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UKNES3 Reloaded - Forged in the Flames of War...

lol. love the evolving rules.
i think the "no new units from barracks you're now building" rule is a good one. i was actualy surprised when your original rules were the other way.
i'm just glad i got my barracks built in time to come in under the rule change. lol.

did not realize that we could raize our own buildings before loosing the territories. though now that it's been used, it seems to make sense.
sort of puts a damper on conquest wars though. i dont quite get the "armies can leave after burning down the barracks" thing. seem like a good punishment for destroying infrustructure would be to lose the army doing it to the invaders, but i guess a "light it and run" rule makes sense too. you're creating a heavy money sink in the game though. a LOT of money is going to end up being spent on uncertain borders getting built up and raized all the time.


To Sweden
From Russia

Had you been a little more attentive, you would have realized that i showed my true colors in your war with britain LAST turn. I am just sad that, because of your army's cowardice, my army was unable to be of any use to the British.

Czar Roddy


To Papal States
From Russia

As a Christian nation we answer your call to us......
You got what you deserved. For a servant of god, and one who professes having a direct line to Our Lord, you sure are a power hungry devil. You invade a nation for no reason, and when you find out that the same was done to you, you call upon God's name to save you. What happened to "love thy neighbor" and "turn the other cheek"? And that's not even to mention "thou shalt not Kill".
Didnt we work out the evil anti Christian alliance that was formed in the Muslim world it was not without reason it was pre-emptive to protect Gods people.
To the Pope
From Austria

What you going to do? Accept the loss of your nothern provinces to the Hasburg Empire and we shall sign peace.

To France
From Austria

We would still like to sign an alliancE?
To Austria
From Pope:
Go to the damnation promised for you in case you hadnt noticed i can and will ahe more forces on my border then you will have on the land you stole. So as our Capital is under little threat you can give us back our lands and then there will be peace until then go sin some more.
i have a rules question.
this situation expalins the question best so:
if right now, Egypt sais:
both ships in M are to land their armies on 27.
and Italy sais:
Ship in M is to defend shores against landings (even though this is prety automatic i assume).

so then the egyptian ships have t ofight through the italian ship to get to be able to land their armies, right?
and if the italian ship rolls a hit on the egyptians (as its getting killed itself).
now which of the egyptians ships will sink?
will it be the one with 1 army? the one with 2 armies?
or is it randomly determined?

if an attacker has one ship with 4 armies and a couple "escort" ships, how does he go about making sure that its the empty escorts that are sunk by defenders first, and not the loaded ship?
In a sea battle, the first fleets to sink are the empty ones, then the ones with the least armies on them, through to finally the heaviest loaded ones.

Finally, if a battle has more than one nation involved that aren't allies - ie; three nations or more fighting each other, rather than two allies against one enemy, then the units roll to stay alive rather than to kill.

Oh and if allies are fighting an enemy together, the losses are divided equally, the first loss being taken by the ally with the most forces involved.

cool. that answers the question the "good" way, and clears up a question i'd probably have ended up having in a turn or two. ;)
Orders tommorrow.
so i could assume that you have most of the orders already, and ask when the update is, but that would probably be optimistic to the point of foolishness.
so just consider this a bump to maybe remind some people that this game is waiting for their orders
Update sometime tomorrow regardless of orders now - don't blame me if the update screws your nation!

Got seven orders.


Update will be this afternoon - just off to the barber's first lol.

cant wait.... :D

sorry, i know this is basicaly spam. but i was so exceted at seeing that you posted again, was hoping it was the update......
so did you get everyone's orders in the end?
UKNES End Turn 7 Update - "The Sun Sets..."

Hundreds of thousands of men are taking part in massive battles where many are killed or horrifically wounded - battles that will decide the fate of Europe. The great powers are struggling for supremacy - at the cost of their people...


Britain lands in Swedish Norway (68)!

Four British armies invaded Norway (68) - some by amphibious invasion. They found the three army Swedish garrison had been reinforced by two Swedish armies from Stockholm (69).

The battle was very one sided - the Swedish caught the British on their landing, and the land invasion was stopped in the north quickly. The British lost all four armies in the first engagements, only managing to inflict two army's losses on the Swedish.

