This is friggin ridiculous!!!

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Feb 2, 2001
Ontario, Canada
A of A and I have disagreed in the past on many political issues and I don't think either of us has made any secret of this fact. I HAVE however always respected his position of authority. Mods are the "powers that be" around here and thats fine.

I've never before seen fit to question their "word" and sometimes even get a LITTLE sick of people whining about their bannings.
You do the crime and you do the time etc etc. So this is my first complaint about this type of thing and I'm not just trying to raise a stink or offend a mod.

I'm sorry however but A of A has simply gone too far in his latest abuse of power:

Hakan half jokingly asks if birthday threads are banned and he gets threatened? Why? Because A of A doesn't like him questioning the thread that HE started? If it had of been any other poster that started the thread not a single mod would have complained.

Hakan then questions the "threat" and he gets banned for a week?!

Thats totally uncalled for and completely ridiculous... He (A of A) doesn't like you for whatever reason (justified or not) so he can treat you however he wants? Oh and don't talk back because then he slaps a banning on you... and since he is a power hungry maniac that likes throwing weight around and we are just posters, we have to take it.

The fact remains that some people deserve to be banned - either for trolling, spam, or just plain offensive posts. Hakan's however was neither of these things.. He made a simple comment and he gets threatened and banned? He even wished BlueMonday a happy birthday which means his post had merit and he wasn't just being a pest.

If anybody didn't realize before the above mentioned incident that A of A was an intolerant tyrant then they should have ample proof now. We all know that I'm not the only one to believe that he's been corrupted by the power of being a mod - I've talked about it via PM with people before and I've seen people make the point in public posts. Can we all be wrong? When a mod has a problem with that many people then maybe the problem lies with that mod.

People get fed up with that kind of atmosphere and eventually they start to leave. Nobody wants to hang out in a dictatorship - yes mods have to have authority to ban the spammers and people that offend others rampantly but at some point it goes a little overboard. This banning is far more of a travesty then most of the spam I have seen on this site.

The fact that I posted this at all shows how strongly I feel about this... Maybe it was over the top - I don' know and I don't really care at this point.
I agree RedWolf! He has gone to far with his power craze. TF needs to send him through mod school again... lets just hope we both don't get banned for this...:(
I figure there's no way this thread can last 24hrs once a certain aformentioned mod sees it. That would kind of help prove your point though redwolf.

[edited to avoid offending anyone. Was meant to be half joking but I realize it could be taken quite wrong. My apology]

If Aoa is as ban happy as he has been especially lately. . .All I can say is. . .See you in a week guys. I'll probably be joining you for this now.

I agree that this sort of thing can be annoying.
But remember that we don't have to be here and that this is just a discussion forum- We are not deciding the fate of the world (well apart from Simon).

In other words- I don't think its worth getting too upset about. When people with real authority act like that- then you've got something to worry about.
Originally posted by Scrimshaw
I figure there's no way this thread can last 24hrs once a certain aformentioned mod sees it. That would kind of help prove your point though redwolf.
AoA doesn't have mod powers in this particular forum. Only TF does. As AoA said in another thread TF is the only means of appeal at CFC, and I hope he unbans Håkan cause that was indeed a strange, to say the least, ruling from AoA.

Originally posted by Scrimshaw
Sometimes I do think Aoa must be a woman on permanent PMS. Might explain some of occasionally his less than rational behaviour(also why he/she won't post a picture;)). Definitely one of our less stable mods overall.

If Aoa is as nuts as he has been especially lately. . .All I can say is. . .See you in a week guys. I'll probably be joining you for this now.

That's funny, but I think you're going to get your period because of your witty remark.
Keep in mind that Hakan also opened a thread that AoA had to close, so I imagine that that figured into it too.

