken care of and to mature. Right now a memory leak makes it unplayable for me, except on smaller maps. Some of the promised maps are yet to be released. There is still a lot to be done.

The biggest problem with Civ4 right now is that a lot of purchasers expected it to be bug free and mature on release, which it is not. Unhappy consumers are not a good thing to have.
I don't think i'll be getting Civ4 either, my laptop is too crappy.

And i must say, geez we are such a backward community! Most of the posts in this thread say something along the lines that we wont get Civ4 because we dont have fast enough computuers to handle it. And i mean no offence to anyone, im one of those people!

But then again, is it our fault for staying 'classic' in our hardware?
Friaxis should have realised that and not released a game that a large majority of it established community cant even run! Let alone distribute with bugs galore! Shame on you Friaxis! As for Sid, i dont think anyone can ever get angry with you!
thetrooper said:
I'll stick to CIV3 for a while.

At least until Christmas.... :mischief:
I just wish there was religion on C3C... I really really thing religion is cool.

But otherwise, I reecho the sentiments of those on the thread:

1. I just got C3C yet and am not even close to finishing with it. I won't consider buying Civ4 until I have beaten C3C on Emperor at least once... since I am in the middle of my second Regent game right now, that will be quite a while.

2. I'll wait until they come out with Civ4 Complete and spend my money in one fell swoop.

3. Slow computers are bad.

I'm just glad to know I'm not alone... just found out about PBEM and am interested to try it. I've never played against anyone but the AI. Glad to know it will still be possible.
One of the best things about Civ3, for me, is that it runs on Linux (using the Cedega "emulation" tool). My hardware will run Civ4 well enough, but I doubt Cedega will handle it yet, and I *refuse* to install Windows just to run a game (even if that game is Civ)!
Not worried about the bug situation. By the time I get near it Civ4 will be patch just lovey! My computer is officially pants! (but not as bad as the poor bloke with the P2!)

Given the core of players Civ3 isn't dead. It won't be for a while yet I think!
As I see this thread I was thinking, yeah I felt that way about MOO1. Glad I got into MOO2 as I like both a lot and still play both.

I felt CivII was too good to leave, but I now prefer III and I am working on IV.

Now IV may turn into the way MOOIII was for me, a month or so and probably will never play it again. I don't know right now, but its only been about two weeks.

Lots of sequels that I have and enjoyed, but most eventually crapped out.

I can think of Warcraft I and II, never gave III much of a chance.

C&C loved I/II the last one was just ok by me.

Might and Magic VI/VII/VIII, did not even play IX more than 5 minutes.

Many others, like Homm (still hoping V will be good).
I was given Civ4 as a present two weeks ago...and have not been able to get it to stay running long enough to play it...I spent the first week troubleshooting...bah. Civ4 is back in the box until a patch or two makes it playable; I don't want to continue trying, and learn to play a flawed version that I cannot judge - I'd rather my first real impression of the game mechanics be positive....

Besides, I have only had Civ3 for a little less than a year..and I am just getting comfortable at Emporer level...I have not played one Scenario yet or tried a mod...and I still find myself playing until 4AM (like last night), the magic of civ3 is still very much alive for me....

On Edit: Besides, the folks down here in the Civ3 forums seems so much more, well, civilized, ... than the free-for all occuring in the Civ4 forums right now...;)
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