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Tyranid Hunters - DEBUG thread

A few points I've noticed, plus some suggestions:
-Barbarian names:”the friendly cherokee...”
-Tried to see the encyclopedia entry for “Imperium”, got “missing entry in scenarios\wh40k\pediaicons”:_LARGE”
- Heavy bolter: shield cost/defensive cost for IG 40/4, SM 30/4. I think it's a bit unbalanced. SMs should have a stronger defense (5?) but cost a lot more than the IG. Maybe drop the IG to 30 and raise the SM to 40-45.
-I have no name in game messages from advisors. Messages for me arrive as “[blank], the city of XXXX is on fire”.

Suggestion: almost all of the civs currently in 40k, apart from the Tau and Eldar, are dictatorships of some kind. As such, I think that all should be able to use up to 4 military units in city to raise happiness.
Oh, one other thing I forgot (which thankfully no-one has yet picked up on), which is that units with Stealth Attack can't yet (properly) stealth attack - this was done on purpose, so that it can be done in one foul swoop, as opposed to bit by bit (where forgetting to do this at some point may not be so easy to detect)

A few points I've noticed, plus some suggestions:
-Barbarian names:”the friendly cherokee...”
Yeah, barbarian names haven't been done yet; for a start, I don't yet know who the barbarians are! :)

-Tried to see the encyclopedia entry for “Imperium”, got “missing entry in scenarios\wh40k\pediaicons”:_LARGE”
I'm on it :thumbsup:

- Heavy bolter: shield cost/defensive cost for IG 40/4, SM 30/4. I think it's a bit unbalanced. SMs should have a stronger defense (5?) but cost a lot more than the IG. Maybe drop the IG to 30 and raise the SM to 40-45.
Don't worry about the costs too much, as they were just roughly made based on the stats. I fully agree with what you're saying, though!

-I have no name in game messages from advisors. Messages for me arrive as “[blank], the city of XXXX is on fire”.
I don't know what to say about this, as I only touched what the science adviser says about techs :hmm:

Suggestion: almost all of the civs currently in 40k, apart from the Tau and Eldar, are dictatorships of some kind. As such, I think that all should be able to use up to 4 military units in city to raise happiness.
Since there seems some kind of consensus with this, I'll implement that now!

Thanks for the testing, guys! :)

EDIT: I've given Orks and Chaos (who did have higher military police than the others) 5 MP instead of 4. What does everyone think of this? (To balance it out, perhaps later they can get some wonders which have the added side effect of making citizens in every city unhappy?)
Yeah, barbarian names haven't been done yet; for a start, I don't yet know who the barbarians are! :)

Local aboriginal populations taken over on landing. Need a suitable word to describe these (am not english-speaking national :undecide: )

EDIT: I've given Orks and Chaos (who did have higher military police than the others) 5 MP instead of 4. What does everyone think of this? (To balance it out, perhaps later they can get some wonders which have the added side effect of making citizens in every city unhappy?)

Sort of "Skull-throne-must-have-new-skulls" or "Mad Doc Clinix"?

Don't forget that imperial planets are under a law system that, amongst other things, considers hostages as acomplices or the criminals... humans have the Arbites, the IG, the Inquisition and the Church (and emperor knows what else) all putting them down... so you could maybe put less MPs in the imperium, but use more city improvements to keep them happy/quiet...
Yeah, barbarian names haven't been done yet; for a start, I don't yet know who the barbarians are! :)
May I suggest the Squats, just to tickle any oldies around?

Though tyranids or necrons are maybe more realistic alternatives...

Edit: Actually I think necrons would be the best choice, I can't see how a necron civ would work in the game, it's not as if they have any industry...
*Should the Ultramarines be able to build Thunderhawk right at the start or should that come with flight tech?

*No resources????

*I'd like to see Necron Barbs, seems best way to put them in the game.
*Should the Ultramarines be able to build Thunderhawk right at the start or should that come with flight tech?

That's an error... I'll correct that when I get home.
game crashes abt 30-50 turns into game due to:

1) missing mongolian horse archer2 (temp fixed by making own file)
2) missing zombiegun file
3) is it me or do sms still seem to be a bit underpowered probably shld strengthen there stats and up production costs.
May I suggest the Squats, just to tickle any oldies around?

Though tyranids or necrons are maybe more realistic alternatives...

Edit: Actually I think necrons would be the best choice, I can't see how a necron civ would work in the game, it's not as if they have any industry...

i havent seen squats before, but i presume they are like dwarves, in which case aaglo made a dwarf with a rifle for hikaro IIRC...

Navy Dawg made a hydralisk that looks like a ravener, and the Alien unit could be used as a general tyranid

looking through the new rulebook, the fluff about the necrons suggests they are much more organised than one might think:

"...a tomb world restored to full operation will have many hundreds of necron lords, each dedicated to a particular role. some are builders and shapers, responsible for the endless swarms of tomb spyders and scarabs that maintain the tombcomplex. others are programmed to unearth and awaken buried starships, defend the tomb world from interlopers or scour nearby planets for mineral resources..."

there is also fluff about the lords retaining their personalities and memories, which suggests to me that they are "human" enough to be a playable faction

not to mention i have a few necron models that i plan to make units out of. after i figure out how to make certain things glow...

on to bugs:
- i've found some spelling mistakes, but thats not a huge problem, and easily fixed
- the conscript isnt using the lasgun attack i made for it. intentional?

not really a bug, but i think that instead of the traitor, the LatD should get the chaos cultist as its starting unit. i think it fits in there better than the chaos marines to be honest. that way it'll be a conscript equivalent, making the traitor the guardsman equivalent at infantry, and move the mutant to tactics and the big mutant can replace the 'elite traitor'. elite traitor doesnt sound very good to me anyway. the only problem with this that i see is that most of the units at tactics are defensive units, like the heavy bolter squad and marine. can the mutant be a defensive unit, or at least have its defensive bolstered a little?
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