(I usually don't in the middle of things like these, but I thought I might say something. :blush: )
I wonder who the most unpopular mod is? :D :D

Probably get banned for that, as soon as I post in OT. Who the hell cares, if you have a different viewpoint from him, you're banned. Its as simple as that.
oh leave AoA ALONE!Hakan made several threads that where closed.Anyone remembers his gay threads?Today attacking the bible.hakan was eager for a little banning.It isnt AoA fault its Hakan fault SO LEAVE AOA ALONE!He is a good mod,a bit harsh but thats ok.We NEED a HARSH MOD in the off-topic forum.
So back off leave AOA alone and go whine about something else.
I agree with philippe. A harsh mod is needed and Hakan was not banned solely for that one questioning/comment/threat. Another thing is that he is on a short leash, especially after just being unbanned. I hope he comes back after the ban duration and I hope he can remain unbanned after that :)
I did not believe banning the bible thread was fair and complained to Tf though he appears to have ignored me

as i said in another thread i think this conflict could all be cleared up if a line saying something like - Moderator action may occur even if this code of conduct is followed would avoid all these problems . Basically mods can do whatever they like (though AoA seems to be the only one who does)

Funny how all the troble makers always rally together in bash threads, isn't it? :rolleyes:

Let's have the roll call:
Scrimshaw (these two have commented on how they are friends in the past, and both have disagreed with me before, and we see them together here, what a coincedence. :rolleyes:
I can't even say nice try, because this is just a moronic personal attack, laughable in it's "fury".
You REALLY need to mature Red Wolf.
Scrim Shaw, no offense, but you REALLY need to get a clue.
This is from the staff forum, Lefty's opinion of Hakan Erickson, since you (as usual) don't give me the benifit of the doubt:
"Yep, the usual forum is a dictatorship business down with moderators stuff. Wonder why he regressed to toddler training at this time. "

Nobody is getting banned for comments here, and just so you know, since a lot of you don't seem to, any moderator can ban any member, doesn't matter where you post.

Erikson has disrupted the site for the LAST time.

Count on it.

Let me make this clear, since the bad boy brigade doesn't seem to get it, I will not allow trolling threads (the bible thread) or disrespecful little twits trying to be wise-guys.

Now I suppose a bunch of you will run to game cather for another thread on how I suck. :rolleyes:

That kid is trouble, and he is gone.

This is the same kind of lame-ass whining that caused complaint threads to be stopped for a bit, a poster gets banned, and we don't see people saying why, we see how "I have a big head and am out of control".

In other words, chilish personal attacks.

"Probably get banned for that, as soon as I post in OT. Who the hell cares, if you have a different viewpoint from him, you're banned. Its as simple as that."
A moronic statement, why would I ban you for that?
Many times people get nasty, like your assinie post, THAT's what gets them banned, not disagreeing with me.
This from someone who calls himself "god", little bit of a complex there, eh?

If it looks like I have contempt for some of you, you are surely correct, people with scrupples don't run to other boards to insult others, and I'm damn tired of this "I have a big head" bull, you children take all the joy out of CFC with your pettiness both for myself and all the other moderators.
You may get a charge out of people getting insulted and having hard feelings, but thank god people like you don't run the show, we would have about 5 posters, and those five would be you.

Erikson did exactly what he wanted, disrupted the board, becase a jack-ass with a grudge did his work for him, how typical.
I don't understand what everyone is moaning about. The rules to the site are quite clear, and even if you don't know them then basic common sense and politeness should give you excellent guidance on how to behave here. Alcibiates and Lefty are doing a great job and a necessary one. Would you really prefer it if the OT section was a free-for-all and anarchy reigned supreme? As veterans of this site, and of internet forums in general, then they are in the best position to judge what goes and what should be stamped out before it becomes the prevalent tone of posts there. I suggest that rather than whining about what you perceive as injustice then you should learn from the examples set and modify your posting habits accordingly.
Originally posted by Aoa
Scrimshaw (these two have commented on how they are friends in the past, and both have disagreed with me before, and we see them together here, what a coincedence.

I never said we were friends. If your memory serves you correctly(and it doesn't) I said we have debated in the past cause we tend to strongly disagree with one another. I'd say the one thing we can agree on is how we think of you. That's why my post was so short. Redwolf summed up my opinion nicely.

I can't even say nice try, because this is just a moronic personal attack, laughable in it's "fury".

Hey, I never meant to attack anyone. I took those comments out and apologized. They were only intended to make a little light of the situation. I realized they could be taken wrong and edited it. Calm down there.:rolleyes:

More to come but I gotta go to work. It's too early for thinkin' anyway.:sleep:
That's fine Scrimshaw, and I'm relativly calm about it, but I'm damn tired of all this backseat driving.

