Tonks: Tigers, Armatas, T-72 Alphabets

Which one of you tanknerds will be the first to name every tank in this video?

Well, I can name 5: Shermans, T-34s, Panzer IVs, Panzer Vs and Tigers.
add Merkava , M-1 , Leopard 2 , Centurion , Challenger , Leclerc , Kingtiger , M-3 , possibly T-44 , 54/55 or 62 , possibly 72 , Kv-1 series , WW I British stuff , Churchill . If Chieftain was in it would be in the divided screen thing at the Merkava part .

edit: Retract the 44 , they might be 34/85s . Also doubtful about the KVs , more 34/85s possible . The Merkava segment shows the monument at the Valley of Tears thing , so , that's a Centurion , too .
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