(Four British Armies lost, Two Swedish Armies lost, Norway (68) remains Swedish)

Sweden invades British North Sweden (67)!

Sweden sent an army to probe British North Sweden (67), and captured it easily.

(No armies lost, North Sweden (67) captured by Sweden)

Britain invades Swedish Finland (65)!

The British sent an army into Swedish Finland (65) to find it deserted.

(No armies lost, Finland (65) captured by Britain)

Prussian Denmark (38) invaded by Russia!

Two Russian armies landed in Prussian Denmark from British fleets. They quickly overwhelmed the single Prussian army that was unprepared for such an onslaught.

(One Prussian Army lost, Denmark (38) captured by Russia)

France invades the Prussian Rhineland (36)!

France again sent four armies to capture the Prussian Rhineland, which was reinforced with four newly conscripted armies. The first clash of these titans resulted in the loss or injury of half of each force.

This trend continued in the second battle, until finally just one army on each side was left. The French finally defeated the exhausted Prussians, and captured the Rhineland.

(Three French Armies lost, Four Prussian Armies lost, Rhineland (36) captured by France)

France invades the Prussian capital, Berlin (37)!

Two French armies moved to invade the Prussian capital, Berlin, which was defended by one Prussian army. The Prussians bravely defended the capital, but eventually succumbed to superior French numbers.

(One French Army lost, One Prussian Army lost, Berlin (37) captured by France)

Russia invades Prussian East Prussia (58)!

Russia invaded East Prussia once more with four armies against one Prussian defender. The Prussians vainly fought to the death. Combined with the loss of Berlin, Denmark and the Rhineland, this was the final death blow to the great power of Prussia. Maybe the loss of one great power will cause a moment of reflection by the other great powers...

(One Russian Army lost, One Prussian Army lost, East Prussia (58) captured by Russia)

Austria invades Rome (30) and the Vatican City, heart of the Papal States!

Three Austrian armies marched on Rome (30), and within it, the Vatican City, seat of the Pope himself. Three Papal armies were tasked with defending the city.

Both sides lost an army as the Austrians broke through the walls, and the fighting moved street to street. The Papal troops fought them in St. Peter's Square, and lost one army in a rearguard action to allow the Pope to escape via the underground route to the Castle of the Holy Angel.

Finally the Austrians broke into the Vatican City, and the final Papal army was defeated, taking an Austrian army with it. The Pope remains trapped in the Castle of the Holy Angel, which with its formidable fortifications is almost impenetrable. However, he probably will be forced to surrender from hunger soon...

(Two Austrian Armies lost, Three Papal Armies lost, Rome (30) captured by Austria)

Papal troops move to invade the Libyan capital (24)!

Three Papal armies were met by four Libyan armies in their capital (24). The Libyan troops dealt an overwhelming blow to the Papal troops with a flanking move, and completely routed the Italians.

(Three Papal Armies lost, Libyan capital (24) remains Libyan)

Turkey invades Egyptian Palestine (84)!

Four Turkish armies invaded Palestine (84) expecting to find only two armies. They instead found four Egyptian armies - Egypt having reinforced her defences using two armies that were onboard the naval task force ready to deploy to such situations.

However, the extra armies made little difference - the Egyptians were beaten back, and lost badly. The Turkish lost half their force.

(Two Turkish Armies lost, Four Egyptian Armies lost, Palestine (84) captured by Turkey)



One great power fallen, and another possibly on its way. The dice rolls really didn't go Prussia or Italy's way this turn, especially in North Africa for Italy!

PMs will be sent with your gold to spend very soon, got a mail merge that makes it easy now. Then gonna update front page.

Blackheart, don't be down about Prussia being defeated, Finmaster has quit as Libya, so I'll PM you their gold to spend so you can consider becoming them...

Front page updated massively - you can now use it as your main reference for this NES - it has links to all the updates, all the maps, the latest post and just click on the name of a player to send a PM to them from the front page.

PMs being sent now, should take a few minutes.

um. got my pm with the gold to spend, its wrong. i dont know if it was human error (ie yours) or something wrong with your mail merge automation thingy.
anyway, sent you a pm with what's wrong with it.
not sure why i want to be poorer then you think i am :lol: , but just want to make sure that your system works right.
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