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Trying hard to NOT get currency free!


Jun 15, 2006
So here is my thought on the subject

currency isn't that hard to get to manually, and if you research it yourself you get a free caravan and a free market. (assuming you're first to the tech)

even if you miss those 2 benefits, hitting 250 right after getting currency by selling tech or whatever gets you banking for free.. a hell of a lot more beakers.

but is beakers now invested worth more beakers later? or is it better to just nab currency for free and worry about getting to banking when you get there?

note the romans and anyone with a builder really benefit from getting banking in this way since you can then get the trade fair up and running.

I've managed in multiplayer to have both the colossus and the trade fair in 2 different cities... devestating!

even if you miss those 2 benefits, hitting 250 right after getting currency by selling tech or whatever gets you banking for free.. a hell of a lot more beakers.
You have to build banks. Clearly you're not already loaded with gold or you'd already have passed 250, so is it such a help to "hurry up and get banking", really? --I don't know, it is kind of a rhetorical question. It seems getting banking for free is qualitatively better when viewed strictly from the beaker perspective, but I have to ask: how many turns before you even get your first bank up and running if you just got currency? This would tell me whether the strategy is generally sound.
Kinda o/t but recently I discovered currency (1st civ to do so) on the same turn that I got 250 gold.

My 250 gold gave me currency for "free," even though I just finished researching it, and I didn't get my free market/caravan. :mad:
If yo get currency first yo're also saving the hammers it would take to build the market or the gold it would take to buy it (assuming you have a mega gold city). You'll also get however many gold from the caravan. The game regards beakers and gold as the same value, so you're getting 180 (market, bought) + 50 (? caravan). I'm not sure how many beakers currency is. Then you have to see how much less gold you owuld have earned if you got currency for free. You'll ALSO have some money free to buy a bank.
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