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Toukon Nes I : The Great War

My Field marshall is Douglas Haig i think he was a belgian, he pops up in all my internet searches, so Douglas Haig it is!
Texas Toast said:
My Field marshall is Douglas Haig i think he was a belgian, he pops up in all my internet searches, so Douglas Haig it is!
Haig was a moronic Brit general that incurred unusually high casualties in several assaults in Belgium. Oh, well.

Can I be Field Marshal Luigi Cadorna of Italy? Another idiot, maybe I can make him smart (no more Isonzo) :lol:
Dachspmg said:
Can I be Field Marshal Luigi Cadorna of Italy? Another idiot, maybe I can make him smart (no more Isonzo) :lol:

Well, i cant. Not until theres a commander in chief of all italian forces. You meant to be the commander in chief of italy?
Joining as General Douglas MacArthur of the United States Army, waiting and ready for assignment.
I wanna be a Field Marshal (EDIT: Of the UK)!
Actually, I want to be an Admiral...

Say.. Admiral John Aubrey. Hellfish? Can I handle the Navy? Pwease pwease pwease....
You know, this reminds me of Xen's failed idea with the entire Roman Empire thing. But I like this much better.
stalin006 said:
Well, i cant. Not until theres a commander in chief of all italian forces. You meant to be the commander in chief of italy?
Yeah, why not. Neutrality is actually pretty fun. Sign me up for Italy CinC.
Just went to stalin's suggested website, and the actual CIC of Ottomans was Enver Pasha, so I will be him! The other German guy was a field marshal.
Going to join as a field marshall in the USA as

Major General Leonard Wood, former CHief of Staff 1910-1914
come on guys, we have lots of nations w/out even a commander in chief. so those that havent joined please join as the major powers first (i am thinking ausria and mexico)
I'd like to be a British Field Marshall Edmund Allenby.

Or perhaps Admiral Jellicoe, Commander of the Grand Fleet.
OOC: ok guys, we need some people to play as centrals!.

Look at the USA!, we have an all star team of Generals in control. Jason, EQ and Warman. lol
Eh, doesn't matter. Send 'em into the Arabian Desert and I'll make quick work of each of them. ;)

EDIT: And Lawrence never had to face the likes of me. :p

And yes, to save space and avoid spam, I'll just edit this post to answer any responses to the above.
Lawrence of Arabia might wanna say something about that >_> <_<
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