Some people act as if I don't consult them first I'm completely wrong, and believe me, I respond extremly poorly to threats, not saying you, more towards Red wolf.
The nerve, threatening the site, saying if things aern't done to suit him people will leave.
Such hubris is ridiculous, seeing as I have been moderator for a year now, and CFC has grown from a tiny community to a giant in the civ world.

Explain to everyone Red Wolfe, it's I'm such a Hitler, why do so many people step foward to defend me and my point of view?

Some of the other comments are just down right insulting, especially the phrase "abuse of power".
Try making the kind of comments you make at me at moderators on other boards, and see how fast you would be IP banned.
I never complain about all the petty personal attacks a lot of people lauch in their sigs, titles, and location fields at me.
That is both petty and childish, but do we ban you or threaten you for it?
We could easily, especially if I was the ogre such ill-informed mysenthropes often claim I am.

Saying I ban people I disagree with is just a personal insult, I have NEVER done that, I have banned people who were IMPOLITE or THREATENING to me, if you can't make that distiction, then moderation of a web site is the least of your worries.

I'm interested in bonified feedback, not another "beat on Alci's head because we have long standing gruges" thread.

This non-sense is a waste of time, anybody that pays attention knows that Hakan went from a nice kid to a little wise guy determined to cause as many problems as possible.

His last thread wasn't an attempt at discussion, it was a TROLL.
Is there ANYONE in our modern world that agrees with slavery?
He was going for the christians, making a biblical link, in another of his attempts to fire up peole and hurt them, the same way his Israel thread did.
This time I caught it before it happened, I could have let it run, and had a dozen complaints.
Not again.

And another matter.
Why do so many people think it's perfectly acceptable to threathen moderators, yet complain when the mod reacts?
Try that in your real world, see how far it goes.
I also don't appreciate this "he can't touch us here" bull.
If I was the banning nut many of you claim, you would be gone, the ban function is based on user name, not where you post.

In closing, all you do with this is antagonize me, and lower my opinion of some of you.
Do any of you think this is productive?
On the basis of that thread alone I thought the banning was out of order...

BUT within the context of Hakon recent "performances" it was obvious Hakon was dragging contention between himself and AoA into another thread. In a thread wishing BlueMonday a happy birthday he decided to bait AoA...if he had a problem with double-standards then TF is a mere e-mail away.

It isn't a is simply that a small number of people are rubbing the moderators up the wrong way. Indeed we have far too many posters who look at the rules and then try to push the boundaries.

Does civfanatics really need a rules section that covers all eventualities? Is this in keeping with how civfanatics has always been run...e.g by the disgression of mods and TF? I say NO! Keep the status quo!

P.S I'll probably get banned for this :p
Quit the whinin. Threaten to leave CFC but then you don't. If you do, it's for a week until you're back. If this is such a terrible place and AOA is such a meany, LEAVE. People should be banned and sometimes permanently. No suckup "I'm sorry" email to get them back. Good bye you're gone bans. Well, AOA, some comments about you I found kind of impressive...

has simply gone too far in his latest abuse of power...
he's been corrupted by the power of being a mod...
...since he is a power hungry maniac far with his power craze
most unpopular mod...

He he he... :goodjob: We like ya AOA and you do a good job. You know this already.

Kitten, nice postscript... ;)
I don´t care or want to comment on any of AoA´s actions, but I do have to answer to this remark! :mad:
Originally posted by Alcibiaties of Athenae
Now I suppose a bunch of you will run to game cather for another thread on how I suck. :rolleyes:
Again, I don´t care what you do here as a Mod, but LEAVE GAMECATCHER OUT OF THIS!

We have nothing to do with your problems with any posters and we are NOT a harbor for troublemakers or CFC-haters.

I don´t care what you personally think of Gamecatcher, but this does not give you the right to discredit it in public!
EVERY whining thread about any other forum are immediatly closed at GC. And of our now 130 members, only 2 or 3 have actually come only because they have problems with you or CFC. And they received their warning not to continue anything started here.
You may personally find our site childish, but believe me, how some things are handled here at CFC is much more childish. :o

I and every other GC member would prefer it if you would stop pulling GC into those topics here, just like we stop any pulling of CFC into topics at GC.
If you have any problems or critizism to make about GC, please do that over in our fora, not here. There is no need for you to try to convince anyone with your opinions about GC, let them have their own impressions, without your input.

Thank you.
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