TSG51 Opening Actions thread

@ Arilian. I chose peace and lasted the course. I wasn't last in score, but (unfortunately) neither was I first!

@Godotnut. I am no expert (I lost this game) but made a broadly similar start to you, although you managed to grab Petra! I would focus on city growth (build aqueducts rather than try to complete Tradition) to boost bpt, keep the AI warring with each other by bribery and steal as many technologies as you dare. Research Agreements have high yield on Deity so try for the Porcelain Tower and make sure to keep culture ticking over to get some high-end beaker-generating Social Policies (not so easy on Deity as cultural CS are grabbed by AI:- the Patronage policy that increases base influence is good here, but you may be too far into the game to divert for that). I would firmly commit to either Diplo or Science goals as soon as possible (doesn't sound like others are viable options). Very best of luck, sounds like you have a fighting chance with Petra.
@Half Nelson: Thanks for the tips. Decided to go for Space Race after all but will bail and go for Diplo if it seems more reasonable. I did manage to build the P Towers, but I didn't take your advice (actually read your post too late) and finished tradition for the aqueducts. So growth is slow. I'm in second to last in science. :confused: but catching up a bit now thanks to research agreements.

I'm still alive and still no war, but Isabella just went from friendly to denouncing me for no reason. I expect an attack soon. Trying to keep her at war, but not sure how long this will last. I have several crossbowman, but she is a monster.

I'm not real happy about how this is going, but I still have a chance. Maybe.
t94 - education

writing - mining - calendar - sailing - philosophy - civil service - education

god of the sea - tithe - swords into ...

2 x scout - granary - (buy and steal worker) - shrine - workboat - (buy 2 workboats) - library - walls- NC

did not build any wonders and went for 1 city NC, have now 3 cities, one on marble and one near truffles. you can call me mr. crabs.

survived first war with isabella with one wall and 3 archers. upgraded to CB and isabella is now coming for the second wave of burial.
t163 - scientific theory

isabella took one city and harun converted babylon to islam

still haven't been able to build a wonder, lost pisa at 1 turn

opened up rationalism, still hoping for a science victory with only two cities at 23 and 9
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