Trouble merging mods


Aug 9, 2020
Hey guys, so I've been looking around the forums seeing what AoE/Rife/etc. mods i can use in AoE SVN, but I ran into a snag. I found a civ I'd like to add from a mod called From Ashes We Rise which seems to be based on the 14.11 stable version, unfortunately they didn't make it modular. I've managed to get the civ to show up in the Play Now section correctly, and I've been able to start a game with them, but the Civilopedia isn't wanting to cooperate. It will show them in the Civilizations section, but when I select them, I get a small amount of their information along with an unidentified C++ exception. , so I'm hoping it's an easy change I overlooked in transferring them over, but using FileLocatorPro and WinMerge haven't yielded a solution. Any insights on the error would be greatly appreciated.

did you manage to make your version modular ?
did you look at the maogata module (one of the rare "completly new civ" module) to see if you missed something ?

for me, you take the maogata module and replace all maogata art & text by the Gerudo. Then you'll have a Gerudo tribe with maogata traits effects and skills and units.
then you remove the maogata spells, buildings, and units xml and related python and replace them by the ones related to Gerudo.

it should work.
(but I while I modified heavily some modules, I never created my own module so I can't really help you more than with "theories")
That error indicates that one of the building of the civ has an issue with its xml or text. It can be a xml value using something not allowed, a text badly formatted ,...
It should be either the last building you see in the page, or the next one in the xml order of stuff.
Well I feel a fool, I forgot you can find an error by checking the last piece of code that works. After tearing out the new buildings from the bottom one up I found the problem was a missing art tag :cringe: And I never thought of using a premade modular civ as a pasting point, I'm definitely going to play around with that, thank you both for the aspirins!
On that note, welcome to the forum and the FFH modding community. It's always nice to see new people come in.
If it makes you feel any better last time I actually played a game of this, start to finish, is years ago.Half way through the game I'd just get that itch. This unit really needs a custom model. I'll just whip one up quickly. And, as Spongebob would say: Many Hours Later. Once you get into modding there is no turning back. :)
Anyone ever experience a problem of banners disappearing from the civilizations page of the pedia? I've been messing with adding mods, retroing updates and generally tweaking the FAWR 14.11 version, and with no mods the banners show up but when I add mods, even a few of the mods 14.11 comes with (lizardart affecting cualli and mazatl banners) some are gone. The mods don't alter the image directory or target so I don't understand where the issue is coming from. I don't think it's the main python files since I got the banners to show up without touching those. Anyone with a better understanding of how the civilopedia operates able to point me in the right direction?
a bit of a late answer, but the only thing i can think of is that the mods in question change the xml path to the various banners, causing the disappearance since the files themselves haven't moved.
I was hoping it'd be something simple or obvious like that but most mods cause it for at least one civ, without changing the banner codes. I'm afraid it's either a memory problem with too many mods reaching the limits or its a civilopedia order thing like when i tried to remove the spawngroup tab in 1.4 but just caused problems on the next one down. Ah well I'll slowly reimplement what I've done and keep an eye on them, thanks for the reply
Anyone know if it's possible to edit GameFont files modularly? I've tried including the new res folder in the mod but it doesn't get used
I don't think you can. I don't remember the specifics but IIRC game fonts are notorious hard to mod. What are you trying to do exactly?
I'm trying to add new resources in a mod but their images aren't showing up in descriptions, I suppose the images aren't necessary but it feels like it's missing something without them
Ok decided to include the new GameFonts in the mod with instructions to replace the original, no problem and its stable if the mod becomes inactive. Now I seem to be having trouble with the updates from 14.11 to r343 lol, the mod works on the old stable version but CTDs on starting a world in the SVN. I've replaced the schemas and checked for inconsistencies, and managed to get most of the mods I'm working on up to date, but can't nail this one
If I put this in a mod, isn't postCombatPlaneswalker defined?

def postCombatPlaneswalker(pCaster,pOpponent):
pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(pCaster.getOwner())
newUnit = pPlayer.initUnit(pCaster.getUnitType(), pCaster.getX(), pCaster.getY(), UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
for iProm in range(gc.getNumPromotionInfos()):
if (pCaster.isHasPromotion(iProm) and not gc.getPromotionInfo(iProm).isEquipment()):
iPromCount = pCaster.countHasPromotion(iProm)
for i in xrange(iPromCount):
newUnit.setHasPromotion(iProm, True)
newUnit.setHasPromotion(getInfoType('PROMOTION_ASTRAL_PLANE'), True)
newUnit.setHasPromotion(getInfoType('PROMOTION_PLANESWALKER'), False)
newUnit.setExperienceTimes100(caster.getExperienceTimes100(), -1)
newUnit.setDamage(95, -1)
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Ah, that's what I get for blindly copy/pasting. You're right, it worked if I put the code in SpellInterface, probably because i used the tag <PythonPostCombatLost> in the promotion. So how would I tag it for running a modular python script when a unit dies?
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