Trade problem


Mar 13, 2003
I think I'm having a bit of a problem with trade. I'm wondering whether this is normal. My opponents have actually nothing to share with me. I have I think 16 opponents and no one has a trade embargo against me. I've got a few recources I would like to trade, but it's not really possible I guess....Is it normal that they've got nothing to trade, because some of the countries already got tanks they built on a oil stock, which is needed, but I can not see in the trade menu. I also got tanks, but now ran out of oil, so I could use some from the others, but none of the countries show a surplus of oil, but oil is not the only thing. They don't show a surplus of anything, they've got really nothing...Does anybody know more about this?
Assuming they have surplusses to trade, are you connected via road or harbor?
So there is no resources listed at all? Or is there a (0) after some of them (meaning they don't have any excess).

If they do have the tech for that resource, and have that resource, and you know for sure that you don't have any of that resource, then it should show up, but won't be able to trade it if it is their only resource.
If both you and them don't have (or you both do have) the resource it won't show up, since no trade is needed. Are you positive you have no oil resource anywhere?

It is also possible that every civ that did have an excess resource, traded it away to a civ that needed it.
Ok, so I am connected to them. But Bamspeedy, you're saying that if you both have the recource there's no use in trading.... Why not, I would always love to have more oil. Because I know it will be a problem in the future. It's better for me to buy it from them now, than having it against me in a few years transformed in to Stealth bombers or so.
jadazal, I think Bamspeedy meant for luxury resources - if you already have one you can't trade to acquire another.

Do you have a game save you can post?
More oil won't do you any good. You only need 1 at a time. Unless you are trading to get your current and might lose it. But you still get more than 1 by trade.
If they do have the tech for that resource, and have that resource, and you know for sure that you don't have any of that resource, then it should show up, but won't be able to trade it if it is their only resource.

It is possible to trade it; however, the AI will NEVER trade away their sole source of a resource.
Well its just the way the game is engineered. It's not as if you can buy 'stocks' of resources. You only gain the 'use' of that resources of a certain amount of time. Therefore that is only useful if you don't actually have the resource.

Now if you have no oil and you are connected to every civ via road, rail, air, water, etc. Then the only thing to be done is invading a country who DOES have oil and seizing it yourself.

How about you post a save game so we could have a look at it for you?
sorry, unfortunatly I can not post a save game because the pc I'm playing civ on has no connection to the internet:(. But thanks anyway, I think the problem is that I have the stuff and then you can not get more by trading, because you allready have I think my problem is solved....
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