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UKNES3 Reloaded - Forged in the Flames of War...

i sent orders right?
emu said:
i sent orders right?
if you have to ask you proly havent.
besides wouldnt you have a copy in your Sent folder if you had sent em?
turns out i did send em, i hope your moving your armies out of you know where otherwise i'll waste an army
Yeah emu you sent orders. Got seven orders, and once conehead sends his I'll have eight, which for me is enough to update tonight or tomorrow morning depending on how early I go out...

yay. so its like 2 am uk's time now so unlikely he'll do update now, but his morning is 5 hours earlier then mine, which means that when i wake up, the update should be waiting for me. yay!
so glad i have to miss the first half of the workday tomorow to go sign my new lease!
PS i feel like a kid on christmas eve. knowing that santa will come during the night and leave me a great present. :) :xmas:
Right, got nine orders in, only Jason the King and EnglishPunk missing. I'll be doing the update tonight - to be honest with the wars going off at the moment I want those orders in if I can.

If not, I'll have to update tonight, and just try and do my best for those two...

Jason The King said:
Mine missing?! I was almost sure i sent them. ill send them in a bit. *runs from roddy*
you'd better run...... but only after you send your orders. lol :lol:

edit: oh, by the way, what does PFN or P+N on your avatar mean?
lol are you sending orders Jason? Already realised I'm going to have to do orders for EnglishPunk, but hoping I don't have to do them for you too lol!

alright now UK, i know you're around. and i know you're hiding. just finish the update and all will be forgiven...... ;)

edit in reply to the "update" posted below:
now you're just being mean. post some bad stuff that happen to me and then let me sit on eggshells waiting for the other shoe to drop in some uncertain future "morning" (i've heard that before) :lol:
End of Turn 8 Update - "The Titans Clash"


France and Russia agreed to swap Denmark(38) for Berlin(37).


Britain and Russia invade Swedish Norway (68)![/b]

Four British armies from the sea and one Russian army invaded Swedish-occupied Norway (68). It was defended by five Swedish armies. In the first exchange, two British armies, two Swedish armies and the Russians all were casualties. Then both sides lost another army in a titanic clash near the capital. Finally, each side's last army fought each other over three battles, the final being the decisive one, in which both were wiped out.

(Four British Armies lost, One Russian Army lost, Five Swedish Armies lost, Norway (68) remains Swedish)

Britain and Sweden clash on the border between Swedish North Sweden (67) and British Finland (65)!

The British and Swedish clashed on this border, with the Swedish finally winning the decisive edge.

(One British Army lost, Swedish go on to invade British Finland (65), Finland (65) captured by Sweden)

Russia invades Austrian Bavaria (39)!

A massive Russian force of four armies invaded Austrian Bavaria (39) from two different borders. Two Austrian armies gave a stubborn defence, but finally fell to the superior numbers, taking one Russian army with them.

(One Russian Army lost, Two Swedish Armies lost, Bavaria (39) captured by Russia)

Russia swoops in to Austrian Slovakia (56)!

Russia sent four armies to reclaim Slovakia (56) from Austria, captured during by the Austrians from the Russians during the Prussian War. The battle was complete bloodshed, every army making an impact, which left one Russian army and the single Austrian army wounded.

(One Russian Army lost, One Austrian Army lost, Slovakia (56) captured by Russia)

Austria invades the Papal State's Bari (29)!

Austria sent three armies to invade Bari (29), one of the Papal States, to discover the single Papal Army had retreated to Naples (28).

(No armies lost, Bari (29) captured by Austria)

Morocco invades Spanish Portugal (17)!

While the main Moroccan invasion fleet concentrated on the eastern seaboard, two fleets with an army each onboard sailed around Gibraltar to Portugal, and landed. There was no resistance the locals could put up to such a force without a Spanish army in the area.

(No armies lost, Portugal (17) captured by Morocco)

Morocco invades Spanish Valencia (45)!

The main Moroccon invasion force landed in Valencia (45), taking two Spanish armies by surprise. The four Moroccan armies inflicted many losses, but the Spanish armies rallied at Valencia itself. Inspired by the history of the town, home of El Cid, the famous Spanish conqueror of the Moors, the Spanish dug deep and made the Moroccans pay for every inch of Valencia.

(Two Moroccan Armies lost, Two Spanish Armies lost, Valencia (45) captured by Morocco)


Money to Spend and Front Page

PMs with money to spend will be sent out within the hour - doing a self-audit to double check everything first lol. The front page is going to be updated immediately however.

Cheers and good luck all!

There we go, first page updated and made a lot easier to read - all my changes I made before are still in place, just now a lot easier to use. You can go to the latest post just by clicking the link at the top of the first post, PM people by simply clicking their name in the list of players, which will open in a new window, send orders by clicking the second link on the post, just below the latest post link, and you can also view past updates and maps quickly and easily by clicking their links below the relevant section.

PMs are going to be sent out very soon, just doing a quick audit first.

PMs sent and audit done, so there's no mistakes in the PMs unless there's a mistake on the map, which Roddy will spot lol.

But seriously, I've checked it all out and we're 100% correct I'm sure!

To Austria (and anyone else who wants to know why i attacked Austria)
From Russia

You may wonder why Russia attacked you. Well, it was to pay you back for your "help" in my war with Prussia. During my war with Prussia we came to deal that if you help me in the war on Prussia, then i would hand over control of Territory 56 to you. And I assume you think you held true to that agreement. But here are the REAL effects of your joining the war:
first turn of your involvement:
First thing you do is take my province. (costing me 1 gold/turn, and getting 1 less upkeep free army a turn).
then next turn:
in territory 34, no effect at all "but the Austrian army wisely decided to withdraw rather than face the four French armies in battle for ownership"
and "(No armies lost, 39 captured by Austria)" you took one Prussian territory (doing same damage to him as to me, but one turn later)
and the turn after that you forgot about the Prussian war:
and went after italy.

in the end you did the same damage to both Russia and Prussia (took one province without killing any armies) but you did it to me one turn earlier thereby costing me one gold more then Prussia.
so much for "help".
In summary, what you did was see an oportunity to attack two warring nations while neither had the capacity to strike back at you. Then you saw a better oportunity in Italy and went for it.

Now i have taken back that which you unfairly gained from the Russian/Prussian war. I have taken back the province you took from me. And i have taken the province you took from Prussia while they sent all their armies to fight Russia and France as compensation for the monetary loss you wrought on me, and because i feel that since France and Russia defeated Prussia, it should be our two nations that control formely Prussian lands, not an oportunistic Austria.

What happens next depends on your reaction. I await your response and proposals.

Czar Roddy of the Russian Empire.
3 days with no posts, and this is just after the update. hope everyone's just quietly sending orders. ;)
just sent mine. when's the update? :)
i havent sent orders yet but i have a question ,can you dispand armies?
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